Jow Forums and Jow Forums are unironically the cringiest and worst boards on Jow Forums.
Jow Forums is pretty decent and normal, desu.
Jow Forums and Jow Forums are unironically the cringiest and worst boards on Jow Forums.
Jow Forums is pretty decent and normal, desu.
what makes you think so?
All fucking Macacaos must fucking hang
I just visited both
/int is shit.
/his/ is shit.
Jow Forums is ok but it's an echo champer that gets boring. the best posters on Jow Forums are without a doubt /v/ and /a/. It's a shame I don't care enough about anime and vidya games to frequent them though, so I must suffer through you shitskins.
go back. it works best for everyone
dios mio
the worst board has to be /b/ though, so much porn spam you can't have any kind of discussions.
There are no correct opinions in this thread. The best board in terms of content is Jow Forums and /n/. Not even being ironic here, this place is cancer.
>Jow Forums is ok
>/v/ is good
mi dios
Jow Forums is the sfw /b/ but nobody goes there
>/v/ is anything but a shithole
>Jow Forums is ok
i've had much better discussion on /v/ than Jow Forums. Jow Forums, at least since 2017, is nothing but a bunch of shitskins pretending to be "ironic whites" in order to turn Jow Forums into "anti-pol." it's tiering and cliche. You probably stay on polakc generals and don't notice.
this desu but It's the /lgbt/ europeans who get more offended at Jow Forums than the actual brown south americans
every board has Jow Forums and Jow Forums vibes
because the normieization of Jow Forums has not been completed.
Only boards that can be called "good" are /tg/, /an/ and niche boards like /po/
Anything about popular hobbies like /v/ and /tv/ is bad
Anything that has posters arguing about which country is more X or Y like Jow Forums, Jow Forums and /his/ are irremediable shithole boards.
Jow Forums is full of normies who have a gf
>Jow Forums is full of normies who have a gf
they'd like you to believe that.....but really they don't.
/qa/ too has an insightful userbase but it's slow and somewhat clickish.
I doubt that people over 20 post on Jow Forums.
>your post is not original
Annoying as fuck.
There is no "anti-Jow Forums". There is only Jow Forums and the rest of Jow Forums, who want your kind to stay the fuck in containment.
Jow Forums is very slow and desolate
that's bad
I've gone there a few times and tried to have discussion but it's just a bunch of people repeating the same opinions ad nasum, ironically enough considering
>your post is not original
Interestingly though, there is a subset of girls who go there because they are instriuged (and maybe even attracted to) but the whole "incel" thing, which is somewhat in popular consciousness nowadays. At least more so than before
>Jow Forums is slow
whaaaa? Nah, Jow Forums is middle speed.
/qa/ is 99% spam being generated from a mentally ill tryhard who hates meta discussion and has spent years desperately trying to convert the entire board into his safe space. He spends hours samefagging for hundreds of posts just to create the semblance of discussion, but he is too austistic to realise that it doesn't convince anyone.
/int is shit and selfhating shitboard full of faggots and other reddittors
good threads died because this board is slow
better move to Jow Forums or Jow Forums
What are some good boards?
it depends what you like. I don't go to nsfw boards tho because I really do hate porn and vulgarity, personally. I'm like a typical tard who comes here because I really do like international cultures but instead find that is entrily correct, except the people aren' "Self-hating,' they're just hateful non-whites.
I think there are less non-whites here than on Jow Forums for example
>Jow Forums is pretty decent and normal
It really isn't. It just looks good compared to our retarded brethren Jow Forums and Jow Forums