Tom Gonser from Docusign - System of Agreement (Momentum 2018)

B-b-b-ut it was just a shill account he retweeted....LINK Fudders start digging your grave LOL. From this day forward Docusign is starting to lay the groundwork for Chainlink implementation. Its obvious from this annoucement.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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We all goin to sizzler

>DocuSign also announced two policy and standards-based activities: membership in the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, where DocuSign is collaborating with industry leaders to define blockchain best practices and open standards;

Sounds interesting.

We all goin to sizzler

We all goin to sizzler
We all goin to sizzler
We all goin to sizzler

LINK is the fucking Pizzagate of Jow Forums. You see connections where there are NONE. You somehow have convinced a bunch of misguided rural whites that they can somehow be a part of something groundbreaking and historical if they just hunt for enough evidence. You’ve attracted abhorrent people to your movement who offer tenuous support of their “insider” knowledge (Assblaster). You’ve even pulled together a disjointed array of OC (pic related) which you use to reinforce your echo chamber and propagandize you token.

You have no right to be disturbing innocent people who have NOTHING to do with a minor pet project of a Russian philosophy major.

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>Data Feed API: Want to analyze your DocuSign data using your own Business Intelligence (BI) infrastructure? You can do it with the new Data Feed API within Organization Management. It automates the movement of granular DocuSign data—about envelopes, recipients, accounts, users, groups, templates, and more—into a BI repository. There you can join it to your other enterprise data and analyze it using your BI tool of choice. For those with advanced BI infrastructures, this option is a great addition to DocuSign’s native reporting.

If you are at Momentum, we are discussing and demonstrating all these features live on stage. And if you could not join us in San Francisco this year, don’t worry—you’ll be hearing more about these features soon enough!

>Blockchain: DocuSign demonstrated a live integration with the Ethereum blockchain, allowing evidence of a DocuSigned agreement to be automatically written to Ethereum. DocuSign also announced two policy and standards-based activities: membership in the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, where DocuSign is collaborating with industry leaders to define blockchain best practices and open standards; and membership in the Chamber of Digital Commerce, where DocuSign will work with policy makers and regulatory agencies on blockchain initiatives.
DocuSign for Salesforce CPQ: Agreement processes such as pricing quotes and proposals often involve multiple paper documents, multiple parties, and the time-consuming issues of signing, scanning, and emailing. DocuSign for Salesforce CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) connects CPQ data into DocuSign agreements, which can be sent directly from Salesforce. The result is a faster and easier experience at every stage of the quote-to-cash process.
Responsive Signing: Using a customer example that is already live in hundreds of retail stores across the United States, DocuSign demonstrated a new technology that renders an agreement 'responsively'—meaning it is easily readable whether the user is on a desktop, tablet or phone. The technology automatically converts a PDF agreement into responsive HTML on the fly, which means no more squinting at shrunken PDFs on small screens.
Smart Sections: DocuSign also showcased how customers can take Responsive Signing to the next level by defining collapsible sections, page breaks, custom formatting options, and more. Especially important for longer or more complex agreements, this additional structure and interactivity delivers a further-enhanced experience over static PDFs.

Please Jesus Christ please let this be true and I promise I will never say nigger on my life again.

I will even donate money to Haiti without the Clinton foundation being the intermediary for my donation

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oh look, it's nothing

oh look. its nothing.

these go perfectly together.
chainlink has no partnerships except for some sub100 market cap shitcoins. there is no testing being done on ropsten and 350 million link is dedicated to "keeping node operators afloat" since no one will be using the network

oh look. its nothing.

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oh cool, a conference of shitcoins had him speak at a picnic table in front of 17 people.

there's no reason for there to be NDAs and there's no testing being done on ropsten

now I know you're retarded.

Look at the account he's followin on twitter.. interesting.

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Delete this, fuck nolinkers

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We gonna make it bros

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time to buy crypterium

TOM GONSER - if you are reading this. I will have your child even tho I'm only 16 if you come through with this.

was there every ANY doubt?


Attached: yes.jpg (324x200, 34K)

Both of these things are demonstrably false, so you're either a retarded faggot who doesn't know anything, or you're a retarded faggot who is terrible at fudding.


Tom gonser is the only sane looking non pedophile looking billionaire I have ever seen

>now I know you're retarded.

In fairness it could be described as a picnic table.

I bet most people that own LINK doesn't understand what link does.

Can you screenshot this I'm banned from twitter

As someone who's been in business development for 10 years I can safely say you don't know what the fuck you are talking about

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Kek. I'm certainly one of them.

Even if there isn't now, it means nothing. The consensus mechanism for multiple nodes to agree hasn't been instituted yet along with the node reputation system. There's no reason to test until these are complete.

That’s what i’m Saying babe. If LINK moons I won’t be racist anymore. I genuinely think this is the truth

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> DocuSign demonstrated a live integration with the Ethereum blockchain, allowing evidence of a DocuSigned agreement to be automatically written to Ethereum
Could this be any more clearer???

>For more information (...) follow @DocuSign on (...) LinkedIn

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link 1000$ eoy

What do you want to be true?! This states nothing about LINK. Holy fuck you guys are deluded.

>that 55 year old boomer which tries to pump his company stocks with chainlink partnership

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If dubs $1000 EOY confirmed

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>Ctrl+f chainlink
>0 results


But have you counted the number of hyperLINKs there were on the page?

Look who else is on that panel.

Tom Gonser is the founder of DocuSign.

Checked it out, looks like a good deal at 50mill mcap

is this a new retarded catchphrase you discord niggers were told to spam after "FAT" didn't catch on?
what the fuck is this even supposed to mean?

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So where is the mention of chainlink?

I got quite a few results for C, H, A, I, N, L and K. Unfortunately they werent in any specific order.


I hope this is weak fud and you're not that retarded.

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What does this mean? They did it without using ChainLink..?

T. Brainlet

This is promising news.

>tfw holding Link till 2021 minimum


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You bring up an interesting point. Won't look good for us if it gets known that Jow Forums biz shales are racists

Comfy AF with my stack.

>You see connections where there are NONE
in know this is pasta, but sirgay was up on stage next to docusign founder. Hard to believe they didn't talk to each other.