Are they a brother

are they a brother
why are they so similar in disgusting way?
(good at lying, racist, they think they are best, rude, etc)
are germans gook of Europe?

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reply me if you think two nukes weren't enough


yes they are.
Germans are evil and violent people.
They also like arabs and africans.


fpbp based korean


You used to be cool

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>You used to be cool
no they didn't
they were worse allies than fucking Italy

shut up son of Nazi

making your country independent country from China or Russia was Japan's fault

This board prohibits trolling

anytime you see these "quirky xD" japanese posts you can rest assured that it's a larper with a proxy or at best a david-kun english teacher faggot.

We need to reunify to fund Nork nukes to exterminate every last one of these Jap insects

based as fuck

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>(good at lying, racist, they think they are best, rude, etc)
are you introducing yourself?


yes yourself

Please don't hate us, Japan, it makes me sad :(

don't cry Nazi

I like Germans and Germany
This thread was made by an evil poster
So please don't post this thread anymore, and if you feel disgusting, please report this trolling thread

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Fuck off Seong Teak Kim, everybody knows you use a VPN to dismantle the German Japanese relations.

Germany IS and will always be on the side of Japan

Because the Jew was the one who dropped the atomic bomb, so is the Jewish Nazi?
The Holocaust is full of lies

unironically based

thank you, I like you too

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>good at lying, racist, they think they are best, rude, etc
anglos, not Germans.



All Germans are not racists.
The Nazis has disappeared. I dislike the word 'netouyo' but is netouyo.
The dark beer drunk in Rothenburg was the best beer ever.

>Germans are evil and violent people.

uhm source?

Wake up weeb dumbass. Japs screwed your country over in WW2 by attacking America

they were better before the nukes

wow are you supporting Nazi?
you gooks are really disgusting people

At that time you were waving the flag of Japan.

21st century Nazi country


In what way do we lie? Germans have reputation for brutal honesty. You japs are too autistic to say no and lie and talk around things.

>are they a brother

Sometimes I feel that it's just English teaching sexpat shitposters behind such threads

He is a simple person who misunderstood the meaning of patriotism.
Please leave him alone.

Why does he hate us so?

Interesting. Is the Japanese far-right anti-German nowadays? I would have guessed they had some WW2 nostalgia and therefore sympathy for Germany.

There are no Japanese who are disliking Germans
There is no reason to dislike

He dislikes Koreans.
I think that When he was fighting with the Korean people, your friend German was saying bad words.

based and redpilled

t. Hans

t. Schlomo

netouyo (japanese internet alt-right) hates germans for what the recent german merkel cabinet has done on its immigration, and its china centered asian policy

they openly say that japan-us and uk make the blue team, while korea-germany and china make the red team

>nationalists bowing to their anglo overlords
how pitiful

Some people say strategically the alliance with Germany has failed.
We are called Nazis because Japan was allied with Germany. I am a little disgusted.
Although it becomes an excuse, the emperor system and the Nazis are completely different.
But it is a fact that we have committed many sins. But I am angry to be guilty of something that we are not doing. Comfort women, Nanjing.
and, I dislike Koreans who compare Japan to Germany.

I'm waiting for a time where the WW2 grudges have faded, but maybe I will not see it in my lifetime

The Japanese army killed hundreds of thousands of people in the Philippines.
After the war, Japan became rich and many Filipino women came to work in Japan.
At first, they they thought Japanese men were like demons. But actually it was different.
Many Philippine women said that Japan is a nice country after returning home. I am thankful.
Now Japan and the Philippines are friends.

Germans are the most bullied group on Jow Forums.

By whom?
I only saw like anglos and amerisharts bullied Germans. But who even care about their opinion.

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Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?

>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.

A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.

Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.

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>I only saw like anglos and amerisharts bullied Germans. B

Why do they hate us so?

Japan was an ally with Germany, why Korea will be more with Germany than Japan? I don't see a reason here