Post modern architecture from your country

Post modern architecture from your country

Attached: Elbphilharmonie,_Hamburg.jpg (799x599, 111K)

Other urls found in this thread:,4.4878391,3a,52.6y,230.87h,80.38t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sSRWIOHRAEQu0HL-hRtv1_w!2e0!5s20090601T000000!7i13312!8i6656

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Attached: deutschland-berlin-mit-368-metern-gesamthocc88he-ist-der-berliner-fernsehturm-das-hocc88chste-gebacc (696x464, 65K)

I find the cranes and freigh ships in the harbor much more impressive desu. I was on one of those boat tours a couple of years ago.

Based best concert hall in the world

there are no good pictures on the internet, what a fucking shame

Attached: split 3_1.jpg (462x690, 52K)

Attached: split 3_2.jpg (800x598, 66K)

Attached: Soumaya.jpg (1024x768, 227K)

Attached: GardenSantaFe.jpg (700x200, 57K)

Attached: treća gimnazija.jpg (1100x500, 74K)

Attached: Zagreb_rakete.jpg (1455x970, 1.28M)

note how every modernist piece of shit ITT looks the same and you can put (country) modern architecture on google and it'll show the same garbage as any post ITT

Attached: koteks_1.jpg (720x476, 109K)

visit an oculist

Attached: koteks_2.jpg (1024x683, 277K)

Attached: DronningEufemiasGate.jpg (960x600, 516K)

just like every baroqueshit

pic is a bit hipsterish but its a nice building

Attached: serveimage.jpg (600x400, 39K)

Attached: absolute_towers_mississauga_mad130808_1.jpg (550x861, 69K)

Attached: property-clinic-hi_2168877b.jpg (620x387, 93K)

Attached: 5748769982_1c14bf55eb_b.jpg (1024x749, 407K)

Attached: 1-sharpe-centre.jpg (620x451, 43K)

Attached: 12279127303_ac430b2df5_o.jpg (567x390, 56K)

Attached: 1200px-Habitat_panorama.jpg (1200x288, 89K)

Attached: extbio-84-fullscreen.jpg (1400x749, 754K)

Attached: RIO_11_aerienne_est.jpg (1080x1471, 390K)

Attached: 2323453456456.jpg (1600x1066, 357K)

Damn, nigga, that's fucking disgusting.

Attached: wcatedral001.jpg (640x366, 33K)

Attached: Zoutelande.jpg (960x539, 76K)

Attached: Zwolle.jpg (960x636, 102K)

comfy israeli brutalism

Attached: 6a00d83451ebab69e201b7c833a851970b-550wi.jpg (550x813, 158K)

Attached: Amsteltoren Amsterdam.jpg (768x1024, 176K)

most of it sucks

Attached: 197501_Fjordenhus_udefra_aften.jpg (1024x576, 192K)

Attached: 28_1440px.jpg (1440x1132, 315K)

Attached: Gemeentehuis Deventer.jpg (1400x630, 510K)

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Attached: copenhagen-it-university.jpg (800x533, 155K)

Attached: Кловский_спуск,_7.jpg (1799x2400, 3.56M)

Attached: 1433800.jpg (625x469, 136K)

Attached: 56_big.jpg (336x600, 28K)

Same here, the (leftist) municipality of Leiden pays "people" to ruin old houses (17th, 18th, 19th century) which are in a perfect state as sort of art project and eventually demolish the buildings to build something grotesque on it. On streetview you can clearly see how the houses were ruined around 2015 and demolished in 2016 for something grotesque in 2018,4.4878391,3a,52.6y,230.87h,80.38t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sSRWIOHRAEQu0HL-hRtv1_w!2e0!5s20090601T000000!7i13312!8i6656

Attached: Art project.jpg (950x633, 519K)

Work in progress

Attached: Lammermarkt.jpg (2480x1653, 1.18M)

Attached: Cerkev_Marije_Matere_Cerkve,_Maribor.jpg (800x600, 92K)

Final result

Attached: Leiden lakenhal.jpg (800x800, 244K)

Attached: 1526685484057.png (499x513, 283K)

Attached: hallgrc3admskirkja-1-2560x20481.jpg (2560x2048, 841K)

Rate my future house.

Attached: 25_g_We3-Got[1].jpg (1000x750, 964K)

Attached: perlan.jpg (1600x1067, 450K)

and that's basically it for really notable modern buildings

Attached: harpa.jpg (1920x1154, 253K)

Attached: Stary_Browar.jpg (960x720, 171K)

I want to study there

Attached: Warsaw Business Garden.jpg (1680x1120, 334K)

Attached: z18397928V,Solpol.jpg (960x639, 152K)

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Attached: ZWcqQAr.jpg (1200x800, 242K)


Attached: 22159.jpg (1100x733, 161K)


Attached: zdjecie,683099,1300,250.jpg (1300x867, 137K)

this is called "Polish postmodernism" btw

Attached: z19589803Q.jpg (620x930, 91K)

Attached: 66339.jpg (1100x733, 195K)

Attached: karnawal-architektury-30-lat-pozniej.jpg (980x1400, 440K)

National fisheries department in Hyderabad.

Attached: fishe.png (1600x900, 1.79M)

train station of Arnhem, capital of Gelderland

Attached: station Arnhem.jpg (560x347, 54K)

Attached: 32628591208_2cef2f22b9_o.jpg (1200x800, 858K)

Attached: 1545960970039.jpg (700x910, 335K)

you know nothing about good architecture

Attached: solpol-2-1.jpg (2500x1667, 2.7M)

Weirdest apartment block in Ljubljana, nicknamed "skakalnica"-the ski jump

Attached: 27_Skakalnica_FINAL-poster.jpg (1280x722, 176K)

Attached: museudoamanhã.jpg (800x450, 91K)

Hey fuck you man

Attached: The-Museu-do-Amanha-Rio-de-Janeiro-Brazil-e1491414628530.jpg (3200x1792, 1.44M)

I can't stop laughing

Attached: 1.jpg (1116x744, 203K)

Went there a few months ago, it is really cool

>half of the buildings itt are modern but the other half is postmodern

Attached: babby.jpg (385x383, 19K)

We are using the colloquial meaning of modern architecture, as in contemporary or near contemporary.
