
look at me look at me

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Build wall

Less than a year left
he thought he was going to walk it in


The world would be better off if Germany won WW2.



you don't know that

its over for these hoes

what a cutie

love walls
love brexit
love radcen

simple as that

Just one for the CV innit

love temporary illegalism

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the world would be better off if i had some mechanism to poo and wank at the same time

Don't see why it wouldn't be. Technology would be far better, Jewish Bolshevism would have been destroyed, there would be no massive influx of foreigners into Europe, the US wouldn't be the sole superpower.

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Doesn't anyone find it strange that the prerequisites for love: youth, beauty and strength, are the same for fascism?


off from the ol runt toil customer service for another weekend. sorry ahmed but im not going to refund you because you dont belong in my country and we need a race war



>Germany had better technology meme


tonight matthew im going to be on a german proxy to drive out that insufferable runt german poster t. schizo

look what I found on /sp/

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Hate office toil but at least it's not retail eh

MIddle age cattle women are the pawn of the jew and bureaucratic enforcers of their system

the Nazis destroyed the german economy

unironically the first song I heard of this yeasr

Well for a start you have to enjoy the little things; a nice sunny day, a seagull soaring in the sky, a child swearing. It's these things that are the filler to help you forget the woes of daily life.

Also you just have to take control. Have to realise that there is the you that wants the world to be a better place and then the bad you that wants to lie down and never get up. The bad you, wants to procrastinate, self-pity, see the bad in the world but you have to isolate him as your enemy because he is your worst enemy, he will literally ruin your life. Focus all your anger on destroying the bad you and focus your love on being better to the people around you and yourself.

Remember joy is contagious, you spread it and you'll receive it. Hope this helps

Reckon I'll buy me one of them SS daggers eventually. Rather high price point.
Saw a Lufftwafe dagger and an SA dagger inna antique store not that long ago. Seemed legit.
Peng ting but I couldn't afford it at the time.

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yeah i know right imagine being forced to stand up for 9 hours


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can't tell where the zeitgeist is heading right now lads

it looks like the populist authoritarian right movements across the world have had most of the wins they're gonna get and their movement has kind of fizzled out by now, they're not gonna get any more successful

at the same time, i don't see populist left movements, the kind espoused by corbyn here or AOC/Bernie and their DSA/Chapo cheerleaders in america, ever gaining serious real mainstream traction. They're still surging in popularity at the moment but i don't see that energy going on to take over elections

as for the more establishment/centrist/moderate types, they're just dead. neocons are a dying breed, macron and merkel are the last bastions of liberal rule in europe, soon to disappear, May and Clinton are unlikeable bureaucratic women who have lost the support of their parties and their style of politics will likely be thrown out of the window as soon as possible

so i really can't see where the wind is blowing any more

lunch date went poorly i thought

but they obviously didnt think so because we are getting a burger and some drinks at 7

wish me luck please lads xx

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Why is the US govt shut down pending wall funding when Mexico are going to pay for it? VERY confusing.

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Maybe she's hungry

Not a meme. Look at the loss ratios. Soviets and Americans just pumped out junk.

Lads, been having diarrhea since 3am this monring, please help.

I literally cannot stop shitting. When do you see a dr?

I've not even had food all day and still keep shitting.

I have 0 energy, I stumbled to the shops, bought some soup and bread but have no energy to make it so I've only had an innocent smoothie.

Genuine need of advice here lads, never had the shits and felt too physically weak to leave bed

You flopped the timeline.

The world would be better if Britain never got involved in WW1

public apathy being manipulated by agendaless corporate entities who care only about profits

the ultimate red pill is being anti-nazi because Hitlers failure led to over 10 million aryan deaths

Emmett and Dave:

Consider themselves experts on everything
Will never admit to being wrong
Continue to post despite being hated and mocked by everyone
Both top shaggers who also spend 18 hours a day online


The muslims are beginning to join forces with Sargon of Akkad.

the world is doomed

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>can't tell where the zeitgeist is heading right now lads
Reformed British Union of Fascists.

not watching cause I've enough abhorrent shit polluting my frontpage as a result of watching youtube links without adding fucking ASMR to it

but what does this video even entail? is she 'whispering' a review of it, or just licking and rubbing the plastic or some shit?

mad thing is theres more birds than blokes in the uk but its hard to get laid but other countries the imbalance is the other way but its easy. british women are just cunts.

those are some very nice tights gfs

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i always wait 48 hours before seeing a doc personally

wait it out
toast and rice and dry cereal are good sick-foods

Nazi architecture was utter shite, which is surprising when you consider how aesthetic everything else was


hello plebbit is schizo called emmett on your site?

A new Akkadian empire...
the spirit of Babylon RISES

don't like racists because i'm a big nationalist

Wheeyy it's Friday lads!

In what age brackets though? there are more men than women in their 20s in the UK, due to immigration

hitler was a proper ugly bastard

funny how you dont have to pay to use this website because all your data and things you type get sold off to some shady company to make some profile about you, for advertising I guess? dont know what really

hitler wanted to fuck jewesses

Lads remember how in some particularly dodgy paki shops they used to sell weed magazines that came with cannabis seeds? Yeah? What happened to those, do they still do them? That was odd.

drink water pal don't dehydrate


you got that #FridayFeeling lad

currently watching peter kay live at the top of the tower
the greatest routine in the history of stand up comedy some would say

neo-thatcherism is my guess, honestly. the hard brexiteers like mogg, johnson, davis, patel, raab, and the whole vote leave tories who want a singaporean style britain are the ones who are closest to power and have a good chance of seizing it.
no clue what's going to happen in europe.
america will go to the democrats in 2020 then back to the republicans in 2024, can't really have a unifying president who gets 2 terms when one half of the country hates the other half.

none of that happened, virgin freak

can't believe portugal the man actually has a good song (feel it still)

Hitler was secretly a Jew

Would you rank-order Scots above the Irish?

ahhh yes

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*audience dies of laughter*

been following the zeitgeist for 10 years

Business idea: Give Wales to Ireland


Becoming very fond of the idea of a happy suicide
That is, without being depressed or anything, after outliving parents, etc, just quietly concluding that you've seen enough and ending it. No tears, no fear of the future, just a calm and contented decision to hit the stop button.

Not saying i would do it or even could do it, it's just an appealing notion to imagine. It seems very empowering to make a firm decision like that, not as a desperate escape from suffering but as the firm and final choice of a healthy mind.

Wales is part of the Kingdom of England

fuck off henry

really dont want to be a part of the system but they dont like that

thoughts on new shaun video

Corporations are more caring than Governments in this day and age

shit of the dog

what a fucking retard (i mean me, for finding myself watching some fucking idiot be stupid and talking just blah blah blah words coming out of her mouth ASMR whatever dystopian trance bullshit escapism with no meaning she may as well just not be alive or speaking at all and i'm no fan of the band she is reading about at all but surely it makes sense in the most basic way to every human being that if you run a channel which is dedicated to this or your job is something like this then it's in your personal interest to at least do basic research which would take no more than 5 minutes in this particular case and also that someone can be this stupid and just totally unaware only indicates what kind of future we're going to be facing very soon but yet i realised i had watched 5 minutes before i found myself and fully processed just how i am wasting my time watching this utter blackhole talking nonsense and breathing for no particular reason and i have to say fuck you for posting this shite you fucking faggot)

Scots are like those ants that get driven mad by parasites

Please, dont make such a rash decision! Think of your credit rating!

atheism is honestly pretty fucking stupid
>hurr durr science
science isn't absolute, it gets proven and disproven constantly and science can't disprove God's existence


1 week sober and I'm inching for some coke

Hitler should have just stuck to art


Sensing a lot of envy of Scotland here. Tends to be the case that Nordic nations lead to that effect so no surprises really.


i don't watch political youtubers since they're all a bunch of pretentious pseuds

can science disprove the existence of unicorns?

just shoved a fat line up me nostril

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here lad, you forgot some:


glaswegian here, ask me anything
