who are the most annoying/autistic posters in your general? how does their autism manifest?
Who are the most annoying/autistic posters in your general? how does their autism manifest?
Kiwis are all full on weebs
Racist incels, we call them incélo-facho. They keep going on about how much they hate arabs and similarpol topics. They're extremely annoying and usually post all day except in the morning.
Permavirgins are pretty annoying, saying this as a virgin myself
Also recently we got a doomsayer autist, he claims that he throws up everytime when he reads a clickbait article about worldwar 3
Oh and we got 1-2 cuckposters
It's probably the cephalic index autist. His autism manifests by him posting skull index maps and talking about exterminating Finns or mongoloids. His autism is not contained to our general as he likes to traverse Jow Forums and spread it all over. We also have a bunch of trannies.
>His autism manifests by him posting skull index maps and talking about exterminating Finns or mongoloids.
Kek, based.
>not having all the generals filtered
Haven't seen him in a while.
I don't mind bantering Finns but the way he does it is just so boring and ruins all the fun. Plus, whenever someone tries to tell him off he will always accuse you of being a finnish spy or a mongoloid devil.
We got some paki crossdresser called moni who has his own blogsite. He goes to the autistic meet ups and was seen eating coleslaw with his hands as he was too shy to ask for a fork.
We got a Canadian who uses VPNs and constantly threatens everyone, we call him schizo
All of /fr/ is autistic and annoying
>muh juifs
>muh bougnoules
>muh nègres
>muh animé
And nothing else except Québécois who are insufferable cunts in those threads
what do actual hungarian posters think of the 15cm retard?
We hate him because he got 2 ISPs rangebanned
Also he thinks the average is 18 centimeters because he saw thousands of amateur porn videos, but anyways he rarely posted the 15 cm bullshit in the general
incel degenerates who keep spamming reality shows
>was seen eating coleslaw with his hands as he was too shy to ask for a fork
Is this real.
I mean I'm not french and I understand why french people hate arabs, nothing to do with political orientation they are just trashy people.
>he got 2 ISPs rangebanned
holy fuck lmao
you forgot to mention the fact he stalked his polish coworker, admitted to feeling up kids under his care, and once posted a picture of his little brown cock in a chastity cage because no one was replying to him
what's a bougnoule
yes, one german and one swede who spam our general for 90% of the day with either retarded shit, complains about being incels, their neet life, >tfw no gf and asian feet pics
Any namefag of course. Like an autism badge. I rarely visit generals. /cum/ and occasionally /brit/ or /deutsch/ when Jow Forums is slow.
It's all the same type of autism in every general. The attention seeking tripfags, the never-goes-outside-anyways racist, the permavirgins, and of course the weebs
Back to /fr/ with you, vile incélo-facho
He now says that his dick was 10cm and he didn't realise because he didn't measure correctly or some shit
And the animespammers
its indeed 10cm, hes retarded, he rarely posts in our general and claimed many times that he hates /kurvaanyátok/
They are fine
I wouldn't know, I gave up on /ita/ more than a year ago
He posted a really shitty picture of his dick, I can't make out anything about it doesn't look 10 cm though
his name is big zero
he hates himself and wants to be white, he’s schizophrenic (not joking), and he constantly changes his goals
>I swear I’m gonna learn japanese
>b-but I’ll also write a book
>nah I’ll make a videogame
we have a group of trans people that shit down the thread with their posts about being fucked in their assholes and "cuteposting"
Go on the active /fr/ thread right now, and put in google translate you will laugh.
Wtf I love Sverigetråden now?
Looks like a cool guy
why? all they do is post about kissing each others feminine penises and as soon as people tell them to stop they act like victims
For a while it was a autistic Queb who kept posting pics of Eugénie Bouchard and insulting Jews, Arabs, Blacks and Anglos
Do you mean it's bigger or smaller?
Animefags. You're a worthless shut in faggot with no job, friends or legitimate hobby, we get this so stop coming to /balt/ just to remind us of that you worthless fucking nobody.
Thankfully they have been dormant lately at least
I think it's 15cm but the pic he took is retarded, he is probably fat and tries to hide it
Or at least this is my theory
>They keep going on about how much they hate arabs
why would anyone hate us, when jews are the real enemy?
Even if it was 20cm he would still be a virgin
He's not a virgin. He's a chad.
I don't know but he is hiding something, the way he cropped the picture is really suspicious
Stop believing his lies
Fucking Kelly and Ikybey.
the norwegian that claims norwegian isn't danish
Japs are the worst, spaming the hate for korea open many threads, totally obsessed
kelly is the guy who spams gore along with kurdposting all over the place?
self-hating non-whites
even worse is when they worship whites
this kelly is a based man
putting those roaches in their place is a dirty task, but a honorable one
Hän on jäljillämme, sulkekaa se!
Anyone know who the second girl from the left is?
He is
t. not him
He is
t. not him