proper thread edition.
/v4/ + friends
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hello good morning
Fuck fridayl
please, post in the true right thread
jannies already made sure only the right thread is up
So jannies actually do their job?
been to Erdély for the first time
the memes are real
every person who spoke Romanian looked like a cigán
it's uncanny
also, their language sounds like Turkish
meanwhile the Székelys are like normal huns, they just use desu a lot
this is true right thread.
Blessing this thread to confirm
what happened to the fat magician girl?
ottoni ate her
sounds plausible
>fat magician girl
idk who you mean. I only posted pic related thicc magician girl
Good evening friends
Do you smoke cigarettes, and if so, what brand?
I'm smoking my first pack of Peter Stuyvesant Gold's ever rn that i bought in Nouméa, kinda meh desu
no, my body is a temple
>posted while sipping on Monster
blue Gauloises and red Lucky Strikes
after like eight years of light smoking i recently started coughing up phlegm, so i guess it's time to put it down
Original flavour? :^)
Lucky strikes are another one ive never had
phlegm doesnt sound ideal though, might avoid that t b h
no, never liked the taste
cigars are ebin otoh, but I'm 2scared2 smoke them regularly even with all the "bruh, they're about as harmful as a pint of beer" redpills
gob damngit now i want a cigar
even if it does fugck me up in the mouth department
You seem already pretty fucked up in the head department so it's not really a big deal
thats not very nice at all, i thought we were pals
pic not related
i just finished rewatching entire game of thrones and finally noticed the decrease in quality after season 4 when they were running out of book material
some characters and their plots are ridiculous, especially Euron Greyjoy, Littlefinger and Varys
who the fuck is writing this shit
I used to smoke Dunhills but they are breddy expensive so I switched to Camel Blue or Camel yellow for rolling about a year and a half ago
I wan't a cigarette too, didn't smoke one since 21st of December
GOT always sucked you were just too busy fapping to notice it
>at new job
>finally get to talk on phone
>ring up 10 people
>5 don't answer
>5 tell me to go fuck myself
lmao, this will be a fun job
I smoke a pack of Marlboro Gold like once per month or so
felling for the cigs jew is hillarious
>the box explictly states smoking it will give you cancer
>fucking thing is pretty expensive too
>lol gonna smoke it anyway XD
>le fapping to GoT meme haha :-) omg bare tits how exciting! i need to "le fap" hahah
shut the fuck up normie
if you are getting aroused by people pretending to have sex in movies you should unironically kill yourself
>call center job
Have fun with alcoholism
are you that user offering investment over phone?
if yes, get used to fuck off a lot
Why are Poles so subhuman? Why don't understand that they should willingly kill themselves and give back Germany the land they stole from them?
It ain't a call center buddy
*to be told to fuck off
I actually dig it
the manager is told us that if someone tells us to fuck off, we should tell them the same
So i insulted like 3 people over phone today and we all laughed about it
why hungarians pretend to be europeans despite not even being related to rest of us and being turk rape babies?
Subhuman capitalist pig.
I am glad I am not related to the people of Stalin. Indo-Niggers should get their stuff pack it up and go back to Anatolia. So Finno-ugrics and Basques could finally enjoy our lands.
yeah that sounds like a really professional company user
>the manager is told us that if someone tells us to fuck off, we should tell them the same
the fuck kind of call center is this lmao slavshit
the one where you can make 100k czk in a month
and how much is that in real money? Around 50 dollars?
lmao jealous poorfags
I make more than that as a base and not some “bonus” you’ll never see, and I don’t have to compromise my dignity by trying to scam random people over the phone
>I-I can make 100K a month, at least they told me
the important word in that sentence is can
and from the looks of it, you won't make shit lmao
where do you work at?
Programmer for a Swedish telecom company
sounds comfy but get back to work you fucking slav(e)
I already did my work for today by 12, I spend rest of the time shitposting
Found and bought 2 pairs of pants, 1 black dress other normal grey :)
God bless Brno
anyone here wanna marry me?
why you bought a dress you faggot lmao
What store?
Indeed r*mani(ans) are the worst of the ind*niggers and need to die
me in the middle
Many gypsies live in the Hungarian area and are probably former slaves of the Hungarian ruling elite. If you could assert the gypsies to a nationality in the area (protip: it would be wrong) then they are Hungarians.
Romanian (kingdom) gypsies are related to the Bulgaria's and Serbia's, while Transylvania's are closer to the slovakians.
I live in Moldavia and non-gypsies here either look balkan or hohol.
Thanks for visiting Romania and chipping in, I doubt this money will be channeled to the refurbishing of the commieblocks in the outer Carpathian areas. Unless you fly to Bucharest or Iași don't you ever visit any outer Carpathian shithole, it's like Siberia with warmer winters. Stalker industry everywhere, squatting gypsies 5 metres away from the railway. They don't mind the rattling, they just want somewhere to build their ramshackle hut.
Urban Romania is a shithole. Everything besides some Transylvanian cities and these two aforementioned are backwater shitholes dwindling day after day. And all of this not because of some made-up genetical difference but because Kadar was notches above Ceau.
Vietnamese stand
that is the lowest quality you can get
it will fall apart in a few months
also be sure to wash it before wearing or you can get some pretty bad rash
help translate my bad czech
"you can hire me"
můžeš mne najmout ??
>former slaves of the Hungarian ruling elite
oh no no
except most gypsies in the carpathian basin are due to h*bsburg importations and right givings
>100k czk a month
>by calling people idiots on the phone
nigga, this is so weak baito I ain't giving you any yous
Najmout is something short range, like hire me for weekend, prijmout is hire me for long term
>does telemarketing
>thinks he will get 100k czk for it
You are like retards falling for OVB lol
Someone play Fortnite with me. We can play it ironically haha
I would rather deepthroat a cactus than play fortnite
living with drunkard is hell. I cant go on anymore
Asalamaleikum. Allah will rule over easter europe
it looks fun desu
my dad.
Move out
I cant. no income right now. most money I got I gave them since I owe them for taking care of me or sumthing
>money I got I gave them since I owe them for taking care of me
it wasnt this bad before.
Marlboro fuse beyond, ice blast or just green, love me some stubbies with a pack o' menthols
where is argie. I want to show her burger
Pic Gypsies in Romania
You aren't included
>>(Gypsies) first appeared in Hungary in the 14th and 15th
>>Gypsy groups were even granted privileges, first under King Sigismund(1387-1437) and King Matthias(1458-1490), right up to the beginning of the 18th century.
>>Maria Theresa enacted a decree prohibiting the use of the name "Gypsy" and requiring the terms "new peasant" and "new Hungarian" to be used instead.
>>She placed restrictions on Gypsy marriages,ordered gypsy children to be taken away from Gypsies, so that they could be raised in hungarian "burgeouis" or "peasant" families.
>> Joseph II prohibited use of the Gypsy language in 1783.
>Gypsy population end up assimilating in Hungarian society, in 19th century
>new wave of Gypsy immigration in the second half of the 19th century
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Budapest, 2004
here :3
Don't my that retard. Bydlos here always say 'that's the Habsburgs fault'.
show us your burger already, trami
I will come get it in like an hour :3
alri, I'll be waiting :3
I wish
Just like your womb
but why
my womb is just empty, not ded
going for burger now :3
Hope that they are not sold out
besides she can have kids even in her forties. In Czechia we have good clinics helping with that
you have to bring her to Kekia first
>non-gypsies here either look balkan
are Gypsies and Balkanites different to you?
>you can make 100k
if you honestly believe that, then you are even dumber than the people who fall for whatever pyramid you are supposed to be shilling
The chance of your kid being rarted or misscarriaged grows exponentialy as you get older. It's not recommended to have babies after 35 for women
Whatever lives in Bulgaria and Romania is the ugliest race in the world.
They all are short, stumpy, swarthy and greesy.
Being a Pole sucks, but at least we look somewhat white.
anyone wants to play chess?
>not recommended
it's considered "high risk" but not necessarily means its going to end in miscarriage or retardation, the chance of any of that increasses a lot after 40s tho
My great grandmother had 21 kids, the last of them at 56 and he was normal
Even with other woman eggs?
Besides its Argie. Her kids would be retarded either way :^)
Getting my burger NOW
Woah that was a low blow, and very rich comming from you trami :D