I hate the germans and autsrians

They are a race of evil people who murdered 6 million Jews in cold blood.

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Almost all of the people who were responsible for the holocaust are dead and very few of those who received institutional nazi education are still alive. The people of the Federal Republic of Germany are not the same as the people of the German Reich. It's like blaming the people of today for the crusades. What would you say if i blame the people of Mongolia for Mongol conquest in ancient time? Today, Germany is a haven for people who have to flee their country from war and opression. Nationalistic and xenophobic attitudes are more prevelant in Poland and Israel.

>who murdered 6 million Jews in cold blood.

It's a mere 75 years ago that you committed one of the worst atrocities in history and you expect people to forgive because you apologized

>murdered 6 million Jews
This number is bullshit.

The genocide was carried out in secret for the most part. Even if the entire country supported Hitler in full, they were not informed on how far his plans went.
If it turned out Trump had little death factories you can't blame MAGAfags for it, since he did not come out and say he'd be killing people.
You can say Germans were xenophobic and cruel based on their support for Hitler, but they did not sign up for the killing of your people.

Half of them were Polish, not Israeli, so fuck off, zionist

Thats how it works. You do a nono thing and apologize. Then mommy says she still loves you. :^)

Pay reparations, you german scum

Because everyone who was actively involved is dead. I and even my father have as much to do with the holocaust as with the crusades.

Boys would enter the Hitler Youth at 10, so nobody who is younger than 84 even received nazi ecuation. People actively involved would have to be at least 90. It's quite rare for people to grow this old. It's all over now, it's history.

Well, many of the Polish that fled or survived became Israeli.

Well, looking at the reperations and territorial losses you could say mommy also chopped off a hand.

I did nothing desu

> many of the Polish that fled or survived

Very little, almost none. Most of them died, the second biggest group became Polish after changing surnames, and literally a handful of them, like few thousand, emigrated to the desert

0 fucks given beyond this shitpost

We've got nothing to do with these horrible Polish atrocities

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Yea give it some more time

i hate all jews

>and literally a handful of them, like few thousand, emigrated to the desert

Actually, only a handful stayed in Poland compared to those who emigrated.

>Between 1945 and 1948, 100,000–120,000 Jews left Poland.
>A second wave of Jewish emigration (50,000) took place during the liberalization of the Communist regime between 1957 and 1959.


Do you hate us too or?

It was in fact run by the Polish - by Polish Jews working as kapos and sonderkommandos to save their skin.

the only atrocity is dumb polaks taking up arms to fend off the Ottomans as the were about to rape a*stria inside out.

We should have dropped this kike on a stick religion then and there, converted to islam, and fuck your forefathers raw.

WW2 and goymoney going reich mode would have entirely been avoided.

This, pay reparations you Kraut

>Blaming Germans for things that happened almost 80 years ago yet Bosnians like this committed war crimes just 25 years ago
When will you apologize?

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>Between 1945 and 1948, 100,000–120,000 Jews left Poland

Thats what i said : few thousand

>A second wave of Jewish emigration (50,000) took place during the liberalization of the Communist regime between 1957 and 1959.

Most of those commies reapplied for Polish citizenship already


the paternal country of diaspora origin of Israeli Jews (ranked)
>1. Morocco
>2. Soviet Union
>3. Iraq
>4. Poland

This statistic seems to tell something else.


150k is a lot according to you? At least twice this number worked in administration of communist Poland kek

Number of Israeli jews who emigrated from Russia and Ukraine is smth around 2 mln. This stat is fucked up

>They are a race of evil people who murdered 6 million Jews in cold blood.

I don't think this is true. It wasn't in cold blood, most of my ancestors had massive boners while doing so.

Remember them all!

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>Thats what i said : few thousand
100-120 is not few; either way, contrary to your claim, most of the Jews present in Poland immediately after WWII emigrated eventually while only a much smaller number stayed.

>1 post by this id
really makes me thinkk

Not true. But why should i bother to talk to imbecile.

Also they killed 20 million slavs, but we don't cry like little bitches.

stronk argument there, poland

So you're saying Germans are the only smart Europeans who actually learn history and make some sort of conclusion out of it?
Kek, long live Deutschland.

Because slavs are terpiloids. You're welcome.

1648 - Ukrainians led by Chmelnitzky killed our Jewish taxcollectors whom we used to rip off dumb hohol peasants
1772 - Russian army made pogroms of Jews who sided with Poles in revolt against the occupant

Poles never killed any Jew and we never made any pogrom. Pogrom in Kielce in 1945 was a soviet provocation made by soviet soldiers and militia. Pogrom in Jedwabne was organized by German SS. Those who claim otherwise repeag jewish-commie propaganda

>based jews!!!1
Lmao how cucked can you be, polakoid

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Because war is over long time ago. And all debts have been paid. Germans is absolutely clear now.

USSR never got any reparations. No Marshall plan, no nothing. Moreover, it had a debt to the allies (USA) for helping us in that war that we recently paid off.
The west just fucked Russia, that's all. We are the real losers. But again it's our own fault because we shouldn't have listened to the commie kikes and the people here still miss the Soviet times, like 65% of them still do.

>USSR never got any reparations. No Marshall plan, no nothing
USSR got all east Europe and half Germany dummy. Though now i'm thinking it would have been better if americans gave them a little of nuclear dust instead. Soviet people love it so much.

Austrians are far superior to g*R'man's

>USSR got all east Europe and half Germany
Nobody gives a fuck. Common people (Russians) didn't see any of it. You can't eat nuclear factories and other militaristic shit, my hohol friend.

Fuck off Nazi.

they just want an eu citizenship lol
no one actually wants to live in poland

Aw really? Ok, then common russians people must get out of East Prussia. Coz it's not land of russians.

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>USSR never got any reparations.

Not true, USSR received dismantled plants, machinery and products mostly from the Soviet occupation zone in Germany as well as some from the Western zones. The peace treaties with Germany's allies also entailed reparation payments. Plus, Germans (military and civilians) were doing forced labor in the USSR in the post-war years.

>Moreover, it had a debt to the allies (USA) for helping us in that war that we recently paid off.
Only a small fraction of the debt was actually repaid.



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Doesnt matter. The point is that kikes reminded themselves of Polish roots when it became convenient for them. Most of EU is shittier than Poland anyway nowadays and will be even shittier with time. And a lot of these kikes are Mossad officers and shady businessmen robbing my people and using territory of my country for evil purposes

And that is a bad thing why?

Yeah, but jews still want live in Germany, what a irony. Oh, evil germans killed 6 million jews! Give us german citizenship right now! Fuck Israel!
People without any shame.

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Never forget

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That pic reminds me of a specific quote.

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Kikes are liars. They penetrate Poland from inside as "Polish citizens". They were always like this. If a kike has Polish roots, he can pretty much get German citizenship too if he wants because Germany is open for all Jews due to its holocaust guilt

I hope you don't find something funny in it.

Only a monster would find something funny in it

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All jews worldwide should be tried at Haye for the european genocide of 39-45. Fucking kikes


>USSR never got any reparations. No Marshall plan, no nothing

You stole everything from Poland and were feeding your primitive mongoloid pig-faces on our stolen wealth and money for decades


Russia did nothing wrong.

how cruel

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These asiatic barbarians packed half of Poland into our trains and stole it along with the trains. Later on they came back and stole the railway tracks too. If they were occupied by the USA, we would unironically demand 2 trillion dollar of war reparations from them too.

>we would unironically demand 2 trillion dollar of war reparations from them too

It's okay to have dreams and aspirations, user. It gives us the will to live and to keep going.