When you wake up, feel badly about yourself, don’t feel like continuing, or even worse, remember that people like me exist: >169cm short “male” manlet midget ! >16cm small penislet >incel ! >socially orphaned >adopted >mutt, half-Armenian, half-Russian >23 year old “young adult” >mature student, because I left my university for 2 years of NEEThood. !
And don’t reply saying some dumbass shit. I’m genuinely trying to help you guys by showing you how badly it can be. My life is over before it has even started.
To be honest, your only problem is your height, everything else if fixable or not important
Henry Johnson
add phoneposter to your list of shortcomings
Owen Rodriguez
I’m 80% of the time a desktop/laptop poster.
Ryder Rivera
stfu already, take your shit to Jow Forums
Dylan Wilson
No. I’m ugly, because of my short stature. I can’t attract females. Therefore, incel cannot be fixed. I care more about people on Jow Forums. I want to help you guys feel better about yourselves.
but you can become rich then girls will want to be with you because you have money
Brandon Campbell
>your only problem is your height not really. I'm his height yet feel good about myself and have a successful future. Also he's not a virgin, he had sex twice. He has attracted females in the past. He became a depressive neet however, and chooses not to apply himself.
Julian Cook
Don’t act as if you know me from a snippet of my life I’ve told on Jow Forums. You do not know me, nor do you even know the full details surrounding those two sessions of intercourse. You have to become fantastically rich in order to attract women at this height. I don’t have the work ethic nor the ability to achieve that.
Julian Myers
A few weeks ago I talked with some girls and they said me they would marry a man who earns 5k€/moth no question asked
Justin Roberts
Those girls have very low standards. That's only slightly above an average, middle-class wage, as far as I know. Even if I could attract a female, I would not be able to keep her. How do you keep a woman when you're very physically inferior to 90% of males? She will eventually give in to her instincts and either leave or cheat on me.
You have to make her feel that she could lose you anytime. So she will invest all her energy into thinking how to keep her source of income (you), and will have no time to pursue other men
Robert Lee
That's not healthy. I just want a relationship in which both parties want it to continue for the right reasons.
>It’s another “I’m supposedly sad I can’t get a gf yet am unreasonably picky about the type of girls i’d go out with” episode your are a spoiled prince.
Luke Morales
I just want security, and my height makes that impossible. Women will use me and then leave me. I'm not being picky. Let me make it clear: I'll take whatever I can get.
>Women will use me and then leave me. you have no proof of this. Germanon made clear the type of relationship you need to establish to avoid this, yet you dismissed it.
Ayden Wilson
>184cm average heightlet >17.5 cm long but a chode >I've only had sex with prostitutes for 5 years >no friends >drug addict/alcoholic >Euro mutt >27 just quit my job with no prospects due to mental health issues
Jk though i love life unironically. Someone has to be a piece of shit and it's not like i hurt anybody.
Nathaniel Sanchez
cm average heightlet You're tall as fuck. Fuck off. Did you just post this so I could reply and feed your ego?
Most people my age and younger are a similar height to me. But yeah i was just being a dick. A woman is a person just like me or you though and there a ton of fucking weird chicks who aren't even ugly that could probably love and accept you if you had a personality and didn't shit on yourself constantly. Also 16cm is over 6 inches, unless it's super thin that's not small at all. Get over yourself
Gabriel Reed
>A woman is a person just like me or you Which is how I know they will leave or cheat on me.