Italian women

Italian women are very good European women
>age like wine
>pitch black hair and tanned, exotic but still European
>like romance and comfy candle light dinners
>speak a beautiful language
>catholic and conservative
>less capitalistic than other Euro women
>take care of their appearance and know how to dress well without looking like a hooker
>family oriented

Guess most of these points count for Spanish women as well

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this italian woman is 54 years old

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Italian women have the most graceful beauty. The set of beautiful thick hair, bright fathomless eyes and sensual lips characterize the real italian woman. Southerners have more dark hair and dark skin tone. And all the italian women are combined with stunning smiles. Sometimes it seems that italians were born with such smiles on their lips. Italian women are the most emancipated women in Europe. They are emotional, impulsive and charming and their own beauty secrets help them to stay beautiful at any age. Features of the national self-care are related to the specific of Italy: hot sun, an abundance of fruit, proximity to the sea, traditions of hospitality. That is why the Italians are mostly dark-skinned, smiling, slender, democratic in choosing clothes and open for communication. The secret of italian charm is in jerky movements, self-love, positive thinking and a willingness to share other people's joys and sorrows. Women in sunny Italy are confident of their attractiveness, so everyday they prefer to use easy natural makeup. That is why italian natural beauty attracts best designers in the world.

>age like wine
Lmao, tanning makes their skin age faster
>pitch black hair and tanned
Italian women don't rook arr the same, pretty sure most of them have brown hair
>speak a beutiful language
>catholic and conservative
Fake, they jist want to be told they're whores and slapped around
>less capitalistic thatn other euro women
What the fuck does this even mean?
>take care of their appearance
It's annoying, they spend too much time in front of the mirror

Gib one Italian mommy gf pls

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that's why my gf is not italian

This specimen has proved to me that OP is correct, Italian women are very good.

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Hnnnnggghhh I want to DFK this Italian Milf so fucking bad.

my favorite italian girl is the one they bullied to death when her videos got leaked
she was such a dedicated slut
came liters and liters of cum, but each time i fapped to her i felt regret because she's dead

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Do you want an Italian gf?

Also Fiat is a good brand. I love the cars

>Fiat is a good brand
uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh about that...

>fiat is good
ehhhh, my gf has a fiat and it is total shit
but Italian motorbikes are the best

best ally

worst traitor


Deep French Kiss.

had a Fiat Bravo for most of my childhood
shit would break every week

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"Fix It Again Tony"

>most of my childhood

Native Italians have BROWN hair not black.

ha ha
very funny if it wasn't true

I had a Tempra for most of my childhood and it never broke down.
now I own a piece of shit ford that really breaks down every month unironically.

>and it never broke down

cmon now bro, cmon now


not my fault your roads are africa tier

>blame the roads

after that one we got a Toyota Corolla and that one for real, never broke down

Down to fuck

t. Satoshi Shilloyota

>owning a Ford
You might as well have bought a Dacia if you wanted a shit car

dacia is way better

Daily remind

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I'll take miss France


I can only recall that Neapolitan one fitting this profile

guys you're bad at the internet
i just googled "italian girl death bullied videos" and got her name

Tiziana Cantone was she
her videos are lit

that was the one I was thinking so jokes on u *dabs*

>bravo Uruguay, bravo

Mamma mia!

i got the reference, i got the reference you motherfucker

>bravisimo, cornutto

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same here,
when i heard about her death i paid respect to her with the most mournful fap in my life

So far I have only found one blowjob vid and one short fuck vid, none are really outstanding

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I'd eat her calzone

>I'd eat her pants

is Pauline italian?

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>>age like wine
Dunno about that
>>pitch black hair and tanned, exotic but still European
Like a lot of South Europeans basically
>>like romance and comfy candle light dinners
>>speak a beautiful language
>>catholic and conservative
Kek. Yes like all modern Europeans christians...
>>less capitalistic than other Euro women
>>take care of their appearance and know how to dress well without looking like a hooker
>>family oriented
Depends of the girl

Anyone have that meme of the italian pepe sitting on the guy’s face? Thanks

meds are truely the master race.


I make my gf sit on my face everyday

Best of all: they're not as arrogant as other meds.

Marry Italy, fuck Russia, kill UK

>exotic but still European
European features are more exotic than Black hair