fuck off arseling
Other urls found in this thread:
reckon i have an MQ (mog quotient) of 130
*height and looksmogs u*
lets be honest lads
that bird was in fact at least a 7
>got TWO boxes of nuggets even though I paid for just one
fastfoodberg seething
*brain mogs you*
have completely forgotten how to flirt
Just like me
my British neighbors are so
Stupid cunts. I never looked down on monogamy but only that men naturally want to fuck and procreate and it's our duty to do so. In my opinion it's acceptable for men to be polygamous but the same cannot be applied to women. In other words, yeah, if you're a man and *can* have more than one partner then you should.. but only if you're valuable enough (socially, etc) to the women that they will remain faithful despite you being polygamous.
Some women are into one sided open relationships which is what I was talking about. Despite the protests you hear usually women will remain faithful if she believes she's better off with you than without, even if you are a 'cheater', or agreed on having a one sided open relationship (open for you, not for her).
I can't help you if you're some ugly fucking povvo loser, don't read my posts because you can't relate to them.
hate driving, people are so mean on the roads
What do you think a girl would think if she were to go on your computer and see that you've saved 1000's of cartoon pictures? That's the one thing I just don't understand with anime freaks.
best place to get some joggers? just want some basic slazenger or whatevers to wear at home.
sports direct?
odds I go bed and fix my sleeping schedule another day
evens I soldier on and fix it NOW
wish I didn't invent Dave he's got too big for his boots
Based Saxon.
Fuck N*Rdoids.
above average at least, don't know what the fuck diego's on about
what did you mum do to you to make you hate women so much?
And you *are* still a virgin freak unless you've shagged probably a thousand times. That doesn't mean fucking one thousand women, it means having sexual intercourse so often that you are fully familiar with everything about it. You can't know anything about sex if you've shagged 10 girls once each. You've fucked 10 times. That's nothing
Until you've shagged 1000 times, you're a virgin freak. Doesn't matter if it's with the same girl or 1000 different girls.
I invented Dave
Me? Yes I'm a proud member of a clerisy
you can keep believing whatever you want but no amount of belief will make her hairline less atrocious or her nose less beaklike
>you've saved 1000's of cartoon pictures
No I haven't
is deano broken?
I've also seen dark chocolate version of that orange for sell
How is it
Dark chocolate here is ultra bitter so I didnt want to risk it
nice of you to join us dave
Nothing. Why? What makes you say that? If anything my post is logical and women in my experience in my life have no problems with it, or me, or how I treat them.
Very good. Take it with you tonight, lad.
not a deano. just enjoy comfort at home.
yeah thats what puts me off learning to drive desu
any THE CARS man in? youtube.com
*buys a 1 bed flat*
*sticks the word "student" in front of it*
*jacks up the price 50%*
ah yes, the landlord life
scoffing down some m&ms
Next do the best "lounge pants"
The Black Irish? From Iberia, no question about it.
didn't even know there was a dark chocolate one desu
british dark chocolate is always pretty sweet compared to continental chocolate imo
you're just coming across as the typical unlikeable misogynist angry prick you see occasionally and are glad you dont know on a more personal level.
diego can i email you so you can rate me
Just be calm, if someone give you the pip, ignore.
was looking at a 1973 newspaper today
saw a doubleflat being advertised
it was in Chelsea, fully furnished, 2 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, tv and phone provided, all the accoutrements
£20 a week
ah yes, the ol' pipnore
this doesn't happen
I’m on my phone so I can’t colmenar on earlier posts but some runt called the pub I’m in a corporate chain, it’s the kings arms in Salford and I’ll bang you right out you mong
When she discovered that I was living in Spain, she -- an Irish-American -- remarked that she herself had Spanish blood in her veins. Asked to explain further, she replied that her family had always said that she was "Black Irish" to explain her dark brown hair, eyes, and personal like of Spain, and that these features were inherited from a Spanish forebear who had sailed with the Armada, been shipwrecked, and later married into her ancestral Irish family.
that's me in the corner
that's me with a shot gun
losing my cerebrum
Boomers and migrants have ruined any future we had in this country
restless right nowadays
not enough action in my life
wanked twice and the gf is going to be home soon so I'll get a couple shags if i can manage it
are you by yourself
really? i thought it would be sold side by side next to milk chocolate one
it looked like this
find it fascinating how the darker someones skin the more likely they are to commit crimes, like a visual warning
just mental how smart god is really
that was me and i stand by my assessment of that dire looking shit-hole. get some taste you working class gremlin.
Fuck off my mams a boomer and she’s piss fucking poor you middle class rat
lads should i work in costa or starbucks
You see...the Black Irish...they have Spanish DNA...
Not at all, that's just how you're reading into it tbf. I might be a "misogynist" or have views which might be called that but women in my life love me anyway, and how I am.. so if I am then I really don't care to tell you the truth.
well i've never bought a chocolate orange
Found a fantastic deal on Gumtree but the cretin is missing digits from their phone number and there's no other way to contact them
Aye I’ve moved on now though, was meant to be in Newton Heath with my pal but he lets me down a lot, half cut now wew
there's a white chocolate version too if you can find it, they're all nice
cafe nero
Just look at the back and it will tell you what % chocolate it is. It's the same all over the world. 70% is safe, if it's 80% and up then it's very bitter. Then look where the sugar's placed. If it's the 3rd or 4th ingredient, then it won't be too sweet.
starfucks or cucksta
choice of the century
any Pengdonians in?
what I like about homealone is his apodeictic reflections. he's pretty much always right.
Costa has better cups imo (thicker) x
definitely worth posting a second time
why is BBC news such shit these days
Not really he's just a whinging incel. When the lads are in he gets absolutely fucking demolished.
Untrue, women are also naturally inclined to polygamy in order to secure good genes while also acquiring a stable, long term husband.
The cloistering of virgins, formation of harems and the general safeguarding of exclusive reproductive rights by men in power for all of human history is a response to this natural female tendency.
Proper boozer you soft bourgie cunt! Say what you want it’s not corporate
literally too anxious to get a job what do i do
Just bought property in Maple Ridge.
who here /enjoying the ride/
would take it any day over CNN or Fox
priming my cock for the gfs imminent arrival lads
my eyes are peng
well it looks corporate as fuck.
london is shite
good now you can step to me and get blown up like a ragdoll running over an IED
Nah, he's a coping incel. He's read too much online "Redpill male" bullshit and thinks everything is set in stone. The truth is reality just isn't that way.. you see good looking women with ugly fellas all of the time, etc. For the most part he might be correct but either way the idea is that YOU aren't supposed to lose. You do anything you can to not lose. That's all. Incels seemingly want to lose and have already resigned before they even begin
imagine what the 'don will look like in 50 years from now
The Mongol Empire at its greatest extent
priming my gf for the cock's imminent arrival lads
This was the rovers on chapel street, topic of the day here was immigrants
How tall are you, big dog?
still been doing the wanking without cumming every day
gonna glue the missus to the ceiling tonight
the truth obviously hurts based on the amount of copers calling him an idiot and such.
HUUUUUGE....tracts of land