I wish I lived in a country with culture

I wish I lived in a country with culture....

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This. I wish I lived in Canada too.

What's problem? Go to canada.

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What a retard.

the only part of Canada with culture is Quebec and I don’t speak French

countries don't have cultures anymore in this globalised world, the only culture we're allowed to have is mcdonalds and hiphop

doesn’t matter. I would keep the culture alive in my own little microcosm, even if everyone around me didn’t.

Argentina has culture tho

>I wish my country was overrun with RealTraveler(TM) cunts
you do not know how good you have it

>be american
>do a shitty event for a couple of years
>start calling it "a deeply rooted tradition"

why are they like this

>Be nigger born in France
>"I'm French"
Why do they do this?

why do right wingers pretend that your nationality is written inside your dna

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fuck you fatass

What are you talking about? Your country currently is a center of modern culture.

Because it actually kind of is.

This, I wish I lived in Poland

>why do right wingers pretend that your nationality is written inside your dna

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This, I also wish i lived in Antarctica.

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your country have culture just happens that mostly is shit

>Culture (/ˈkʌltʃər/) is the social behavior and norms found in human societies.
so by definition america has culture too