> your cunt

> The worst crime pic related has perpetrated against your cunt

- Flag
- Between 1500-1800, these criminals imported 110k African slaves into my country. They've managed to breed their way into 4+ million potential criminals

Attached: wes46hf_-00_spain-flag-4-x-6-inch-stick-flag.jpg (1800x1800, 164K)

I dont know

they created you disgusting mutts

Brazil was colonized by Portugal not Spain

>Brazil was colonized by Portugal not Spain
1- Whats the difference?
2 - Portugal was a spain dominium between 1580 and 1640

getting involved in the wars of religion, most notably the Thirty Years' War
tho it's not really Spains fault but rather that of the Habsburg dynasty

they are still disgusting spics

Attached: serveimage.png (222x227, 7K)

They helped Japanese attack Perl Harbor (Franco people).

Not genociding enough C*talans