Do Europeans drink alcohol every single day?
Do Europeans drink alcohol every single day?
in Mediterranean Europe traditionally yes although that's changed in recent years
Russia and the other Slavs have rampant alcoholism and a tradition of drinking strong spirits so their numbers are very high
no, most people only drink thursday, friday and saturday
Well at least some wine for dinner or a beer yes
25% of deaths here are attributed to alchohol.
In normal counties it's like 5%.
White men often do.
Amerimutts drink less because they are not white.
Is Nigeria whiter than Norway?
Yes, unironically
I thought you guys were good at English?
I drink Beer everday
Drinking every day and in particular drinking beer every day is a very clear sign of Unterschicht.
I only drink on fridays (since its the holy sabath) only when I can loan money off suckers
now THAT is capitalism
>Do Europeans drink alcohol every single day?
A glass a day keeps the evil away :^)
stopped drinking alcohol about two years ago because it's stupid
I used to drink one bottle of wine per day, now I am trying to lose weight so I drink maybe only one or two bottles per week.
Once I achieve my target I'll probably go back to old habits.
>official numbers
m8 you ever attended a turkish / arab wedding?
Its like the only occation ever its okay for them to get drunk, they drown more in one night then I do in a year
italians dont drink often because they dont consider wine as alcohol maybe?
like they think its OJ or something
Normally drink one or two beer after work, people here drink beer or whine often to their meal too.
>drinking liquor daily is better than drinking beer daily
Bier ist völkisch
Drinking alcohol daily is not volklisch at all and something only c*tholics do. Luther warned against such behaviour.
yes, drank a beer with the lunch
med drink often wine/beer at lunch and dinner ,i dotn dirnk everyday but i know people who have atleast a glass of wine a day
i drink rarely, like maybe 5-6 times a year and only wine.