Bought a russian blend of earl grey

>bought a russian blend of earl grey
>it's terrible
No surprises. Also, I know tea is for women and fags. No need to remind me.

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Do Russians even drink Earl Grey? Why would you buy Russian blends of teas Russians don't drink?

>earl grey

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)

tea's great, unless it's from the King's monopoly, then it goes in the bay

Well, what do you drink then, you fucking tea-drinking faggot?

Do you prefer jewish piss?

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By which you mean energy drink?

1. Where did you find Russian blend in Sweden?
2. Usually in Western Europe and America, they sell shitty products in stores with Russian food, which are dirt-cheap here.

In a shop.

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>earl grey
Why buy this when you have pic?

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It's a cheapest tea here.

Lipton is british company, they gave name "Russian" to this intentionally shitty blend to discredit Russians.

i never saw a swedish tea dose it even exist i mean what grows on the north pole

Almost all tea in Russia is extremely shitty

soviet tea was based and redpilled

i think it was a "georgian tea"

I know.

>tea is for women and fags
That's coffee you are thinking about.

No. It's extremely feminine to drink tea. The whole culture and marketing of it is made to appeal to women.

>The whole culture and marketing of it is made to appeal to women
Once again, that's coffee. Just look at the whole coffee shop theme. It's targeted on women and feminine hipsters.

>The whole culture and marketing of it is made to appeal to women.

Attached: starbucks-boba.jpg (1055x836, 113K)

No. Coffee is what men drink at work and so on. It's what you drink in the forest when you're out hunting. Etc. Tea is for women, because it's what you drink in the parlor and raise your pinky while doing so. Fag shit.

That's a dessert drink.

>Coffee is what men drink at work
That's tea. Coffee is for feminine faggots who are constantly complying about not being able to function without their morning cup of coffee.

No, you're a fag Sirgay.

>he wrote on his macbook while sitting in Starbucks

>Coffee is what men drink at work and so on.

Attached: nintchdbpict000367413095.jpg (1200x800, 135K)

>How did you know i wanted Nevada and high strength alri homebrad based on nothing but mu appearance?

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i only drink Sencha

>Coffee is what men drink at work and so on
maybe in plastic-filled offices, not on real work

Another fucking fag detected.

Strangely when I was in georgia (not Russia I know) a lot of the teas there tried to look English, houses of parliament and stuff on the front. Strange seeing as Russia has a tea culture of your own

>people who drink tea are faggots
only in sweden

extremely based posts

No, in every place where there be men. No true man drinks tea, that's for women and fags. A true man brews himself a cup off coffee over open flame while he's innawoods hunting. He doesn't eat lunch while working, he just has a cup of coffee. That's a man. A faggot woman like yourself starts doing all these faggy "ceremonies" with your tea and goes to smelly-as-fuck shops where everything is feminine and shitty. Fag.

>that autistic swedish virgin faggot talking shit about tea

>Strange seeing as Russia has a tea culture of your own

Attached: samovar-s-blinami-100x80[1].jpg (900x723, 269K)

Coffee is a chemical stimulant, tea replenishes the spirit, they're different things. It's just clear that tea drinkers are more cerebral, more intelligent if you will

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>No, in every place where there be men. No true man drinks tea, that's for women and fags. A true man brews himself a cup off coffee over open flame while he's innawoods hunting. He doesn't eat lunch while working, he just has a cup of coffee. That's a man. A faggot woman like yourself starts doing all these faggy "ceremonies" with your tea and goes to smelly-as-fuck shops where everything is feminine and shitty. Fag.

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Yeah exactly, so I don't know why Russian tea brands would try and look English when it's just as much a Russian thing as it is an English. Just we're more famed for it I guess. I would like a samovar they're really cool

>A true man brews himself a cup off coffee

Attached: smiling-hipster-drinking-coffee-front-barista-portrait-shop-56787117[1].jpg (1300x957, 138K)

>>>>Buying Lipton
Besides, why the fuck "russian"? It has some gasses inside?

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Coffee countries: based and redpilled
tea "countries": cringe and bluepilled

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why people even drink coffee or tea?
i don't get it
i drink tea but im indifferent to coffein it has no effect on me (coffee too)

i actually preffer chicory

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Look at these fags.

English (or Western in general)=high quality.
Russian (domestically produced)=low quality third world garbage with fake ingredients.

Fucking grade A teatime there. 10/10.

if turkey, that practically introduced coffee to europe, drinks tea, i believe there are no more arguments needed.

It only exists in paintings. Irl russians use cheap tea bags and drink it while eating rotten rat meat.

>Look at these fags.

Attached: gaycafe1[1].jpg (201x322, 27K)

>bought earl grey
well there's your problem

buy lapsang souchong

>Coffee is what men drink at work and so on.
Office workers, maybe. Workmen drink tea.

Try lady grey or english breakfast tea. They're more aromatic and taste better.

I believe there is no such thing as Russian tea. They buy tea in Sri Lanka or India and just put in the package.

There is, but I doubt that it's good.

>buying russian anything other than kalashnikov

Maybe in your fag country.
>"Care for a spot of tea YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"
*raises pinky*

To all my American tea drinkers, please buy an electric kettle, or a stove top one.
Don't just put some water in the microwave.

Tea grows everywhere in Russia


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Your issue is drinking bagged Lipton shit, not the """Russian""" earl grey blend.

Water - healthy
Juice - full of sugar
Milk - full of calories
Cola, etc. - full of sugar+calories and/or weird chemicals
Tea - healthy
Coffee - healthy*

*assuming the concerns about acrylamide are unwarranted (WHO removed coffee from its list of possible carcinogens in 2016, and coffee consumption is apparently associated with a reduced risk of some cancers)

Sure, there's Ivan tea but it's herbal.
And some "Russian-inspired" blends.

>"Sveeeeen, lets go to Starbucks and get some coffee darling!"
*inserts buttplug*

When it says Russian, it's not necessarily referring to the origin of the leaves, but rather the origin of the blend.

Same goes for "British tea", e.g.
>English breakfast tea is a traditional blend of teas originating from Assam, Ceylon, and Kenya.[1]

What about Bovril drinkers?

Attached: 311330-Bovril_Beef_125g.jpg (686x685, 72K)

Transcended the mortal plane