>88% Humidity
>80% humidity
breddy comfy rn
>89% humidity
fuck you
My city never gets colder than 8C during winter
it doesn't snow in Seoul?
I wish that were here....
looks great. Top gomfy
Sim, interior. Já chegou a 0C aqui, as vezes chega a 2C aqui, mas só de madrugada.
>66% humidity
Entendi. Aqui em Curitiba costuma chegar em 0 no inverno e tem alguns dias com negativas baixas -1 ou -2 mas não muito.
Mas esse calor que está fazendo agora não é normal pqp
83% humidity
Though it gets to your levels of heat during summer.
Even when Bolsonaro is president?
humidity is irrelevant when it is that cold
Far East
I know that feel. Worst climate on the face of the earth, except towards the end of the very brief spring.
t. fellow continental humid climate
pretty comfy :333
>Though it gets to your levels of heat during summer.
That's awful
Both are extreme
Russians don't feel cold.
these russians look latino
Maybe tourists or they're tanned, idk.
>live in Marble Bar, W.A.
>42*C today
>rest of the week is 44+
>is going to get more humid as time goes on
steaming hot 6 celsius right now, 62% humidty not that it matters when heaters make all indoors unbearably dry.
it sucks not having a white christmas like more than half this decade, but other than that, living by the great lakes is awesome weather-wise. Does get humid hot a couple times in the summer but that's what basements and a/c are for
Try 100% and come back later
swampy air over the town
>25% humidity
Feels dry desu