/balt/ - good morning edition

Labas rytas, štai ir aš

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>think about making balt
>check catalog
>it's been made
You're a good lad OP.
Now that all the holidays have passed, all the relatives fucked off, and people are no longer expecting me to come to hang out, I'm looking forward to this evening of solitary drinking and PoE2. Four more hours until work ends.
>still thinking about her tho


How do you write good morning in the balts

A grill I talked to during a new years party. Second time I met her. Basically she told me she has a huge crush on me. I kind of have a crush on her. We're both in relationships with other people. It's all very tragic.

”Labas rytas" mon ami français

I just woke up lads.
Labas rytas, štai ir aš.

you're the guy who hided out upstairs?

why don't you fix your sleep schedule?

It was a joke, I just went for a piss.