Can't even afford to eat steak these days.
Is food expensive in your country?
Can't even afford to eat steak these days
Fuck off mate that's some top tier Japanese beef there what do you expect
>buying meme beef instead of real steak
Why would you do this
Monkey meat is illegal in Australia.
Please eat wagyu.
It makes you strong.
Chicken and pork are cheap
You should only eat chicken to be honest
>Buying water
you didn't fool me
You like juice?
Your government gives money to natives so they can buy this expensive food? WHy not just make them live where everyone else lives so the cost of food would be less do to economics of scale. That or tell them to fend for themselves.
They aren't natives (first nations), they are Inuits.
Does it matter what you call them? They still get free shit for just existing that whitey can't get. Just let them hunt seal or eat whale blubber. They were content with doing that before Europeans came.
They still hunt seal, walrus, whale, muskox, and caribou. They also like spaghetti and normal shit. We don't mind offsetting the cost of letting them live in their traditional homeland while still having something close to a first world lifestyle. There's other reasons too, in some cases we forced them to live there so the least we can do is fund a problem we created. Overall, unlike Americans, most Canadians just don't mind spending money on other Canadians, especially if it means than can preserve some of their unique culture and lifestyle.
it is but not excesively expensive
I wish they sold good beef here, all you will ever find here is grain/soy-fed trash.
Well done
Fish is inexpensive while beef is expensive. Local cuisine is very affordable but Western food not so much.
Still can buy meat, not wagyu, but regular meat it's great, good cuts.
Au contraire, fish and seafood it's very expensive, so I buy a few times a month
>let's displace entire native populations to save a few tax dollars
>let's also allow the billionaire class to avoid paying tax
I don't understand Americans, desu.
holy shit
you can get proper beef here for 6$/kg
eggs for 10 cent
milk for 60 cent/l
pork, turkey and chicken is around 3-4$/kg
In the developed world we get drinking water from our taps. Buying bottled water is rarely necessary
t. dog eater
nah it's aus kobe, you can't source wagyu beek outside of japan it's all fake.
i can barely afford chicken and fish
didnt had red meat in what feels like decades
no its not
if only people cherished that fact instead of trying to become rich and prosperous as western eurosharts used to be some time ago, things would be great