Why can't they just get along

Why can't they just get along

Attached: Turkey_greece.svg_495709286.png (940x477, 68K)

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then Greece would have to admit they're just bad Turkey

then Turkey would have to admit they genocided Greeks

>turkeys population 80 million
>turkish city ISTANBUL's population:15 million
>gayREKTcee entire population: 10 million
>w-why wont they get along

why wont gayREKTs suck REİS's cock so the turks won't do pic related again to greeks??


Attached: 1544215673585.png (423x597, 339K)

>15 million
wtf? i thought there were only a few million

that's sick and amazing

Saint Petersburg's population is bigger than entire Finland.
Moscow's population is bigger than entire Sweden.

Attached: tr.jpg (1130x1600, 194K)

because greece is so small
if they become friend
greece will be eaten by turkey

Nobody cares about greeks but greeks are obsessed with us

>>turkeys population 80 million
that's not turks, but the whole country
turks are eaten alive by kurds like eastern europe by gypsies
soon turkey will be kurdistan and gypsies will take over hungary, romania, serbia and slovakia

there are only 10 mil k*rds

rest are turks