/flag/ - /extraflags/

Moscow edition

previous: Welcome to /extraflags/, a lovely spin-off of /flag/ except its a general for users with extra flags to discuss flags, extra flags, and autistic activities while funposting. don't have extra flags? get extra flags :^)

>What are extra flags?
Extra Flags is an open-source and non-malicious plugin that adds regional flags, like states and provinces, to the already existing national flags on Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /sp/, and Jow Forums, by storing users' post number along with the selected regional flags, and retrieving it from a database when a thread is loaded. You can add your region's flag by requesting it on the GitHub page.

How to install: gitlab.com/flagtism/Extra-Flags-for-Jow Forums

>Webm install guide (Desktop and Mobile):
Chrome: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/chrome-install.webm
Firefox: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/firefox-install.webm
Opera: raw.githubusercontent.com/flaghunters/Extra-Flags-for-int-/master/misc/opera-install.webm

>Collecting Flags?
World template: i.imgur.com/DcBPwzx.png
Regional templates: oplk.imgur.com/
About Jow Forums's flags: i.imgur.com/w9VDsop.png

>Making Flags?

>Looking for flags?
The 4 boards that have integrated default flags are Jow Forums, Jow Forums, Jow Forums and /sp/. Happy hunting :^)

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Admittedly it probably is not as bad as it used to be years ago, since back then it even involved fucking bombs and shootings but since the Labour party got elected again after ~25 years,
they're being quite smug about it because they won with (local) record breaking majorities in the elections, while the "Nationalist" party supporters, apart from having their party dying out, they
can stomach losing, so things go a bit heated up again.

What did the Brits mean by this?


>floods Europe with terrorists and migrants
That happened in the 1960s and it had nothing to do with poor Enrico >:^(

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And the worst part is, is that it actually won’t change. It’ll only get worst honestly. There will most likely never be another Republican president after Trump, or a GOOD president for that matter because of this. This country is on the edge of a political civil war and people who deny it are truly fools. Would it be one sided? Yes I believe so. But it’s inevitable. I just pray that I can get my family to pretend to be/turn Republican when it happens. I hate what’s happened to this country. It seems like the WW2 era version of countries where the countries at their best. (Even the Soviet Union was too for a short time). I want to go back. Just to see what it was like.

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But you said he got evicted implying there was a trial and he went to jail. In case of a trial you should have been questioned at least by the police and called to court.

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Your country is smaller than Detroit. (Detroit has around 5.2 million). Start a fucking revolution Malta and show the world how good things can be. It can’t be that hard, at least, it’s be much easier to do it there than here, where everyone loves to complain but as long as they have their sex, drugs, alcohol, and instant gratification, they don’t care to see who the true enemy is and who they need to actually be angry at.

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wouldnt you live under jim crow in ww2 times?

>still caring about politics

>a city does something bad to us back then
>we take revenge from all of Europe in return now
How based are we anyway.
>a wahmon of POC is the ad's main character
Don't tell me that they think of implementing 50/50 gender ratios on the army too.
Let me be the fool here and say that these thing won't happen, in the forseeable future at least. But the division that is happening in the American public seems to be a very real thing.

>where everyone loves to complain but as long as they have their sex, drugs, alcohol, and instant gratification, they don’t care to see who the true enemy is and who they need to actually be angry at.
You just described the Maltese, my friend. The vast majority of the country is like this. Nothing will happen.

Politics literally dictate and run your life and how you life. It’s easy to not care when your cunt’s politics aren’t autistic.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but you mean when the races were mostly segregated, most blacks were making a name for themselves, all were fighting for equal rights (a righteous cause to fight for), and working to better themselves, not to be as good of better than the white man, but better themeselves for their communities and family? Yes. That sounds heaven compared to getting shot for wearing the wrong color in the wrong neighborhood.

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How you live*

Not to mention the pure hatred some show to those of the other party.

I’ve larped a lot online angry at how I want change, but at least once a day I actually get so angry I genuinely consider trying to become a politician, but I have no idea how. But I know if that 40 IQ Commie horse faced mutt bitch AOC and swindle her way to becoming mayor of a major city, I can too

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>people talking about division ITT
Amateurs, look how it's done properly
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_of_the_Six (and in general, supporters of the Monarchy and the Liberal faction have done a lot of bad things to each other, with the only one losing from this being Greece)

The Greeks have been fighting each other since the Peloponnesian War.

>we take revenge from all of Europe in return now

>Don't tell me that they think of implementing 50/50 gender ratios on the army too
Wouldn't surprise me considering less and less men want to join and they constantly appeal to to strong weemenz. Same happened to the police already so the army is the next logical step.

Nescio quomodo dicunt quod sic latine

This, reaching power through a military coup and enforcing your will on the plebs is the only way to go

Probably earlier too. There were always some petty squables about who would control Delphoi, Mycenaeans vs Minoans, and who knows what happened earlier too. Honorable mention, the constant civil war known as the Eastern Roman Empire. Fun fact: both the loss at the battle of Manzikert (Turks entering Anatolia) and the 4th Crusade were results of intense internal infighting.
By sending the migrants to Europe, duh :P


And that's only since after the Napoleonic wars and I'm probably forgeting about something

But they are not coming from Greece. The majority of terrorists came legally from North Africa a long time ago.

Well deal with it. It's time for this country to finally shed its conservative colors. If you don't like it, go live in a white neighborhood with people who share political beliefs. When they mistreat you for being black, then you can realize why your people don't like Trump or the Republican Party. Whether you like it or not, the left welcomes your people in with open arms. If the Republicans had their way, you're either gonna get hung from a tree or sent back to Africa.
Absolutely nothing wrong with this. We taxed the rich 90% back in the 50's. They have more than enough money to share with people who are not so exalted as them. Nevertheless, the bulk of carbon emissions is coming from bunker fuel ships, as well as Africa and Asia. I believe in way higher taxes, but we need to be real here; the West isn't the one polluting the world here. It's the third world developing nations.

so you ok with not being allowed to go inside a building just for being a negro?

he doesn't know what to think. He probably thinks supporting right-wing causes will get him a white girlfriend or something stupid like that.

i mean
you wouldnt even be allowed to post in the white man's internet under jim crow

>fighting a civil war while you revolt against your occupiers
You can't reach this level of division. Also, don't forget our history, summarized in But yeah, Spain is not your average nation state so it is to be expected
There were a few cases of terrorists coming from Greece iirc. But the plan doesn't end there, flooding Europe is part of the plan too ;)

>But the plan doesn't end there, flooding Europe is part of the plan too ;)
Most are coming through Spain now, plus the harm is already done now, even if they stopped coming at all. Accelerationism is the best bet so you are doing God's work and so are we.

>Accelerationism is the best bet
There won't be any fireworks so if that was the goal of accelerationism, then it won't happen, imo

I just saw some news about how our detention centres are full up with "refugees" for 36 fucking countries, and some of them are whining about the cold water and temperatures.
THIRTY FUCKING SIX COUNTRIES. Fuck the news. "Oh look they are learning Maltese to integrate ohhh look at the children." Fuck you x10000000000. You want your own place?
Go fucking back! Fuck I hate this place. This is why I avoid the news nowadays.
>But I know if that 40 IQ Commie horse faced mutt bitch AOC and swindle her way to becoming mayor of a major city, I can too
She preaches to the choir while you don't.
L-anqas jien.

absurdly based. Love you Malta

Just accept the world is changing. The "Maltese" people were not the first people to inhabit those islands, and they won't be the last. Now what I do disagree with is further populating those islands because Malta is already such a densely populated place to begin with. Just send them to Italy, whose aging population is in deep need of replacement.

>I avoid the news nowadays.
same, nothing of value is being reported since every newspaper is biased

Thirty fucking six. Oh yeah I'm sure they're all escaping war lmao. Oh Malta, you're fucking dead.

do maltese girls like refugee dick?

what girls don't? That big black cock absolutely makes them soil their pants. They also love the niggery behavior; women love to be dominated

It's good to know what's going on, but I can't afford to get pissed off all the damn time especially when I might have a bit of an anger issue. It doesn't help that I live with a family of drones.

Yeah but at least people will realise what they have done, even if they can't do nothing about it.

Haha the news are always the same here but they are not even in detention camps they are in hotels and state housing. In my town we have 50 or so in an inn paid by the state and the red cross, don't even know which ones are they because the town was already full of MENAs before this mess.

Lmao it's actually 150 and this was in 2017 so there's probably more now.

>When they mistreat you for being black, then you can realize why your people don't like Trump or the Republican Party. Whether you like it or not, the left welcomes your people in with open arms. If the Republicans had their way, you're either gonna get hung from a tree or sent back to Africa.
Rohnert I refuse to belive that you're this fucking retarded. Of course they accept us with open arms. Why? To manipulate us faggot. Also, blacks don't hate republicans because they "mistreat us", they want gibs and think they're racist due to the cop shit and illegal immigrant ordeal.
>Absolutely nothing wrong with this.
And this is how it starts. First the middle class and lower class accept taking all the money from the rich, then they'll come to the middle class asking for money for the poor. Then when everyone's poor, that's when we'll complain.

>all were fighting for equal rights (a righteous cause to fight for)
It'd be perfect if after we got those rights we didn't degrade so significantly.

>Wanting a white girlfriend
I could unironically get any white bitch I want. They'd either want to fuck me because "Oh black man you're so oppressed", or "Yes gimmie that big strong nigger dick". But 90% of white girls are degenerate and pathetic, also race mixing is disgusting. (Though 95% of black women are degenerate and pathetic too).


>Fuck you x10000000000. You want your own place? Go fucking back!
>She preaches to the choir while you don't.

based matlanon

Well, given the size of our tourism sector we'd be going totally fucking bonkers if we evicted hotels to house the illegals and I refuse to believe that we'r that stupid. Though some of them somehow manage to rent places and then end
up lowering the value of the surrounding buildings. For a second I thought you were the German and I was going to say that you should've turned us into ashes in WWII lol.

Stop with the (you)s damn you XD

>a bit of an anger issue
never knew

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If you're referring to yesterday, I was bored and wanted to shitpost. I wasn't actually angry. I wasn't angry and got banned twice in an hour or so lel.

what does your anger look like then?
do you flip cars and kill nafris?

>does he
The world would tremble before the might of him

Imagine being this much of a class cuck. Also race mixing is based

Malta doesn't belong to you just because you were born there retard. I consider myself to have more of a right to live there than you do, and I don't even want to.

What's making me really angry now is that there's a campaign going on to stop painting people black in the Cavalcade of Magi and use real niggers instead. This is like the fucking USA now with all this racial bullshit starting to become a mainstream issue. Best part of it all is that it has been single-handedly promoted by an organisation unironically founded and led by a jew (fucking Jow Forums memes will be true after all)

you're brown already, do you really need blackface?

Wait, did people actually think I was angry? And my anger is more often heard than seen. Basically a bunch of blasphemy and slamming on tables.
It's always some NGO huh? This is our problem I believe, we're Americanizating every aspect of our lives because we think it's the way forward. It happens a lot here I feel.

I guess not brown enough.

It's what people deserve. I'll vote for the most left-wing guy and go to Andorra.

needs more slamming bitches

An absolutely abhorrent post.
Europe needs to take control of its destiny. The US is projecting an absolute cancer across the planet via its exports. I want to go to Sweden and hear Swedish music - not the Spotify Top 20 or the Islamic call to prayer.

>Imagine being this much of a class cuck.
Ok Marycuck
>Also race mixing is based
Enjoy your goblin children then

That's something I'll never do.
I treat women with respect.
I agree but unfortunately people here are self hating shits that worship anything foreign.

The USA has nothing to do with this. Traditionally the USA was more conservative than Europe (homosexuality was legalised in the USA using Europe as an example) and whatever is happening now is just braindead people without purpose in life blindly following trends to feel better about themselves. There's no manufacturer without consumer.

most people don't know that ABBA actually is Islamic

Do you see yourself as a "goblin"? I'm one of the few people in America who isn't actually a mix of any ethnicities, for better or worse. I don't really care.

It's fucking snowing here. I am not made for such weather conditions

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Why would you knowingly rob your children of your strong Hittite identity?


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Wew. Here too is cold as fuck.

As opposed to being a dumbass who conforms to the culture they were brought up in because they can't function without sucking up to authority figures?

"Identity," self-obsession, and individualistic values aren't worthwhile. Leave it to the boomers, there's more important things to focus on now.

Group identity is the opposite of individualism.

It's supposed to be between 15-30 F at this time of year here. instead it is between the 60s and 70s. Makes me so sad

i want snow too :(

Believing you're a part of a "group" with people who share superficial traits is individualistic self-obsession. Jow Forumstards who proselytize for white nationalism have the same mentality as instagram thots; they believe their appearance entitles them to certain social rewards. What you'll see with these ethnic identity people and with christian and muslim identity extremists, zionists, etc. is that they have a very nihilistic worldview that involves some kind of imagined decline being caused by unstoppable outside forces in order to attempt group cohesion instead of actually being good at organizing people around their point of view

I'm 99.9% African American. Of course some slave master probably raped my great great great great great grandma, but as they would say on Jow Forums, "I'm more racially homogeneous than you goblino"

>or the Islamic call to prayer.
Audibly laughed

There's quite a lot of it. Things will probably stop working if it continues like this.
Now it's -1C here or 30F which is normal but such heavy snowfall happens for the third time in the last 8 years.

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>Believing you're a part of a "group" with people who share superficial traits is individualistic self-obsession
>group [...] is individualistic
"Democratic voting blocs are the REAL libertarians!"

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A mix of people from various parts of Africa, I presume. Quite the opposite of homogenous considering you're a mix of some of the most genetically diverse ethnicities in the world. Nothing wrong with that, just not homogenous at all.

Why are you so rabidly opposed to any notion of purity?

I'm right, whether or not you find that upsetting is another matter. Don't bother pretending to have an argument, because there isn't one.

It is supposed to go down to 5C tonight which is unusual.
>tfw it never snows here

Why do you care about purity so much? Are you upset because your ancestors mixed with Neanderthals?

This must be the 5th or 6th time in my almost 23 years that there is a heavy snowfall.

Quite the opposite, actually. Although I imagine that their immediate offspring had a more prevalent identity crisis than their eventual descendants, including myself. Mixing between populations with more recent common ancestors is not the same as mixing with a more divergent population.

Now, why are you opposed to any notion of purity? Culture, race, religion, all of it, you tend to be in favor of chaotic elements in all of them. Why is it? Is it the pee fetish?

>Believing you're a part of a "group" with people who share superficial traits
You have never experienced this because you live in murica and are a paki but to meet somebody you don't know and instantly feel comfortable because he is one of yours is a pretty good sensation.

>Why do you care about purity so much?
Because most of Europe is what happens when you don't care about it. Also, there's nothing wrong with wanting keep your race being 100% pure and not wanting to mix (which is also scientifically proven to lower the IQ of the child and has social effects on them as well.)

>African American
Even if I'm a mix of many different African groups, I'm not the only one. 13% of the US has been like this for generations along with me. A racial group I belong to and can be proud of. While a black-white or black-asian or any of the combinations you can think of born here are most likely less than 0.5% of the entire population, making them outcasts. (This goes back to the social effects I mentioned above)

Bought energy drink at a discount
The day was not in vain.

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This. When I'm in Indiana, every single person I meet is of Irish, Scots-Irish, or German descent. In my family it's overwhelmingly Irish. I meet complete strangers who are friends of my cousins and we go shooting or ride four-wheelers, and it's a complete blast. We aren't best friends or anything but we just "get" each other.
Thank you for continuing the Slav-tier posts, I enjoy them

That's cool. Here it just doesn't snow. It never did.

What is your favourite energy drink. For me, it's Green Apple Rockstar because I am a hard gamer

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Rarely get snow either, it's nice when you do.

>why are you opposed to any notion of purity?
Not him but being obssesed with purity is as bad as wanting to destroy it. Taking 50000 foreigners in 100 years in a country of several millions won't do any harm and the descendants will be perfectly integrated and phenotipically identical in just some generations. Taking millions of foreigners in only some decades is what's dangerous because they will keep to themselves and not integrate creating a parallel society and slowly destroy yours. Plus the mixing would result in the destruction of your people as you know it and result in some sort of mestizo hellhole like south america.

Fug I wish we got more snow. Here it usually snows only in late winter and not that much.

I'm glad if you like.
Dynamite with taste of blackberry and blackcurrant.
Could not find the image, but it is very tasty. If not, then take the monster.

Sounds nice

>Culture, race, religion, all of it, you tend to be in favor of chaotic elements in all of them.

If you aren't willing to reject your culture, race, or religion, you are setting yourself up for a life dictated by people who want to control you. It's an inherently restrictive and unimaginative way of thinking. I'm not going to get a tattoo just because everybody else has one, so why should I start doing things the same way as others just because they want me to?

I know Jow Forums has made it cool to larp as having caveman sensations, but that's not how human nature works. If you ever have children you'll notice that the sensation they get when they go to a restaurant that gives them free crayons hits them so much harder than anything identity-related. You know what happens when you decide you're comfortable with strangers because they share superficial characteristics? They take advantage of you, and then you let them and even thank them for it because you're a gullible rube.

So you're concerned about "fitting in" with normies and Europe not being inbred enough for you?

t. youtube.com/watch?v=2J5n8kzpbCs

I'm not obsessed with purity, and I do agree with you. I just think it's retarded for someone to say "You aren't really French because you're descended from Lucy!", despite their recent ancestors all being French or Occitanian.

100% Slavic taste.

>Not sugar free

Into the trash it goes

I guess some people can never understand this.

This post is a -3 out of 10. Come on now, I know you can do worse