Imagine being a girl
Imagine being a girl
I hate it, I'd much rather be a guy
Imagine being a Somali
Seems based
Imagine having something in your pants that can enter that.
i am girl
You know what it is
See this as well
girl(female) or girl(male)?
i prefer being a cute boy
imagine the smell
Those are some plump and juicy tits
I can put some guy into you if you want to
damn that was awful
how do i imagine a smell that i have never smelt before
>That will never be you
*sniff sniff*
imagine being Arnold in that scene
>he's not a girl
>I will never be able to perform the miracle of giving birth
feels bad man
I would just be depressed about different things and i’d still have no qt gf
that's fucking hell, menstruation alone would make me wanna kill myself
>bleed from cunt every month
>have to use make up and shit
>get pregnant
Fuck that shit.
>she's not a girl
>imagine being picked up by a Naruto watching rammstein listening fuck
>imagine being hit on by a white pedo
Top fucking kek yeah I'd rather kill myself
no thanks
Prove it
Imagine being a DYKE
>All those faggots who think the m*le body isn't disgusting
Explain why this board is so gay.
he is not sniffing he is licking
She literally looks like the female(girl) version of Dracula
we are all girls here on Jow Forums
And have period every month? No thanks
>a fucking iphone gets more ass than me
>be female
>have period every month, blood everywhere and literally have to stick a tampon in yourself whenever it happens
>shave yourself everyday, all the time.
>put on makeup and product all the time to look half decent, which takes several hours
>have to worry about pedos and weirdos checking you out in public
>be literally physically weak against anything
>have to put perfume on everyday to smell half decent
>female """friends""""
You forgot being stupid and emotional.
>being emotional
>It's bad for men to show emotions
a classic case of sexism
most Jow Forums posters are women you dumbass
thats a dude with a vagina
You don't know much about women do you?
>shave yourself everyday
They don't
>make up takes several hours
No it doesn't
>checking you out in public
They like the attention
>physically weaker
They don't care about this, they care about looks
>put perfume on everyday
You don't put deodorant and aftershave on?
I am one
thats the first dude i have ever seen that looks good in a dress
It’s a good feeling and I’ve come to terms with it
It's non binary.
People like this should be shot in the head.
girls are CUTE
why you want me dead user?
i knew greek women were hairy but wowzers
you're almost french
Jow Forums has a higher % of women than other boards
It cute doe
It's very uncomfortable, I have Eurotophobia.
Imagine being a guy trapped inside a woman body.
if you're telling the truth feel sorry for ya dude, you're missing out
yeah, esp. med aesthetic there tbqh
This, i would kms
>faggots larping as women
Even my gay friends hate you
>I wonder who is behind this post
how can you not cringe and feel weird when imagining having a hole instead of a dick?
watching gore feels more comfortable
I don't really imagine that stuff, and where your dick sticks out is where her clit would be, the hole is where the penis inside the taint goes up into the pubic bone.
Just imagine having one more butthole. You know how that feels like.
you guys have been touching too many receipts
Based and guypilled.
It doesn’t feel like anything. Are you really constantly aware of your dick?
t. tranny
imaging having teeth in your eyes, does it feel good dumbass?
What a retarded comparison.
are you straight?
my life would be better as a girl
not 100% constantly but I regularly adjust it, when I'm not aware of it it feels bad actually, I prefer holding on to it when relaxing
not an argument
Indeed, your reply is not an argument.
>imagine being a shittier version of yourself
I don't need to. I already am :)
Do you wear a Burka or a Hijab?
>"uhhf user, you turn me on, can you touch me there ;))"
If I were god I would transform myself into a goddess that looks like pic related but besides a vagina I would also have a massive cock without refractory period which I would use to fuck horny 8 year old boys and give them multiple anal orgasms and creampie them over and over while they call me mommy.
No thanks. I don't wanna wear long sleeves throughout the summer.
the right is me...
post hand