>your cunt
>are tights popular with your women?
>yes and i bloody love it
>your cunt
>are tights popular with your women?
>yes and i bloody love it
What a whore *spits on her*
>Don't rape me pls
wtf i hate sweden now
Based and patriotic.
that's a dutch train seat she sitting in btw
looks like a tourist to me
>looks like a tourist to me
she could be dutch for all i know, i have no idea who she is
Based moslim brother the kuffar whores will learn modesty inshallah
FUCK i wanna wear that on my head so hot
they're built to grab onto my big willy :)
Imagine the texture
Th-thats my fetish.
Trannies in stockings?
Asian girl on a Dutch train, definitely tourist
A-are these trannies?
I like women in stokings.
nobody gives a shit if she's a tourist on your goddamn train.
ignore they autists, they're all female
my highschool's girls uniforms made me fetishize tights.
the issue is that this kind of degeneracy only happens because of tourists
nobody cares, nobody.
we are looking at pictures of ass, not having a symposiums on dutch trains.
jesus man.
idk what your talking about in london rn and i could only find small peepee durex condoms at the coop
Why are we here ?
Just to suffer ?
Inshallah brothers
At least we have top-tier public transportation Luigi, your country is a disorganized shithole
nobody gives a shit.
T. marrakesh
Literally made for the BBC
(Big Balkan Cock)
>all these tights queens
>none of them wearing sexy high heels for the supreme combination
what a waste of sensuality
I like heels, but only because it's so sexy when they take them off. It's like taking panties off.