In this thread we post things that are banned in USA.
In this thread we post things that are banned in USA
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This scares the American
left wing politics
Yeah, fuck blue people
Are those gooseberries and currants? If so, I like them a lot.
That isn't banned everywhere here.
that's racist
they sell those even in regular grocery stores now and even at the height of the "ban" you could still find them in novelty shops as they were never actually fully banned they just couldnt be classified as a foodstuff and had to be imported as a toy.
Wonderballs were better tho, they always had cooler toys
raw milk for some reason
A lot of immigrants and first/second generation Americans are intact. Some well-established American parents are smart enough to not do it as well; they're just the minority.
common sense
non-obese people
critcal thinking (or any at all)
non-processed food
drinkable water
long term plans for inner cities
list can go on
soon being "white"
>muh oppressed white people
This but unironically.
Child porn
The irony.
Well, yes, definitely banned. Is there still any country where that's legal though?
>Is there still any country where that's legal though?
Legal to keep it here, illegal to share
(NJ & urban OR)
Areas for pedestrians.
Grocery stores within walking range.
Non-cancerous urban design in general.
wrong. for keeping cp you go jail
Affordable healthcare and education.
Some of the older urban areas are aesthetic.
Bilberries, lingonberries, and gooseberries are banned here?
I love the smug sense of superiority Germans have toward us
what are those?