Average annual temperatures by country.
Average annual temperatures by country
Does New Caledonia use France's figures or not? Because this seems rather cold. French Guyana seems to be separate.
This map here is better.
Different regions, different temperatures.
will we get fucked if we lose the gulf stream? I don't want to be like fucking siberia or even worse, canada.
Portugal looks to warm in this one compared to real data provided here tho
Looks like hot weather makes people poor
Try being productive in a sauna, feels like lying down and do nothing.
>in farenheit
stopped there
Yeah I know. Also there are more fun things to do if its hot. So working must be hard
>mfw some southern fag tells me he wishes he got to experience real winter and snow
is your face green frog meme or white sad man meme
You say nonsenses. Australia and Gift Arabic counties are rich, Eastern Europe is poor.
green feels frog
wtf Afghanistan is comfy?!
how the fuck did it turn into a hellhole?
freezing lads
red is suffering
it's cold af today
completely shit when you have 45-50 in summer and then have like that in Winter
at least Cold countries have normal summer so they are used to it
>Cold countries have normal summer
this map isnt really fair since usa vastly differs from where you are
I always wonder why other cunts complain about their cunt being hot when they have never experienced the hell of tropical weather. Sudden heat, then sudden cold, then typhoon, then sudden heat
Than you atlantic ocean
God bless the gulf stream!
Now summer pls
And miserable
western europe would be fucked, i think italy and the balkans get their heat from a different phenomenon
Please post average temperature of the patients in the hospitals per country.
Australia is an extension of the UK.
Gulf Arabs are sitting on lakes of oil.
Eastern Europe is an extension of Russia.
>will we get fucked if we lose the gulf stream?
>still repeating maymay that the Gulf Stream warms Europe
The reason Europe has a mild climate for its latitude is [spoiler]because of getting ocean air from the Atlantic[/spoiler]. Eastern North America and East Asia have colder climates because of the continental air from Canada and Siberia. At the same time, the West Coast of North America has a mild climate due to the air flow from the Pacific.
>sicily colder than iceland
u wot
40 years of war and destruction
Correction: large nigger populations make countries poor.
Epikly meme'd dood XDDDDD!!!
how the fuck does this happen?
also if you arent blue then you're not white
>Australia is an extension of the UK.
Maybe in the 1800s. It's an extension of America since 1945. Just as you are too :^)
They should stop destructing themselves.
Afghanistan is almost 60% mountains
And it is also why the Southern Hemisphere is warmer on average than the Northern Hemisphere. It's mostly water.
no u
those in blue are non-wh*tes too
What's connection between the temperatures and quality of life? They may be a piece of rock up high in the mountains and there is nothing there but misery.
Every connection
Vitamin D deficiency causes depression. People in northern countries like Scandinavia and Russia get less sunlight and longer, darker winters so depression, alcohol, and suicide rates are high.
>region is unironically siberia-tier
ah yes
Unironically, I get a lot more depressed during summer than during winter. Of course our winter doesn't compare to that of Scandinavia, but still 8C is cold for me.
>ocean air from the Atlantic
That is the Gulf Stream. The wind drives it.
American fucking education.
Thousands of years of everyone and their mother trying to unsuccessfully establish rule over the eternal aryan bull.
The tropics don't really have "winter", there's just the dry and wet season. Dry season is November to March and has cool temperatures and little precipitation. Wet season is April to October and has hot temperatures and tons of precipitation.
Also the temperature gradient in the tropics is relatively shallow year round, ranging from about 11 degrees in January to 30 in July. The day and night usually average about 12 hours with a shift of about 3-4 hours over the year. During day however it tends to feel like a furnace because the sun in the tropics is almost directly overhead.
And the Pacific coast of the US?
Thank you
the pacific coast is way lower in latitude compared to europe
Well because your summer is their winter so you get depressed at the same time.
they get their own version of the gulf stream. Which is why portland is warmer than Vladivostok, despite being in a higher latitude.
it's just the average, it probably varies a lot since it's a mountain desert