Why are Germans afraid of Google Street View ? Last photos were taken in 2008 and half of the houses are blurred. What do they hide from ?
Why are Germans afraid of Google Street View ? Last photos were taken in 2008 and half of the houses are blurred...
>let us invade your volks privacy goyim
Are you also surprised to learn uber is banned here
i never understood why any country allowed. it's easier than every to plan an invasion with google street view
Scared of government and surveillance
>it's easier than every to plan an invasion with google street view
What a dumb argument...
Should we stop using phones, the internet because it's easier to spy on us or building roads and bridges because it allows a foreign military to cross the country?
Doesn't matter, satellites
We have maps so detailed of Germany they showed my friends mothers garden shed, and individual trees
maybe they remember the Stasi ?
They're hiding from revenge-seeking jews
They remember all the organized government persecution of French British American soviet and Herman governments.
>trusting the Wüstenfeind
what did he mean by this
street view is better
Desert enemy
Unironically based
Do you have similar privacy laws in Switzerland?
bump for proper laws
That's actually based af
Good job germany on btfoing the botnet
I am pretty butthurt because I'd love to compare German cities to ours to borrow good ideas of city planning and development yet the German government doesn't allow me to do so so I have to take an example from the Netherlands instead.
General technophobia. Germans are the most backward people in Europe.
t. brainlet country that inserts botnet chips under their fucking skin
Das Internet ist für uns Neuland.
Home invasions
they don't want the whole world to see that the streets in Germany are full of sandniggers and mudslimes and all the turkish flags on the windows
kinda true
in most of German shops you can't even pay with international cards like MasterCard or Visa
lmao they dont want people to see all the shitskins
Having experienced several police and surveillance states in the course of the last 150 years. Germans are wary towards any form of non-discriminate data accumulation by state and non-state actors.
Sorry but credit cards are an outdated technology. So is nuclear energy. You are calling people backwards while advertising literally technology from decades ago.
What is better than nuclear energy?
Gay sex.
Renewable energy. Here, Nuclear energy is regarded has an outdated and problematic technology that fell way short of its hyped promises that now stands in the way of the adoption of real and viable alternatives.
>wääh wääh germans don't want giant corporations the right to photograph their houses, luddites!
corporate bootlicker
because we are based and redpilled, unlike you
t. Green propaganda mouthpiece.
Electricity went up like mad again. Bring back nuclear power and hang the greens.
You know people walking by your house can see it right?
>What do they hide from ?
And they are not allowed to take photos for commercial use without my consent. What's your point?
Finally a germ who doesn't swallow "green" propaganda.
Yeah and people can walk up to you and take your picture. Doesn't mean that corporations should have the right to do so and upload your picture online for all to see you corporate bootlicker.
Yeah really a shame
Kys you dumb cunt.
Germany is not running on renewable but on Russian gas and French nuclear power.
You just transferred part of your nuclear production to France and handed over your balls on a silver plate to Russia.
The energy policy of Germany is dumb.
Arab countries are dangerous, you would blurred your house too if you lived there
We know how to troll US-Americans.
Ill implant a chip on her, if you catch my drift
and you're portuguese so you're clearly speaking from experience
>blurring out entire apartment buildings
classic german autism
the invasion of norway in ww2 was planned by a guy in a hotel room using the maps from a tourist guide he got at the reception. true story.
It's retarded but I've seen google street view cars in my city a few months ago
So coprs shouldn't be allowed to take pictures from public spots but people are?
Yes. Why is this such a hard concept to grasp? If you go to a fucking museum you can take a picture of the artworks there with the museums permission but you are not allowed to use those for commercial purposes.
Rape of the German Population is so popular and widespread that the government has put on huge billboards, broadcasting live rape every hour and they are everywhere!
Yes. Corporations are not people.
>private person takes a photo
>sells it to corp
not allowed now?
jewgle is evil but that's not a good argument. It's public space. No different than a single individual taking a stroll down a street, making a collection of pictures and publish them in a photo gallery on the internet. Or a newspaper. Or a TV making a video or a live broadcast. You have a right to privacy inside your home but outside? You can build something like the chernobyl sarcophagus over your house, build a high fence (and even then - drones) or go live underground in a bunker if you don't want your house being seen from the outside.
luddites have always been wrong though, not a single time in history they were right.
it's bad to be a luddite, it's even worse being a contrarian for the sake of it.
Always keep looking for when google car is going to pass again. This time i will put sings such as negros will be shoot on the spot, mind you fucking business, it's not rape if you are trespassing my property.
Rape threats is still the best security system know to man.
>oh yes dumb cunt, you wanted to rape me? *unzip dick* I'll show you a taste of the favela now
you just know this is going to happen
More like:
>hit back of his head with hammer
>tie him up
>shove things in his asshole for gigles and fun
a corp that evades taxes got denied
good thing
The Soviets used to not print cities and roads on official maps for national security reasons.
and look where they are now
What do you rely on in Switzerland?
Germans doing something right? Woah
Is it possible that they're hiding the shithole parts of germany from the outside world?
yea when they got rid of nuclear power they started burning shit again anf fuck nature bad. the windpower is not even used sometimes
Burn trash is recycling!
You are recycling the energy wasted in the production, otherwise lost if it ends in a hole.
Lost my shit. Is this in Brazil?
I forgot, I made the .gif 5 years ago
Well, close enough, am i right?
It's funny how there's no streetview in Germany, yet whole cities are mapped in 3D
Also, how the fuck did they get all the building textures from all angles? Satellite only shows the roof, streetview only the front, but they have perfectly accurate textures in places that are extremely difficult to take photos of
many year old photos public places are now surveillance
mapping drones
That... makes perfect sense actually
you're welcome my boy
Oh, for fuck sake Google. Was that really necessary?
Google car not only take pictures of your house. They also collect wireless BSSID to know where you are without permission.
So based.
Nope, an individual or a company selling photos without the permission of the photographed or the object's owner "Commercial Use" and is illegal
How fucking stupid are you?
>for commercial use
Google can claim 'for non-commercial' use and post it anyway
People are only allowed to take pictures of a large public area, not of individuals
That sounds like stupid urban legend.
How the fuck do you even imagine that?
Road network maps obviously didn't have inner city streets. While city maps were just that, city maps.
Some closed cities could be left out from maps, that still happens today.
satellites dont take picture from a perfect vertical angle
You know, nuclear waste disposal..
They must have paid a third party to photograph the cities.
Thanks for keeping the lights on here in Belgium.
lmao, how did they get away with this?