Do you dip your bread in olive oil?

Do you dip your bread in olive oil?

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How do I tell the difference between Calabrians and Sicilians?

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sicilians are white, calabrians aren't

I only eat raw onions for breakfast. Maybe when I also want a particulary great culinary experience I will deink a glass of olive oil too. Thanks Italy

Sicilian will only try to murder you after offering you a huge meal. To calabrians, you are the meal.

Yes. With ground garlic. Smells like ass, but tastes so good...

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Fish oil does all that and more, due to higher concentrations of said fatty acids. Take a couple of fish oil caps and avoid something as nasty as olive oil on bread.

>Olive oil
>In a smoothie
What the fucking fuck
Has this nigger tried, you know, cooking with it? Adding it to pasta or salad dishes?

I have an insane olive oil addiction.
I consume like 1L of olive oil per week.

No. Also, my testosterone levels are normal. I'm not sure how it exactly works but I don't want to risk my hair, I'm not balding in 28.

>adding oil into pasta
t. never cooked in his life


Why do people think garlic smells bad? I’ve never had any issues with it.
Dunno about smoothies but olive oil with ice cream/gelato is the best thing in the world.

If they eat 'nduja, they're Calabrians.

I don't need the extra testosterone

All Southern italians are lazy cannoli sucking niggers

Because it's a pungent sulfuric stench. Try making out with someone who has just eaten garlic, without having eaten it yourself.
I too like the taste and smell of it in my food, but not when I'm tonguing some thots nostrils.

>Why do people think garlic smells bad?
They are probably vampires.


I have olive oil on a lot of food. It's especially great in salads. I buy the best olive oil I can find, look for good signs like "cold pressed", acidity level below .8%, and supposedly real good olive oil stings just a tiny bit in the back of the throat if you taste it all by itself. I always ask people to bring home some local olive oil when they're in the Mediterranean (Norwegians usually go to Spain and Greece).

"Extra virgin" on the bottle alone doesn't mean dick around here in Northern Europe apparently. I've heard they sell mediocre olive oil here because they can, but I most definitely taste the difference.

>fat increases your test, gets you laid and builds your muscles, goy
>*paid for by the oil industry

>extra virgin
>increases testosterone
yeah right

Also maybe pay attention to how often something is advertised.
With something genuinely healthy like Broccoli the product just speaks for itself. Unhealthy garbage food on the other hand needs relentless shilling.

Is that why they always tell kids to eat their broccoli in the media(movies, series...)

It's all a big farma conspiracy.

Doesn't happen here. AMA (the lobbyist organization for agriculture) tells kids to eat meat, fish, milk, eggs, cheese. Vegetables are only kept as an abstract concept, the word "broccoli" is never uttered.

I see zero shilling of olive oil here. I looked it up myself.

>my daily smoothie

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It doesnt have to be false advertisement to qualify as shilling. Olive oil may help with testosterone, but if you eat too much oily food that's also gonna backfire on you

I don’t give a shit about health benefits, but olive oil is the second tastiest fat after butter

Olive oil isn't bad like the other types of oil

You can also lie scientifically and let the normies turn it into advertising-memes. For example:
>conduct study
>reference group eats normal food
>egg group eats a low fat diet and eggs
>result: lower hdl and ldl in egg group
>* funded by the egg industry

>Normies: Eggs decrease cholesterol!

Many such cases, sad.

This is also a common strategy.
>olive oil is slightly better than lard in terms of CVD
>lard is better than other plant oils in terms of CVD
>conveniently ignored: no added oil or fat is vastly better in terms of CVD
>Normies: Lard is healthy, olive oil is healthy.

>>conveniently ignored: no added oil or fat is vastly better in terms of CVD
No one is ignoring this fact, but it just so happens that a LOT of recipes require some sort of oil, choosing the most healthy kind of oil only makes sense.
>inb4 "Just stop eating any sort of food that needs oil"

That wasn't my point, I'm just saying it is wrong to construct a "fat is healthy and eating a lot of it improves your health" argument out of the study results.

>olive oil gives you high T
no wonder Meds are so much manlier than n*rdoids

>tfw my total testosterone came back at 27 nmoL/L
>I eat a spoon of organic olive oil every day before bed
thank you based meds for this glorious beard

sorry we don't have bread so often

Chop the onions and mix them with vinegar and olive oil.
Apply bread!

Anyway, don't overdo it in the North.
Supplement your meals but eat your local stuff primarilly.

if I dip my dick in extra virgin olive oil would it still be a virgin?

yes you would still be a virgin

Actually tried that few days ago by replacing the butter on a rye bread. Surprisingly good

...according to a study made on rats!

Also the newer one with 60 moroccan men is misleading since the control group is using butter which due to Africa and dairy products can cause problems to the glands if you're lactose intolerant.

Yes I do

Are there ""people"" who don't season salad with olive oil and vinegar?


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