Are they the americans of europe?

Attached: tysk.jpg (215x235, 5K)

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yes, they are slavic and turkish mutts

no they can't win a war xD


Attached: 1864_Dueppel.jpg (1000x768, 189K)

what do you mean by "americans of europe"?

no thats definitely france


let me explain my reasoning:

>they expect everyone to speak their language
>they are the police of europe
>they are full of themselves
>they have an industrious spirit
>they want to rule the world

>>they expect everyone to speak their language
>>they are the police of europe
>>they are full of themselves
>>they have an industrious spirit
>>they want to rule the world

Germany HATES freedom, so no.

Sweden is closer to the Americans of Europe.

>>they expect everyone to speak their language
>>they are the police of europe
>>they are full of themselves
>>they have an industrious spirit
>>they want to rule the world

>>they expect everyone to speak their language
do they really?
>>they are the police of europe
>>they are full of themselves
kind off
>>they have an industrious spirit
>>they want to rule the world

>>>they expect everyone to speak their language
we fucking don't and i don't understand why this meme exists
what is this, the 19th century?

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No the Swiss are the Americans (mutts) of Europe.

>Do they really?
Yeah a lot of German turists that go to places that have a lot of tourists from here like croatia netherlands or Mallorca just do

>>>they expect everyone to speak their language
Dont lie hans. I passed through a gas station of all places where cars from different countries pass through and they refused to speak anything other than german.

In video games it really are most often the french that refuse to talk englsih

Yes, that is the Germans, haha.

best flag of germany
that yellow pissed flag shit

Attached: 1280px-Flag_of_the_German_Empire.svg.png (1280x853, 1K)

>talk with German
>waah why is he speaking German

the best thing is that they even were the aggressor, I wonder why Napoleon III didn't get the memo

It probably comes from this

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so? german is the best language anyway

because most of us don't talk english
i've never seen someone refusing to speak english
in that case they wouldn't learn it the first place
do you people think we personally hate the english language or something?

the pic I posted is from the 1864 war with Denmark, not the 1870/71 war with France

can i find the sopranos in german?

I never complained about the speaking german only thing. I complained that hans is lying.

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I think Dailymotion has most of it

I'm not lying. Germans that know English well (the younger people) never refuse to speak English
you probably met older Germans who didn't know English well enough

english with french accent sounds based as well

Danke, Sigmund

I guess.

I had a suspicion when I made that post that you might fail utterly in reading it

Unironically. Everytime I go home I hate having to see fucking G*rmoids .
Americans are unironically nicerby a large margin

i'd say england

*you might utterly fail
utterly reading sounds a bit weird..


i keep reading it sounds gay on this board

your post sounds a bit weird to be honest

Closer than any other country in Europe

because everyone on here is a contrarian edgelord. i work with a french dude and he's absolutely based

I love americans

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Aren't the Brits closer? We definitely have German influence but culturally are very different.

>they expect everyone to speak their language
Germans always want to try their English out on English speakers when we visit.

Almost all of your culture Comes from african slaves

Americans are more extraverted, more emotionally healthy (Irish admixture I guess), more business-oriented than order-oriented, less xenophobic, more open-minded, more individualistic and more creative. But the core of their mentality is in the same cluster. Workaholic, money-obsessed, domineering, sadistic, masculine (including women), intolerant, unimaginative, tunnel-minded, control-obsessed, appearance-obsessed, social status-obsessed, hierarchical, competitive.

Germany is dominated by ISTJs, the USA is dominated by ESTJs.

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Definitely. The German ethnicity is in the process of destruction, through dilution of blood and immigration - the German government has declared that the country is now an immigrant country.
They are the ones who exert the biggest influence of the ever expanding EU mainly for the benefit of German industry and its associates to secure the dominant position in all European markets.
They are now a country of corporations, not of the German people anymore, despite it still forming the largest component of the population but in a steadily decline.

opinion discarded. you obviously have no clue about germany or germans.

>are they the americans of europe?
kind of. the german people actually want to get buttfucked by the 1%
they like it.
as its the same situation in the us.

you wont see yellow vests in germany.
germans are thankful for the opportunity of working for mr shekelsteyn until the one day.

at this day we take out our vests again.
but they are not yellow.

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Yeah about that... Canada and us might have something to say about it...

Its 2019 sounding gay as fuck is based.

thats all clichee. germany is like sweden. they are leftist pussies afraid of being called nazi.


>>they expect everyone to speak their language
only boomer don't speak english because they can't

u 2

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Canadians might dislike america but canadians and americans are borderline indistinguishable near the canadian border. Unironically find canadians more relatable than whatever the fuck is going on in the southern US

germans are white arabs

have you ever been to the southern US? it's quite relatable, at least wherever I have gone, certainly I would see it more hospitable to an American than the burgeoning new mumbai to the north

i dont mind your opinion. i will always love you.

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Have you ever been to canada? I've been to both. Feel much more similar to the latter which would make a lot of sense considering I significantly closer to the majority of canadians than I do to the south.

We might disagree on trade but we get along well with Canadians. They don't seem fond of dixie but I'm from new england.

yes, I have been to canada, it was then like a congruous new england, minnesota, or the pacific coast, I don't expect that will last


>are they the americans of europe?
I've been to Germany a couple of times and once to the USA. Unless Germany has drastically changed in the past 10 years they are nothing like the Americans.
>what do you mean by "americans of europe"?
He is trying to be overtly offensive.
>they expect everyone to speak their language
This was not my expression as a tourist.
>they are the police of europe
What are you smoking?
>they are full of themselves
This is a thing with all bigger countries. From Russia to England they all think that they are the hot shit.
>they have an industrious spirit
>they want to rule the world

>fucking auto correct

vs you suggesting more in common with the south that is about 4 months away from being mexican flag

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I'm Bavaryan.

you're basically niggers.

well I guess I don't agree with

Nah, they are Chinks of Europe
Pretentious, annoying, nationalistic and ruining the internet

They really want to be, but they are failing so hard, they are completely wiping themselves out and try to take everyone else with them, which is the most german behavior there is.

Germany has changed more than drastically in the last 10 years. It’s not an european country anymore.

but chinks never commited genocide

>they expect everyone to speak their language
Yeah, it's like Chinks and Muzzies
>they are the police of europe
Nah, they are SJWs and loanshark of europe
>they are full of themselves
Yes, it's disgusting
>they have an industrious spirit
Nah, they just copy
>they want to rule the world
Yes, but it's just a wetdream

How about Tibet and Uyghur?

>It’s not an european country anymore.
I'll believe it when i see it.
>but chinks never committed genocide
You made me laugh, well played Ivan, well played.

Hejsan, no bully please

Krautshits btfo

>It’s not an european country anymore.
Europe is a dead meme

Then go and see. I’m not kidding. They really wanted that. They will defend it. The worst thing is that they also want to force it on others.

>awful food
>superiority complex
>shitskin infested
>bootlickers to thier goverments
>constantly getting into other countries shit
>barely alive mummy in charge
>big automotive industries
thay are basically the same

why do all your women come here then?

I've heard something similar from European coworkers. I liked it in 2005 but now I wonder what it will be like if I go back.

sexe entre hommes...
dessins animés japonais...

>awful food
Both countries have better food. Polish food is just a poorfag farm version of German food. Though it's better than czech "food".

Attached: louis-burger.jpg (2048x1536, 558K)

never said that Polish food is good though. there is some good shit, same with German and American cuisine, but in general it's bad
because we are the European Mexico to your European USA, duh