Could you imagine being:

Could you imagine being:
>AND browsing this board?

truly the lowest of the low

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im a female browsing this board but i've had at least 35 dicks up in me

trannies aren't females, Anders

Can you imagine, that a wo man tells lies aboit you and everyone you ever knew believes it and you lose your job and get innocently jailed, raped and pozzed and nobody will ever bring her to justice for lying?
Everyone will tell her she is a strong GAL, won't they?

Cam you imagine?
You lose your time and efforts, your career and if she might be your spouse, even your kids will always hate you.
Can you imagine?
A woman's life is so hard

your puss
>pic related

actually nice effort tho

this desu, we accept you tho for who you arae

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if you're gonna go spout MGTOW at least spell stuff correctly

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>over 16

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>when the Australian cuckold is forced to listen to his female politicians, but it's alright because you get some big aboriginal clits to suck.
BTW. I still feel sad for that 13 year old child who got punished by his female peers, the school AND the state for having a black avatar image in Snapchat.

lots of girls over 16 are virgin. most girls in fact dont have sex until quite late in their lives / before marriage

>he believes it
>not asking for her anal virginity

maybe it's different in your shithole islamic caliphate but that's not at all true here in the first world.

If women are still vaginal virgins, then that's because her asshole is permanently gaped instead.
Muslim girls are the biggest analwhores ever and if you don't mating press her asshole at your first night together, then you must be a Muslim cuckold groom that she can emotionally and sexually blackmail you.
Women give their best years to strangers, but never give it to you, because she doesn't see you like that.
She sees you as a provider, and she'll do everything to not give up what you pay for.

>got the succ at age 12
>got the snatch age 14
>most men doing better than you

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hate to say it, but this just screams incel


have any virgins ever gotten close?

is there such thing as a stacey thunderbob to steal the show for those femanons out there?

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Fuck off. How’s it feel regretting giving your virginity to a floor mopping Chad? Enjoy your roastie pussy at 25.