If she was looking for a green card would you say yes ?

If she was looking for a green card would you say yes ?

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Imagine the smell

I would say no, there are better women out there.

Fuck off, Chang.


I don't even have one myself

I'd rather she give me the brown card if you catch my drift (the drift is coming from her butthole)

based and brapped pilled

most likely sweat
could be sweat mixed with shit if she didn't wash her asshole after taking a poop
plus rotting meat odor if she's on periods

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fuck off degenerate

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haha kek vult fellow Jow Forumssters!!! :-)
you need to be 18 or older to post here

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What you guys do not unterstand is, that all women are the same.
They habe different body shapes and have a different plugin (culture, language, society, her body (skin color, shape of her face, and so on)) but the bios is the same.
You do not want to give her a green card.
Because the moment she is in your country, she is like the others.
She will act the same way.

So stay there, breed her there, where she wants to get away from.
Get a job there and be the best man, she can get there.
And if the laws permit, always get what you pay for (her). Like her body.
Or her womb.

Honestly, you have to be retarded to "save" a woman from a patriarchal or poor place.
The moment you get the fish out of the pond, it'll look for an even bigger one.

i found it in a discord kek
along with this one

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Not always. My mom was practically a mail order bride, but she's been with my father for nearly 40 years now.

I can smell this picture and it's not good

>plus rotting meat odor
blood doesn't smell like rot or rotten meat. it just smells like blood lol

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no, she is brown

Period blood tastes and smells very strongly of iron. You can actually smell the iron

period blood is not exactly blood, its a mucus tissue called endometrium that is basically liquified flesh

too fat

Once I was kissing a girl in my bed and I could smell period through her clothes