Brother nations

brother nations
polish migration to Ireland should and will continue
and this is a good thing

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Not so fast Psheshek.
Time to clean the toilet.
You are nit rich like us the Jews.

>The Polish language is the most spoken foreign language in Ireland


+1 million Poles to Ireland after Brexit

i want to see the eternal Paddy getting fired because a Pole is cheaper

I used to work with a polish guy and all he'd do is laugh at the blacks in our company, saying how they'd beat the shit out of them in poland


>i want to see the eternal Paddy getting fired because a Pole is cheaper
this has already happened anywhere it can..

based desu

>I used to work with a polish guy

poor you, what a miserable person you must be if you have to work with Poles and Africans

maybe he was their superior

at least your priests are in awe because the churches are full on every Sunday

Poles will preserve catholicism in Ireland.

yeah. ireland and poland are quite similar, like how they have both contributed absolutely nothing of note to humanity, for example, or how their entire histories consist of being bossed around by their betters

the Pole wouldn't laugh at his coworkers when he was around then

2 greatest """"""British"""""" writers were Irish and Polish.


Only Celts are welcomed here. If you are not Celtic or hold non-Celtic ancestry of a non-zero percentage then you must leave

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I worked as a bus cleaner/servicer while in college. It was great, good money, easy union job, the guys were all funny. Now I work in a white collar field full of fucking nerds

only time the church in my area is full is christmas and easter. And there are quite a lot of Poles here

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Love from Ireland. The Poles in Ireland are at the very least completely inoffensive. That's why I find it interesting when I see Brits complain about Polish immigrants, attributing them with all sorts of bad chacterisrics, it isn't true. And it demonstrates something sad about the state of their nation, and their truly awful press.

Behaviour of immigrants is irrelevant, only their genetics matter

I love the Irish but the accent is deadly

some pole was arrested on christmas day for stabbing a couple of people in a small town in somerset. they're hardly perfect you know.

t. Wojciech PszzczscczyƄski

I have an idea: A Polish-Spanish-Irish Union to invade Britain and divide it among the three nations.

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a polish gang opened a big brothel in my village
was on the news and all about 10 years ago

>Poles don't work


>Poles take up economic activity


the eternal w*sterner

Wasn't Ireland looking 1 million new immigrants by 2050? This seems like win-win for both Ireland and Poland.

what do polish/irish look like?

No one thinks of Joyce as British
Conrad is shite

well, i cannot speak for the Irish but this is what an average polish man looks like

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>this butthurt :)

Eh... no

I'm pretty happy with that, honestly. Mass immigration is essentially unstoppable but at least we're getting white Catholics who won't have too much trouble assimilating and will keep our culture European and Christian. Hate to be in England's position and be getting flooded by Pakistanis

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