Does your country hate South Korea?

Does your country hate South Korea?

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this is wrong
because most hated country is Korea

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Why does Brazil hate South Korea?

I thought Brazilians loved everything outside of their country?

Why does Germany hate us

This was 2017 before the 2-0

don't ask why
know yourself first

I don't know
but we love North Korea

I've been wondering the same thing when I saw that poll the first time. I seriously doubt any germans care one way or the other about South Korea, so I heavily suspect some people confused north and south korea.

There isn't really any other plausible explanation.

The dice look strange, I've never seen anyone hate Korean. Perhaps they did the research in Sao Paulo capital, there are many Koreans


That makes sense. Germans and South Koreans actually have much fascination about each others' countries

Why would Nigeria and Kenya care about SK in first place?

i thought chaboom was pretty famous in german no?

I don't even know why we hate them so much

>internet poll
i bet 80% of voters are alt right japs

Why do Koreans think only Japan hate them?
open your eyes

The country does nothing but annoying the other countries.

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We have too much weeaboo

Are weebs supposed to hate Koreans and Chinese?

Hey, they are open eyes already!

i dont think only japs hate korea
but i am damn sure alt right japs with no life are annoying as fuck
like you
get a life
something at least better than spending most of your time on internet spreading misinformations about some country
your izime culture is disgusting as fuck
and of course some neck beard weeb shits will believe anything japs say
korean people are too busy to do such horrible thing
we actually dont really give a shit about what other countries think about japan
sure we hope other countries to hate you because we hate you
but we dont have that kind of time to spread misinformations even using shitty google translator
because we have life and shit to do

I've never heard anything negative about South Korea in mainstream media here and K-Pop is becoming increasingly popular
I can't understand why 40% of people have a negative opinion of SK

Dumbass. most of the hate from random countries is confusing us w north korea


Germans seem to hate everyone and everything that moves. They also hate India for some reason. Sick fucks.

like that german user said, prob confused with north cucks
i mean i dont understand why would other countries would give a shit about korea

just by apple
use american product

yeah probably the same thing

what the fuck
why is korea so hated
you faggots keep saying usually irrelevant countries are high in this kind of polls

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shit eng ability kek

They thought the interviewers were talking about North Korea. People here have no understanding of geography and live in a bubble, it's not surprizing most people don't know there are more than one Korea.

They don't
57% answered neutral, that's the highest of all nations there.
This representation is awfully misleading.
Germans don't give a shit about Korea.


Aside from commies and zoomer girls noone gives a fuck about South Korea here.

>mistakes s. korea as n. korea
but there is a same question about n. korea too in the same poll
i don't think people aren't that idiots

Absolutely no.
Shall I say the reasons why your cunt being hated for?
It would come to over a hundred.

Just the image of Korea is plain.
It's neither a particularly hated country nor a country that is particularly loved
The culture you spoke to is that older people are not interested because Korean culture is popular with younger generations
So it does not have a big impact on the survey for all age groups

Above all, Korea's favorability has not changed much in recent years.
Almost the same

>hurr nobody hates south korea because they don't give a shit about them
dear western people
it's a super rude thing to say you know

you shall tell me why are such an incel faggot ネトウヨ with absolutely no life
why does it make you feel good when other countries hate korea?
what does that make you accomplish?
why does it matter?
yes i too hope other countries to hate you but i dont act on it because its stupid
why the fuck would i spend my time to do that?

Whichtcountry has more incels?
Japan or Korea?
I know Korea has ilbe and japan has 5ch

based gook

You are ridiculously true.
They don't even understand that they say rude and arrogant things.

it's better to be unknown than hated

id say japan has more just because they have bigger population

No, I just say that you and your country are sure hated because you say that we are misunderstanding with North blah-blah.

My mother always turns the TV off when asians are shown on screen, she 'despises these fucking slant-eyes'

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well sorry then
consider it as i said it to that alt right ネトウヨ

This If we're talking about "hate" then the countries should be listed this way. Only 32% of Germans have a negative opinion on South Korea (which is not the same as hate) while 68% do not have negative feelings toward you

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Not after the 2002 world cup

Btw here's the North Korea one

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suddenly these charts reminds me of Superpower 2
it was hella fun game i didnt know the rules so i start as USA and start nuking everyone

>a higher percent of brits have a bad opinion of North Korea than Americans

That's right, fuck India

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Maybe they thought we were the best Korea? Cuz they're more famous than us
>t.Worst Korean