This is how atheists should be treated everywhere

This is how atheists should be treated everywhere

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>shut it down

this is literally what right wing US TV looks like when they invite a leftist (I.E. rational) guest. They cut them off before they can make their point, then go on to twist their words and spew a bunch of bullshit their stupid right wing hick viewers already believe

Imagine having so little personality or creativity that you have to larp as a shitskin on the internet. Are you a mutt hiding behind a proxy by any chance?

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youtube link so I can send this to my dad?

so are you a muslim?

atheism is honestly pretty fucking stupid
>hurr durr science
science isn't absolute, it gets proven and disproven constantly and science can't disprove God's existence

I fucking hate millennials.


What a mess of a post.

Please, for the love of whatever the fuck you worship, kill yourself.

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Why did they invite him though? He looks like an intelligent nice guy, come home brown man

>leftist (I.E. rational)

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Right, but you can't prove it either. There is no way for us to assert one or the other opinion ; so imo the faith of a person becomes more about this person's identity and culture. Wether this person adheres more to certain values. I also think being theist or atheist changes a lot in function of where you live. If I lived somewhere where the dominant religion and my peers had values I do not agree with, i'd find it very hard to be theist.

>atheism is honestly pretty fucking stupid

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lazy user

When atheism is no longer exclusively intertwined with leftism is when I will finally know peace.

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From the thumbnail I thought that was the faggot from Blue's Clues.

>refers to his viewers as simple people who cant understand big words
>the atheist needs help
Atheist are annoying but jesus christ is Egypt full of knuckle dragging retards.

Atheism is the only belief that is objectively wrong. If nothing else the earth and the sun are our immediate gods as they created and sustain all living things. People who are atheist are generally so stupid they only believe that the most popular religions count as religion, while spewing science they don't understand.

Calm and nice fellow getting insulted by a biased host and an old guy with a funny hat?

it is

Join the alt-right then.
It's basically atheist conservative white boys larping as Christian Crusaders but in the 2010s.

lmfao you're one dumb fuck Mohammed
your video shows how fucking retarded your people are

>you're talking to simple people
>don't use big words
>big bang theory
>big words

lmfao imagine having the gall of thinking you can talk about the universe without even being capable of letting someone use the term "big bang".

Atheists are bad but so are sandnigger religions and your people, KYS you fucking pos.


>science is disproved
Yes, by other scientists
Fucking retard

i'm myself not a muzzie but apostates are annoying as hell to talk with generaly, i will stand with the reporters in this one and that che guevara wannabe teen that wants to revolutionate his country should begin with tidying up his room and uninronically seek medical help for his attention whoring problems

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>believing in le magic sky dad

Grow up you monkey.

I'm athiest and centrist if that counts. I don't know which side I find more insufferable.

>ooga booga
>the sun is our god

Every aspect of your life and everything you've ever known relies on the suns existence

Just imagine being american and having to choose one out of two parties because of your religious views

>speak arabic
fucking fedora fag using english terms.
He should be ashamed of himself not being able to say his beliefs in his native language. Proof that it isn't him saying it, but the internet influence.

>and that means the sun is god
The sun is the sun you piece of shit

This is actually some high quality bait, I'm impressed.

What’s the purpose of this pic? He’s gonna rape them or something? What are you trying to convey?

In the most literal sense if you don't believe it is just a tool of god, then yes it is god.

Personally I'm a pantheist and believe literally everything is god.

How the fuck are you supposed to say "Big Bang" in arabic

why are all european cucks nowadays?

Yeah it's retarded but the the Republican party is pretty hard core with their Christian values and alienate anyone who is non-religious. The Democrats are just overall extremely cringy and allow stupid non-scientific shit in as well like 3rd gender spectrum and wage gap.

You don't have a translation for it?

the idea of a god really is silly, honestly belief in oneself and to be the best is more important

Yep, it makes democracy that much easier to manipulate

there's philosophy, always
there is faith
just blatant rejection is arrogance + ignorance

By using the official translation.
He shouldn't be talking if he can't translate but only qoute richard dawkins directly.
what are you talking about?

how does believing in god make you humble?

Feels great to live in a state where religion ceased existing.

The sun is a source of energy for life, end of story you fucking hippie

There is literally no reason to call it god

By being a submissive bitch and accepting everything your elders have to say

It's also the source of all life we've known, our planet couldn't have even formed without it. It's existence created everything we have experienced.

>Join the alt-right then.

nah, you can miss me with that gay shit.

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Nobody noticed he’s named Muhammed?

Earth didnt originate from our sun. And as long as your definition of god is shit that originates life, whatever, that is a stupid definition. God is supposed to be a being, not a phenomenon or object.

>ad hominem shitstorm

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omg wow unbelievable....imagine that

You are re-defining the conventional meaning of words to draw some silly non-sequitur. You are not arguing or making a point. You are playing infantile language games that make you look silly.

Well it’s a very unfortunate name for the only atheïst in Egypt.
Imagine Richard Dawkins were named Jesus Christus

Allahu Akbar


fukken lol'd

You could say that about pretty much anything. What is the point in referring to something as a god if everything is a god and thus it has no meaning? That's just using a retarded usage of the word.
Is nothingness also god because nothingness also helped create life in it's own way?


Or Varg Vikerens actually being named Kristian... oh wait lol

Is that a staged shit? I mean like they didn't know he was an atheist beforehand.

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What is your point exactly? Just because you become an atheist later in life doesn't fundamentally change your society's naming conventions that are fundamentally influenced by religious history. Every Muslim family has one son named Mohammed. Probably the dumbest shit I read all day.

One of the top atheists was called CHRISTopher Hitchens

>Every Muslim family has one son named Mohammed.
No they don’t. Most stopped doing that ages ago since names like Achmed, Hassan, Muhammed and Fatima make them look like retards

In my religion (orthodox mormon) it is a she

just as long as you can choose what to believe in

Anecdotal bullshit. Mohammed still is the most popular name on the entire planet.

*raises finger*

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by accepting that you are fundamentally puny and that there is a power beyond you

>On 21 October 2014, ex-Muslim atheist activist Ahmed Harqan (or Harkan) featured in a debate on the popular Egyptian talk show Taht al Koubry ("Under the Bridge"). He explained why he had become an atheist and said that Islam is a "harsh religion", which was being implemented by Islamic State (ISIS) and Boko Haram. They are doing "what the Prophet Muhammad and his companions did," said Harqan. Four days later, in the evening of 25 October, he and his pregnant wife Nada Mandour (Saly) Harqan (also an atheist) were attacked by a lynch mob, and escaped assassination by fleeing to a nearby police station.Instead of taking action to help Harqan and his wife, the police officers further assaulted them and they were imprisoned, charged with blasphemy and "defamation of religion" under article 98 in the Egyptian penal code.


Mamma mia, parla arabic, you are in egypt

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It's especially hilarious since Egyptian Arabic has a shitton of British loan words from the time of British colonialism.

Why are Muslims so subhuman?

I bet my bank account that you're not an ethnic dutch, morrocan or turk?

Mudshit hypocricy

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This is how atheists should be treated everywhere

Remember: Religion makes you humble, until you use it as an excuse to beat up pregnant women.

Fuck that caught me off guard

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lack of greco-roman influences

T. Mohammed abdul

I hope i will beat up some muslim monkeys when i visit europe

We don't really understand Egyptian Arabic, it is very different than Easter Arabic, even some sounds are pronounced differently, like g instead of j, etc. They say Al Gazeera, absolutely disgusting

>Mamma mia
first thing I thought as well

Kill yourself shitskin


agreed, g for ج is retarded

He’s an afghan subhuman

I applaud that dude. Being atheist in islamic countries isn't easy.
Reminds me satanic panic America back in the 80-90's plus being at danger of getting killed.

atheism is truly the most degenerate choice possible, agnostic is good tho

Agnostics are polite atheists

Daily reminder that egypt has 100 million people and growing and its a boat trip from europe

How is this Jow Forums related in any way shape or form?

God is dead get over it. The only ones still believing are thirdies and retards

what if egypt collapses

>leftist (I.E. rational)

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