are you actually racist in anyway. and if so, against who and why
Are you actually racist in anyway. and if so, against who and why
i hate white people, but i cant be racist since i have a white bf
Jamaican-Canadian here, I am pretty prejudiced against pajeets, The patois slur for them is "coolie" (because of their history of laboring). My dad and I both, because they are under handed and are often brown nosing informants who fuck people over.
I was racist untill i saw Ricardo Milos. He changed my life and now i dont even hate blacks and latinos.
Ricardo is a brazilian mutt
Probably, yeah. I acknowledge there are differences between races, and I really dislike sandnogs after having lived bext to them for a couple of years.
I hate Muslims and anything that comes from Africa, especially Moroccans and refugees.
Don't care about asians, latinos or blacks that aren't from Africa desu.
yeah black and latino thats what he said
Not at all
But fuck my stinky indian neighbours who decide to light incense and ring bells at 7am
Fuuuuuuuuuuck them so hard, and then they keep having family over so these fucktards park in my area
Fuuuuuccckk niggers (indians)
I could say that I hate shitskins, niggers or jews, but it's not really true. I hate fuckers, no matter the race.
you're a moron if you think mutts are black. Come to australia if you want to see actual black refugees from sudan
brazilians are fucking blacktino mutts what more do you want
Mutts are mutts, my man. They don't have black or white skin. Just call them brown
Sort of racist against Indians, but not really.
I am racist against literally everybody. Every race has horrible drawbacks. The darker you are the less I like you though.
oh and russians
I don't like russians
>The darker you are the less I like you though.
There it is. Wannabe-white slavs, everyone.
im racist against koreans
>let me tell you what parts of the world are white
I'm cool with everyone apart from the Sudanese and Afghans.
Anybody who's had experience with these subhumans knows what I'm talking about. The reason their countries are so fucked up isn't because of civil war or other bullshit but karma.
They are literally feral.
I hate niggers.
Why?What kidnd of question is that.Because they're fucking niggers,I don't need a reason!
fuck you
Yea, jews and gypsies
I hate russians. It's probably because of the iron curtain and shit but still, I fucking hate most russians
I hate gypsies
yes I hate niggers, they are genetically prone to violence and lower IQs because evolutionary pressures selected genes that predominately made them excel in athletics.
I hate swedes,americans and the Chinese
but thats just the natural european reaction
I'm more of a practical racist than an ideological one
I get my hands out of my pockets and stop the music in my ear if it's dark and I walk around gypsies.
Arabs keep to themselves here, and just want to sell their drugs and dönners, don't mind them
Blacks are few and usually tourists or students who don't cause trouble, don't mind them
Loathe chinks tho, can't help it after all the (selection biased, but still) webms I saw
'ate pajeets
not racist just dont like 'em. simple as
>blacks that aren't from Africa desu.
They all come from Africa, dont tell me you fell for the African-american/African-european meme
I actually heavily dislike chinese gooks cunts
Atleast Indians, Africans, Slavs and Jews have some individualism.
Yellow ching chong are emotionless and literal subhuman. Japs & Koreans are OK tho.
Really do think the world would be a better place without blacks.
Almost every interaction I have with 'people of colour' reinforces stereotypes and my prejudices so I'm becoming increasingly racist. Can anyone relate?
Arabs are only lying back because they know hungarians are THIS close to scalping all foreigners for Tengri if they act up. Compare it to stuff in western Europe.
Its culture for me.
I unironically hate every ethnicity save for SE Asians, Brits and French girls
Probably more like because they are a very small minority