2) Have you noticed that this board is obsessed with France?

2) Have you noticed that this board is obsessed with France?
Je oui

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Other urls found in this thread:


yeah my cock would look cute in her mouth

>cock would look cute

You can easily recognize nafri diaspora by the obnoxious low quality content of their replies

Non, c'est ne pas

Oui, mais je préfère très largement la Russie...

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La Russie est grise et laide

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La Russie est grise, mais mélancolique et pleine de beauté.

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He выхoди из кoмнaты! Ha yлицe, чaй, нe Фpaнция.

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Qu'est-ce qu'elle a un trou dans son cou ?

I wish I could read Russian ;-;

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Elle aime la pénis :3

C'est la ligne de la poétique

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>Don’t leave the room! Outside, you will not find France.
C'est très beau. Vous nous aimez vraiment en Russie, je suis très touché.

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ta gueule connasse

Basically it's not really about how beautiful France, but about your riots. The line says you "not to go" to protests because they will not be successful, because it's not a France outside. Sure you should get it direct, the meaning is basically opposite.

Lave ta gueule bête garçon

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Between lines, obviously

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va laver mon slip pauvre conne

>Je oui
tu parles français comme une vache espagnole

J'apprends le français un mois. Ce site est un seul lieu oú je peux parle le français

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I have the impression that many of the int francophones are into anime larping and other subhuman activities, maybe because a good portion of people who consistently make threads about france have to attach anime women to their every post

bonne chance mec

اصبع على صرمك


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kek'd hard

not really

Hi one russian gf (female) please

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based ouibeau Russian

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I see. But history kinda proved that line wrong.

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did she dead


Et c'est une bonne chose.

I hate everything french

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