Imagine if pic related was your wife...

Imagine if pic related was your wife, imagine her being pregnant and you coming from behind to caress her belly knowing that your seed is growing inside her womb while she's cooking you a recipe her mother taught her when she was little, imagine feeling your hard cock between her ass cheeks while you do this and hearing her soft, feminine laugh

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imagine the smell

She looks like a tranny with that disgusting body.


disgusting spic

Fat pig

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I want that like RIGHT NOW


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based, now I want to put a baby in a Latin American woman too...

Attached: woman with baby.png (719x719, 1009K)

latinas age like refried beans

t. jealous wh*te woman

Most women age like shit

It's all about diet

very based

Attached: woman with baby.jpg (1057x1169, 103K)

maybe Cortes was on to something

why do latinas get their baby's ears pierced

so baby girls can wear earrings of course
gotta enforce gender roles since birth otherwise they end up mentally ill gender confused homofreaks like Anglo children

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Latinas are just good for sex. Their culture and IQ is trash. Portuguese girls are good for marriage and family.

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You realize when she's older, this body type becomes fat

Fake boobs and race mixing with a dumber race

The eternal anglo

Lmao she's just frying bits of meat and boiling some potatoes, hardly the sign of a good cook

Imagine sniffing her spicy arsehole and sweaty footpussy at the end of a long hot day

t. fag

>You realize when she's older, this body type becomes fat

what's the alternative? dating some skelly with no boobs or ass that will turn into a wrinkled bag of bones as soon as she turns 35?

Oh god I wish I had a girlfriend so fucking much.
I'll soon be 22 and i never had a non formal discussion with a women outside my family in my whole life.

i need more latinas getting bleached

Do you even try to talk with women? I doubt it's that hard, unless you are ugly as fuck.

even if he were ugly as fuck, girls will be nice as long as you don't come off as some kind of creep/pervert

>tfw latinas dislike non-latinos
sucks to be you

you spics worship wh*Tes don't lie

How come I see latinas holding hands with tall white guys by the high school I live by? The diversity shit liberals push goes both ways son. Whites are getting less power in the country but now non-white women have another dating choice. Still don't understand how Latino fathers put up with their daughters dating a bonfide hood nigger. Imagine crossing an entire continent just so your daughter dates a literal fuck up at life.

eu sou latino(europeu)

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you got any erotic lit recommendations like this

their faces are priceless

Que é de péssima qualidade, português tem pinto pequeno.


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that's living the dream

why would I want a child with a 3rd worlder? I'd rather just fuck her

She looks like she has your best mate's baby in her belly

t. based

Chinky face women are fucking disgusting
Literally insectoids

Is this satire coming from an irish?

is the first one even latina? She looks much more MENA to me

castizas are white passing, you might as well finish bleaching them

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fuck off nigger

Had a gf. we used to talk about what our kids would be like and we had fertility related dirty talk. she used to also cook me dinner and i'd come up behind her and kiss her neck and all that.

we were really and truly in love. that actually happened

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>is the first one even latina? She looks much more MENA to me

the U.S. is supposed to be filled with migrants, but is seems like you still don't know shit about other races.

>fuck white women
>raise strong white sons with latinas
Is this the ultimate redpill, it’s common knowledge that white women are unfit to be mothers and wives. They’re only good for fucking. White women feminize their sons and make them beta

Those are their childs dumbfuck

Why did it end, user?

All i want is a wife who takes care of the house and can actually cook while still being able to make a little income for the house. I Don't care about IG thots

The real reason why anons on Jow Forums don’t like women like this is because they know they can’t satisfy them physically. High testosterone meme is real after all

he killed himself, youre talking with his ghost now

This. And I‘m pretty sure that most of the guys in this thread would give their left testicle to have a wife like her.

>White women feminize their sons and make them beta
beta white men are beta because of their beta fathers.


Brother, take the sniffpill. Arsehole & footpussy is the new boobs & butt

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wh*toid genes are weak

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Attached: arnold son.jpg (959x768, 379K)

Left would be more attractive if he was ripped and the right one was fat. Right guy has that goblino base line to his monkey face.

First step is to leave this shithole forever lad

Post the third son.

Latinas are ugly and have shitty extroverted personalities

>this cope
They love white guys and you know it.


Post your wife's son