What is a good country to travel to if you want a Chad boyfriend for a big titted, pretty girl such as myself?
What is a good country to travel to if you want a Chad boyfriend for a big titted, pretty girl such as myself?
Jew York or Cali
Show bob and vegene pls.
trap tier level bait
Sentinel Island
You can move in with me, I've a spare bedroom and the rent isn't that bad. There's a sauna and a power rack in the basement, and a kitchen with most everything you could need, just lay off my knives, cast iron pot and carbon steel frying pan.
Yeah nah nevermind cunt fuck off we're full
>4channel betas think they are chads
Not here, stay back in your shitty post-commie bloc slav scum. Gud bevara Svea Rike.
unironically this
all the chads are there
chechen chad islamists
ISIS warriors holding off SAA, rAf and kurds on their own with U.S. made fully automatic guns
SAA special units, children of The Emperor Assad himself
Rebel virgins
Russian chads calling in strikes on themselves
American virgins who are packing their bags for the annual gay parade back home
and Frogs
what is a "Chad" ?
a handsome and attractive man such as myself
Popular and sociable guy with a good family, good looks and many loyal friends and a loving gf, who also took virginities of a few girls and owns a profiting business
Egypt, they love polak sluts there.
so basically 1% of mens?
Yes brave warriors doing their duty of getting killed by drones.
Muh caluphate
Such holee
lol no.
Go to Florida/Carolina. A lot of dudes take what they want when they want. Down south we still treat women like they want to be treated. Carolina is a great place to live, and you get to hate faggots openly.
You don’t have to put a “s” at the end of “men.”
It’s not like French where you say “les hommes” to indicate multiple. In English just say “men”
>and you get to hate faggots openly.
funny how dems took the govenership then. hmmmmm
let him cope
My penis lol
Ok redneck
okay amerilard but you are basically fantazing and feeling bad about yourselves for something who probably concern a few individuals alive?
He was just helping....
Way to ignore his kind and useful grammar advice, idiot. Keep being ugly.