Will he be impeached?
Will he be impeached?
Are there still people who still genuinely support this guy? What the fuck is wrong with them?
It was pretty funny at first but at this point it's just really cringy and disturbing.
>still arsehurt about not winning the popular vote
Top kek, Trump is a living, breathing meme.
No US president will ever be impeached
Besides acting retarded what concrete action has he taken that is particularly objectionable compared with Obama or Bush?
lol and americans love the guy, tells you all you need to know about mutts.
What's his national popularity?
He has dramatically damaged the USA's image abroad, which is already a major point of objection.
It seems to me that the only actions he has taken are to undo or attempt to undo what his predecessors had done, namely things that were widely considered by mentally sane people as social or political progress. That's not to say previous president were good by any means, just that they were certainly better than him, if only in the fact they had the ability to behave like respectable human beans, and also that their politic consisted in a little more than destroying what others had done before them.
>namely things that were widely considered by mentally sane people as social or political progress
>just that they were certainly better than him
In terms of real decisions rather than attitude? I don't think so. Nothing will ever beat the foreign policy fuck-ups of Bush and Obama.
>and also that their politic consisted in a little more than destroying what others had done before them
That's happens regardless of who the president is, it's Americans retarded team red vs team blue politics
USA's foreign policy hasn't changed a bit due to president changes. What has changed on the other hand is only the perception about the sitting president. They have this dualistic system going on where every other president is "good" and every other is "evil". And everyone is focusing on the smoke and mirrors, and no-one is noticing that everything remains the same.
i saw that typo and disregarded your whole post because of it
Not soon at any rate, the Dems are already dragging their feet on his tax returns
>greatest election of all time
Lost the popular vote to a candidate his base does not respect, yes, what a great election
>The most successful
Surely this is not hyperbole
>most popular Republican in party history
Lincoln BTFO'd
He is doing what the people who voted for him expected him to do
On top of that he is much more approachble to a normal person due to these twitter shenanigans and the flashy show he puts up has awakened many sleeper voters
Of course the opposition will also dislike him more and more at the same time
And thats why it is easy to drown yourself under one narrative
>greatest election
I don't recall any acting president who won with such a low percentage of votes.
>done nothing wrong
Not even subjective, just plain wrong
>dems colluded with Russia
So he muh Russia'd just back, despite the investigation still going on?
>most successful two years
His only success was him getting out of Syria although ISIS hasn't been defeated, criminals like Boko Haram being still on the loose and nobody even knowing if all US troops actually left Syria. Besides that it was a mess, no wall, trade wars, talking to Kim didn't lead to any de-nuclearization, Kim just realized that Trump only wants to hear him doing it. Obamacare being repealed was neutral since Trump/Ryan failed to bring forth a replacement despite talking like they already did. After a few months of empty talk, Trump just blamed Ryan and went on
>most popular republican in party
Also debatable since republicans burned bridges with established and faithful runner-ups in their own party with choosing Trump as their presidental candidate.
>He has dramatically damaged the USA's image abroad
That says more about you than us, you idiots were the ones slobbering over Obama's feet before he was even sworn in.
What was the issue with Bernie Sanders?
Nah, he's the new Putin of USA
What's the issue with him? He was a literal who and obscure senator from a small state and went on to win 45% during the primaries against the biggest political machine in human history that is the democratic party with an entirely organic grass routs campaign funded by micro donations.
>He has dramatically damaged the USA's image abroad,
lol don't care
The two terms of Bush Jr were incredibly weak outside of creating the 2015 migrant crisis in Europe with Bush himself calling everyone who didn't want to bomb back the ME into oblivion a traitor.
During Obama's presidency most people realized that the american president may have tremendous power as an individual but all decisions will be made by the same people regardless. The only difference between Obama and Trump is, that the latter is a giant pompous fag about being the US president.
Democrats didn’t want him.
No matter what you think about Trump, you've got to admit that his term has been pretty entertaining. I hope he'll win the re-election.
Democrats in the US are moderate conservatives in Europe, Bernie Sanders was a social democrat so a literal commie pig.
No mention of the recent massive wealth distribution upwards in the form of a huge tax cut for the filthy rich? That was a pretty fucking dog act that should have caused millions of people to riot in protest.
Americans are all about muh second amendment but they never rise up and overthrow their government which is robbing them blind.
>muh USA image abroad
dude you're french, who gives a shit
Excluding shit nobody cares about like illegal immigrants and muh gay marriages, Trump outclasses Obama in everything.
Grow up.
What exactly has he done?