1. your country
2. are attending a potential race riot tomorrow
big yes
1. your country
2. are attending a potential race riot tomorrow
big yes
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What's the race riot about?
Quick rundown needed
Are you Australians white? What race are they?
i want another race war so i can kill wh*Tes and m*Stizos like my MAYAN ancestors did
You fuckin abbo lover, give a better explanation
ol' jonny boy howard imports somali and sudanese "refugees" to save them from "genocide" and predictably act like the third worlders they are and commit up to about 15% of some violent crimes in melbourne despite being 0.1% of the population
These guys unironically look like hard cunts
mostly englishmen, irish and other british to round em out thats about two thirds of the population the rest arent generally considered australian proper
based decapitate a conquistador for me
based blake
DAB on those n*ggers
apparently they are gonna protest sudanese gang violence
That's all? No lynchings, no hangings? That's no fun. Dropped
make no mistake these people will escalate this far beyond cronulla
no because i'm not a racist
also BLACKEDpilled
Doing nothing about gang violence lol. i dont think its about race, its because of violence and police arent taking action
top kek
i never said i advocate for doing nothing but please explain how a """""peaceful protest""""" going to solve anything?
correct me if i m wrong, the wogs stopped causing troubles after cronulla
Jow Forums has and always will be Jow Forums lite along with /sp/
existing is trouble within itself for the lebs
They were never "causing trouble" to begin with.
No it wasn't, now fucking off die you piece of shit outlander.
I'd break your fucking jaw if I ever caught you in public trying to start up shit like the cancerous little Jow Forumsyp you are.
cronulla riots had nothing to do with "gang violence" it was due to racial and ethnic incidents
Which are worse? Abos or Lebs?
lebs the only annoying abos are the white ones with one drop of abo oppression pumping through their veins
fuck off obvious newfag
what? i read that they assault and fight with locals -which lead to riot.
doesnt matter if its not 'gang" violence it is still violence
>They were never "causing trouble" to begin with.
then why was there a riot?
Because "wypipo be rayciss n shiiet". He most likely believes this
do you have reading problems? when i implied that the st kilda """""peaceful protests""""" are racially motivated you said that it is about gang violence then compared it to cronulla riots but they were started due to racial and ethnic tensions and not gang violence
sorry, meant to reply here
Let me tell you something.
You cunts reckon we are people of colour?
When you white dogs are sick, you green
When you white dogs are in the sun, you red
When you white dogs dead, you blue
When you white dogs are smashed in by us, you purple
When you white dogs drink too much, you yellow
Us black fella remain black, we know what we are, you cunts don't know whats youse are.
Here a pic of me nanna
>race riots happen naturally
>race riots have to be forced and organised
where did we go so wrong
the first
reply wasnt meant for u it was for
are you mentally deficient? you have quoted my post three times now
also i was responding to the
>doesnt matter if its not 'gang" violence it is still violence
If a brit moves to Australia is he considered Australian?
Then that's not racist at all, I mean, shit got crazy over here when hondureans said our baked beans were shit tier, that rose an anti Honduras feel
fuck no
based and repilled fellow magapede
And his children? How many generations does it take for anglos to integrate.
>blair cottrell
>headed by actual convicted criminal
>far right
You really cant get more old school Aussie than that.
Arent there also some other Euro groups mixed in as well like German, Italian, Polish, Portguese, etc.?
sorry i have a bit of difficulty understanding English, so u are saying that riots will not work just because its not race this time but its gang?
i disagree, people respond to force i think they need to be taught a lesson not to act like how they acted in their former country
Hey, the women's marches and BLM changed things here like....ummmm.....hmmm
depends on who he marries probably most post war poms kids would be considered aussies but modern british migrants are often chav families
Will you glass wogs and lebs?
>They were never "causing trouble" to begin with.
You have an interesting view of not causing trouble.
>The riots began after a physical confrontation broke out between a group of Lebanese youths and lifeguards on the beach.
Ask this guy.
yeh theyre about 10% of the pop at most nowadays rest are chinamen, pakis, poos, abo wannbees and other ethnics
why do you think race riots are going to have any outcome other than dividing the people more?
no only nignogs
as far as i m concerned it united aussies and other minorities to rise up together against the violent gang.
ok then what happens? the next day they magically stop committing crimes? all its gonna do is make them hate the people aussies and minorities and it doesnt address the issue of why these people are committing crimes
nah. i think they will learn to respect locals, i think the problem only persists because the police are not doing anything about it so they feel above the laws. you guys have offer no solution but hide the crimes so it doesnt further impact their negative reputation
plus we are only assuming the worst, i m hoping they set up neighborhood watch
do you realize they are only 1% of the unique offender population?
why would they respect someone who hates them? why would them respecting the locals magically make them no commit crimes? if police are not doing anything then why are they showing up in crime statistics? why not try and solve the issues that cause them to commit crimes instead of just "beat some sense into them"?
People hate them because of their violent behavior, if they are oblivious to that fact then idk what to say. they are only 0.1 % of the victoria's population but they commit 1% of the total crime thats over representation. i think to be frank they are just violent people that only fears violence or power not law, thats why i think u can beat senses into them. i think people are not doing anything because i read that they are not being charged accordingly for their crimes.
well, its not gonna affect me its just gonna be a social experiment for me no matter how it turns out
i dont even know how they can act that way after they are fed by dole they have good life standard. So i think theres only 2 reason either they are inherently just savage or they have to fund their habbits (which is still not okay).
why would the sudanese people respect aussies if aussies hate them
of course they are over represented but so are australians and new zealanders, dont you think we should be trying to figure out why they are over represented / comitting crimes and fixing those problems?
> i think to be frank they are just violent people that only fears violence or power not law
what are you basing this on?
>they are fed by dole they have good life standard
do you have an evidence to support this claim?
Surprised they could fit in a white supremacist protest among all the SJW and communist shit they never fucking shut up about
Cant wait to watch disgusting Lelbournites and minorities fight it out on the news
They’ll realise robbing and assaulting people has consequences if they get bashed hard. Right now they think whites and asians are easy targets because most don’t defend themselves.
Violence earns respect from some people. Not everyone thinks the same, most third world scum only understand violence.
its not about people defending themselves its about hosting a race riot
sure violence can earn respect but that doesn't mean it will solve the problem
>do you have an evidence to support this claim?
yes, i know burmese refugees who lives there i dont know how much they get as dole each week but they always have food and a little bit of spare money to save. Also know older refugee who lives there they already bought a house for 500k.
>what are you basing this on?
Just the ways they act honestly, I dont know how they can publicly assault people even though they know its illegal.
also i want ur input on why they commit crime
If every single Sudanese got a broken jaw do you think they’ll be out causing trouble for the next couple of weeks? Not a chance they’ll be at home with an ice pack. And when their are jaws better they’ll think twice.
>i know burmese refugees who lives there
>Also know older refugee
so you are basing it off anecdotal experience? did you know that in 2016 despite being ~30% of australias population only 4.1% of people receiving welfare benefits were refugees?
>also i want ur input on why they commit crime
honestly i dont know, if i had to guess i would probably say things like alcoholism, drugs, low employment, abuse, lack of education but thats what i think people should be looking into
>If every single Sudanese got a broken jaw
dangerous and ignorant line of thinking, according to the crime statistics i listed earlier only 15% of the sudanese population are the ones commit crimes
>do you think they’ll be out causing trouble for the next couple of weeks
no probably not but thats not going to stop them from committing crimes it the future like i said before you have to actually figure out why they are committing crimes and solve that issue
i do not know how they distributes welfare checks there, so i can only compare them with those with others with similar circumstances.
If i have to guess the other reason apart from being innate incompetency to be civilized being, i would guess their spending habits because i heard from burmese refugees friends there that they would spend their dole on expensive clothings and also that they do a lot of drugs.
you'll find most of the euro immigrants from the 60s-80s moved here together and bought property/got jobs in huge clumps, moving into the same neighbourhoods, especially in places outside of the main cities. most of them didn't really assimilate but their kids did