Tfw trying to learn French

>tfw trying to learn French

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Keep it up famalam
You will suceed

Moi aussi, bonne chance

>tfw trying to learn Finnish
I'm not gonna make it.

Bonjour user
Pourquoi veut-tu apprendre le français ?
Je te conseille de regarder le site de rfi (Radio France Internationale), il y a des ressources pour apprendre.
Bon courage

wsh user pk tapprend le francais wlh ça sert à r perd pas ton ton temps fr, va bédo au bar a pute ou qq chose mdrrrrrr
c pété kom langue la tête


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Ghetto french is so disgusting. kys M D R

ptdrr y veut koi lui le roumain mdrrrr avec 100 balle je me paie toute sa famille ptdrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>grammaticaly correct conjugation of "perdre"
This isn't even ghetto french

Meuf Meuf Meuf Meuf Meuf xD
I hate Parisians.

>"tu regret apprendre le français?"
Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien

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This is very 2000's
I think that ghetto tongue nowadays is littered with English words and abominations like "kéblo"

Ohh, well I don't keep up because I speak mostly Patois french from my village and we don't get culturally enriched often. Just some of the shit I hear kids say when I visit the city, or the stuff my wife (Parisian) teaches me when she wants to make me mad

>"tu regrettes d'apprendre le français ?"
Conjugate the verb, and regretter with another verb is "regretter DE faire qqch"

niquez vos meres

ftg pd mdrrr

French is a horrible language.Something might be written "Gaguren"(imaginary word),and then when you hear it's "AbφkρνεluAbg(king of like an e that changes midway to an I and then to a g but finally lets out a h like sound)auu"
And then it's Gagûren and it's "Ffafffupunneeee(half b half rt)kiiinerreee(half y)biti(half n)

why ? just why ?

my god even i cant fully understand

What are you doing in Bulgaria, user ?

Bruh we got a linguist in this bitch

Just LARPing as a NEET for a few years because I don't feel like working right now.

>3 years mandatory French in school
>this was 9 years ago and haven't practiced since
I'm sorry user, I'll do better next time

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What a cutie, is she med or from colony

she's a Japanese ouiaboo

Attached: imperial andou.png (714x656, 386K)

It's fine
Hearing/seeing foreigners speak French always make me smile
Anglo accent turns me on

You can make it !

Zambla accent FTW
“Chuis pas wassuwé”

I think she’s from Algeria.

woh putain

More into guys but great reference