Do you like other posters from your cunt?

do you like other posters from your cunt?

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most of them, yes
but not all

no theyre autistic

yeah especially you

God no,their some of the worst,most larpy and cringe worthy posters in here.


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no, most of them are gay or far-right

No there is some Bulgarian autist who spams all over Jow Forums and /sp/ and whenever I post close to him it just makes me look like some loser who spams threads with a bunch of replies

Yeah they're ok

Absolutely not

Only a few, there's some very obnoxious spiteful proxies/self haters and then there's the unironic homegrown racists/regional supremacists

Most of them come across as either obnoxious middle class teenage brats or scum that washed in from Jow Forums. On occasion there are other Australian anons who are decent anons but they tend to get drowned out.
I really fucking hate the Jow Forumstard Australians, though. They're crypto-Americans.

Not really

Generally the ones who post outside /mämmi/ are autistic or witty enough to be liked.
The ones in mämmi on the other hand are fucking underaged circlejerking garbage.

usually, though some can be cunts

this, however I think a lot of us just muck around on here, hang shit on mates, etc.

Outside of /fr/ yes.

Actually the worst posters and general on this board

There's a select few faggots on Jow Forums who come across as thick in the head cockstains who act like top shit for no reason at all.

Whenever i see another AUS poster, i just hope they're not a bloody embarrassment.

Nah the ones beside me are so of the worst



Based, general posters are underage, cancer and probably have 15cm and thin benis.

50/50 I think. Most on balt are pretty great. Except that one guy.

Every finnish poster is absolute autistic garbage and you know it you just cant help yourself


No i don't like any of them except one, and there is one who i really hate cause he is dumb and gets his nose in everything in the same time.


generally, yes


Yeah, that or really tight arsed and serious, like their parents are German.

When there's a few good aus posters in one thread, threads are either full of ribbing or are cozy.

No, there's like one other Swede that is okay but that's it.

What about posters within /2sicilie/ general threads?

not the ones from /polska/

only the ones in /balt/

Fuck no
I have never seen a good post under a Spanish flag. Including my own.


i like maybe one
hate the other five or six that i can identify separately

Scheiß Simmeringer

Not really. Everyone is racist and leans right-wing.

Vienna needs to be nuked.

I hate that too, it's not even shitposting it's just cringe

no, most of them seem to just shit talk their own country and the general is full of weeb faggots

Too many unironic butthurt/pol/tards for my taste

I only hate the faggot anime poster

Everyone from my country is either a refugee from a shittier site, or is only here to shill their Jow Forums fueled ideology. What a garbage fire.

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He is venezuelan

Most of them, yes
They are just the monkey stereotype coming to life


All, really

No, most of them are embarrassing morons.

Come now
It is clearly just your malnourished brain unable to comprehend how based fin poster usually is

t. useless trash bin of a finn poster

none of you faggots have the right to judge anyone else kill yourselves worthless non-white trash.

Get out of here Luigi
Theres some tourists you oughta be pickpocketing
Seeing the sorry state your economy is i can't believe it is wise for you to be wasting your time posting here

Before meet Brazilians on Chan, i grow a inexplicable hate for Portugal and Portuguese people.
>hur dur, my grand mother was portuguese
So what? 99% of all pardos have portuguese blood. Stop pretending that being part of, maybe, the most raped nation on history, is a great thing.

Often not. Like in this case for example: And the people at /mämmi/ truly aren't the best of us.

I only pickpocket your are mothers' vagina if you catch my drift you mongolian homo rofl

I really don't
Please elaborate

I only elaborate your'e mommy's anus

And you're sore about my posting after seeing shit like this

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Most of them are based and redpilled but there are still some bad posters but that's pretty unavoidable, final answer is yes

Yes, except the kys nigga.
Not sure if he's still around tho.

Yes, but flyovers need to learn their place

No, there are too many of us here.

dutch posters tend to be bitter assblasted and pretentious

very true

I don't like the gay one

no /brit/ is the most autistic general here

there's a leftist redditor, and a bunch of lat posters mentally disabled. the only poster i can say i like is a paraguayan user

no, they're always angry like annoying little kids (what in fact they must be)

fuck no
I unironically wouldn't mind stop browsing Jow Forums if it meant Brazil getting range banned
there are a few good ones posting every now and then like that one that looks like Jesus though

I don't give a fuck lol


Most of the times


i really dislike them
the surrounding countries as well if not more


/fr/ general is pure cancer

Fuck no, half of them are retarded kids from facebook

Yes, all of them

No, there are 1-2 decent posters but the rest are so fucking cringe

A lot are morons, some clearly are proxies and some shill for foreign nations but some are fine.

What happened to the "Mexico is white" guy?

in /fr/ they're all digusting boomers

nah, fuck them i hate them

>The ones in mämmi on the other hand are fucking underaged circlejerking garbage.
Arent a number also anime posting, trap loving fags?

>t.loves Gianni

They're mostly good other than that autistic Bihari faggot

We get along well

there is only 2-3 more, and they are shit