I want to move to Japan, there are no arabs and africans there

ここイスラエルでは、アラブとその醜いアラビアの村でいっぱいです。 私はアラブ人が嫌いです、彼らは悪、不道徳、原始、野蛮、暴力的な人々の競争です。 そして近年では、多くのアフリカ人もイスラエルを侵略しました。 アラブ人もアフリカ人もいない日本に住みたいです。

Here in Israel, it's full of arabs and their ugly arabic villages.
I hate arabs, they are a race of evil, immoral, primitive, barbaric, violent people.
And in recent years many africans infiltrated Israel too.
I want to live in Japan where there are no arabs and africns.

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off we are full

This is OP btw

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t. arab

fuck off Israel

Do you love Japan?

Don't offend me, I am not an arab.
I am atheist Jeiwsh.

私を怒らせないでください、私はアラブ人ではありません。 私は無神論者のJeiwshです。

Jews hate Japan. They will subvert it from inside, never accept jews.

fuck off. Immigrants are all the same

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Are you an Israeli user who came to Japanese general thread recently?

Yes, there are no arabs or africans in Japan, so I like it.

korean circumsize and read the talmud, now leave

Yes, that is me.

Do you love Tokyo?

Attached: 9destination_tokyo.jpg (1680x560, 177K)

fuck you peasant. don't post my home.

The Japanese posters outside the Japanese general thread are different from Japanese posters here.
If you posted something about Japan, you won't be able to get the same reply here.
The Japanese posters (flags) outside Japanese general are pretty strange.

Yes, there are no arabs or africans in Toyko so I like it.

Why do you hate Africans and Arabs?

disgusting jews are the lowest race on earth, you would bring war and famine even in japan

>be on arab land
>be surprised there's arabs

>there are no africans in Japan
>posts picture of Tokyo


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Imagine an Israeli trying to find peace moving to a country famous for its fried pork and seafood.

He (OP) is an atheist
He said it before

Yes, I am an atheist.
I eat everything that is tasty.

Visit Europe or the middle east and you will find out.
I dont know where to go either when Germany gets turned into a caliphate.
Seems like this is happening to every first world country rn except for korea and japan.
Maybe i should start learning japanese

nice bros


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Have you ever tested the water?
There had been some foreigners, I mean westerners, selling handmade key holders at their stalls around stations in Tokyo, and I heard most of them were young Israelis who finished their military stints visiting this country in kind of their vacations.
Let me ask again, have you ever visited this country? Or do you personally know someone who has been here?
You might be dismayed once you see what it is by your own eyes.

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yes we are 1 of lost 10 tribes of Israel.
but I doubt you are real Jewish.

maybe 10-15 years ago, there were so many Jewish people who sell accesseries on the Tokyo streets.
I could see many Jewish people.
but no more. maybe they went back to Israel.

There are Africans in Tokyo. In Golden Gai for example or in Asakusa I saw some too. Arabs less but I saw they have halal food etc for muslim tourists

>muslim tourists
>Muslim guest workers

Go to any convenience store in Japan at 2am and there's a 99% chance it's staffed by shitskins. The country changed so much in the last 5 years it's not even funny

Idk if there are but my hotel had a "Tokyo map for muslim tourists" that you could take. Basically it was a list of all the halal restaurants


Your position is similar to us.
I have regretful news for you, but do not despair.
There are a lot of Chinese and Koreans parasitizing in Japan, which are more worse than Arabs and Africans in yours. Japanese people are frightened by them, but many times Chinese and Koreans will immigrants to Japan from now.


There are a lot of ASEAN muslims in Tokyo, though.


For English Subtitle, click "CC" on the opposite side of the play button.

Sounds like you are rather persecuted by your neighbor Israelis than those Arab people.

-you don't circumsize it's a false story

kys jews are not ancient israeli

they tend to be very unproductive, criminal, and breed like rabbits

I, I don’t have any unsightly foreskin, should I show it?


koreans are israel? jewish customs?
I am finnish


but there are some blackmutts in Japan



t. moonie gook shill.

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What are you meaning?
I am just saying I don’t have unsightly extra foreskin to be cut off.
It rolls back by itself. I, I am not telling a lie.

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fuck off gook

>Isreal is our friend...

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I am saying, my dick is just perfect and beautiful as it is and necessitate any surgical operations.
So beautiful that nobody other than myself ever dare have touched it. I am proud of it.

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yo wtf I love Arabs now!