canada usa mexico
Other urls found in this thread:
bundas cult
fuck bros what should i name my google account
the absolute state of /cum/
dead general
also where's the previous thread link you fucking canadian nigger
>previous thread link
holy fucking reddit
no, dad, what about you
fuck you
goth mood
i think victoria justice has a 10/10 perfect body desu, i want it
For me it’s give the man some fucking ass bitch
Daily reminder that girls with a Y in their name are sluts, thots, hoes or white trash.
Yeah I like her, she is qt
girls are sluts, thots, hoes or trash
I hate reading an article like this
I’d fart on her clit with my dick if you knowmsayin
very good WEBM
recommended watch
i don't know what you are saying though
very good webm also
Had the GF look for large condoms in Taiwan because 52mm standard sized ones are too tight for my chode. (girth matters)
one of the rare white girls I'm down for
Back in Boston, guys
my penis is normal size so Asian condoms are OK
I did bring some American condoms to China before and gave them away when I left to my ex gf's cousin and her bf
They had to throw them away because the condoms kept falling off his crooked chinese pecker
>mfw in 5 years, people who were babies when Katrina hit will soon shitpost with us on Jow Forums
good morning
tfw no gf to call dumb lovey dovey names
do you pretend to be here in 5 years?
chica descalza
we've been here the past 15
5 more won't matter much
In 9 Months, it will officialy be my 5 Anniversary posting here
gonna be a naughty boy tonight and buy some sweets later
oh god, i'll kill myself if i'm still here in 2024
Tfw no gf
i don't know this feel
>tfw no gf
Is the dumbest shit. It’s exactly why you don’t have a gf. Stop putting bitches on a pedestal.
added to the list of "maybes"
Guys what should I name my twitch account?
morning /cum/
today's mood:
finna get some onion rings
too long guy
good song
i hate it
Hate what?
doing strange shit bc i havent sleep
Picked this nice dubs. What are some epic streamers I should follow?
what are you doing?
literally me on the left
is 1500/month enough for rent and utilities in or around santa monica?
i don't mind having a roommate
i don't understand this picture please explain it to the non-mentally ill
there are people who pay $1000/month to live in peoples garages but probably
ah ok
i thought you wanted to fuck off for good
i cant
joto loco de mierda
2k then?
Can't say, you should look for places to live online
traps are cute
nigga is he a realtor or what
lmao bruh
pls stay in your country
any other website to check out?
Are you the girl who wants a white bf?
you know what i hate about wow? it's so addicting even though i know it is bad now the mere mention of it makes me want to play it again.
bought the new expansion at release and it was so bad it was painful to play. I only bought it to play with some buds I've played with on and off for over 10 years but I couldn't even get myself to play for that reason.
Guys,In this year i want to improve my japanese. do you have any web site or a book to suggest?
Doing an amazon order, do you guys want anything
a time machine
yeah lemme get
a glass of water
absoluto aquirerorso
is femdom the worst fetish or what
not when scat exists
is feet the best fetish or what
so many worse fetishes
footfags are the bronies of fetishists
can you make me a sandwich
Not really, for me, is coprofagia , I do not understand why people find it atractive. Just look at /b/ is full of them
uh oh, someone is angry that his diapey wipey is full
Why do more people not have a ball sucking fetish?
Feels really good man
nice cope!
>take a poop
>wipe once
>get tummy ache right after
>giant diarrhea poo
>still have tummy ache
>take poo
>use half the toilet paperroll
>blame someone else for clogging it