Bought a russian blend of earl grey

>bought a russian blend of earl grey
>it's terrible
No surprises. Also, I know tea is for women and fags. No need to remind me.

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Do Russians even drink Earl Grey? Why would you buy Russian blends of teas Russians don't drink?

>earl grey

Attached: d90.png (644x800, 15K)

tea's great, unless it's from the King's monopoly, then it goes in the bay

Well, what do you drink then, you fucking tea-drinking faggot?

Do you prefer jewish piss?

Attached: a4b.jpg (600x373, 31K)

By which you mean energy drink?

1. Where did you find Russian blend in Sweden?
2. Usually in Western Europe and America, they sell shitty products in stores with Russian food, which are dirt-cheap here.

In a shop.

Attached: 41vEl+pBiCL.jpg (300x300, 17K)

>earl grey
Why buy this when you have pic?

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