Why do they keep denying it?

Their African and Native roots

Why do they larp as Meds or Nords?

Attached: shutterstock-495113257.jpg (728x425, 20K)

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fuck wh*Tes and spics, i'm MAYAN

We don't?

Brazil doesn't larp as Meds. We're mutts and we know it.

they do larp as natives tho
even if they are only 10%

>African roots
Fuck you, you fucking mongoloid.

Having native roots is one thing, but if you're going to say "African roots", then might as well include European roots; hence why some people identify as European here, but even then, I haven't seen anyone larping as an European outside from these kinds of places.

Native Americans are Sub-Saharan Tier thou

Whats the difference between an african and a med?

Attached: download (1).jpg (189x267, 10K)

Because whenever you see a latin american flag posting, the person behind it could be anything in the racial spectrum from a white latino to an indio.

>African roots

But you do know Latinos have more SSA in them than Nafris right?

I'll sacrifice you to the gods disgusting snownigger

>Native Americans are Sub-Saharan Tier thou

I knew that was some kind of racist bullshit

Why do you larp as Slavic?

>spectrum from a white latino
"white" latinos look darker than Algerians though, so what's your point?

africans are darker

And yet more accomplished than Slavs

Attached: file.png (600x800, 782K)

MENA is africa too

What exactly IS the difference between them and Africans?

Attached: mission2.jpg (600x260, 29K)

Most latinos are like 3% black, might as well say the same for mediterranean Europeans

This is me

Now post your picture

Attached: 990.jpg (609x558, 30K)

whats IS the difference between russians and mongols?

Attached: iDAIMCgTCm.jpg (300x400, 27K)

No, I do know you like sucking dick and spitting baseless diarrhea. You do know Russians have more Chink in them than chinks?

Yes getting rapped by Iberians, huge accomplishment wee
If that man is a subhuman, what is a brazilian?
You mean 5-20% black

Don´t think he is russian.
There is an american using a russian proxy here

average russhit

Attached: 1471015061783.png (552x338, 209K)

There's also someone with a Brazilian proxy obsessed with Russians.

mongol rape baby i don't have a single drop of spic blood in me
millions of you wh*Toids should starve again

I know you're trolling but Brazilians are usually on the 20+% range, the rest of latin americans are 3~% on average

That's about 200% better than being brazilian
HAHAHAH good one

Attached: 1-s2.0-S0959437X16301149-gr1.jpg (670x453, 61K)

Don't Russians use sites like Jow Forums to radicalize american racists aka Trump supporters?

why russians are soooo ugly?

Attached: 1409588846219.jpg (550x405, 45K)

Yes, the guy you quoted is a Turk, but I am not..

We're monkeys, which is better than being Russian. Die in your fronzenland, you mongol thirdworlder.

Attached: 4u6gls.png (1023x249, 123K)

Why are brazilians so black?
I know, because you are African rapebabies

>current opinion
Sounds scientific

AS i have said, i´m waiting for your picture

PROVE you´re russian

This is me


Now prove you´re russian

why russians are soooo miserable ?

Attached: 86070904_640.jpg (640x512, 44K)

I doubt he is russian.

Europeans generally don´t give a shit for Latin America. Only Spain and Portugal. And Italy care about Argentina.

When someone start to talk about Latam, generally is a burger in a proxy

Why do you look like such a monkey?

>When someone start to talk about Latam, generally is a burger in a proxy

Or a Latin American living in Europe.
There are a lot in Spain, Portugal, England and even Italy because muh heritage

why russians are soooo disgusting ?

Attached: 1rQvB2SxEfLYCv8pAh13XPA.png (900x600, 756K)