Attached: similarity to england.png (4592x3196, 1.06M)

also notable mentions for being surprisingly high: czechia and armenia

oy jej

>scotland is not just a smaller version of eng-

>that edit on Israel
Come on

Strange. There are not that many pakistanis here.

Is there a map like this but for similary to Sweden?

>look in mirror
>teeth not crooked
>look at women
>not smelly and fat skanks
>look at neighbour
>not Pajeet

must be wrong

plenty of moroccans though

plz respond

>belgian "humour"
awful. just awful. stick to chocolate and bureaucracy please

plz respond gentlemen
I need to know

Norway=Denmark=Finland>Netherlands>Germany>Belgium=Austria=UK=France>Spain=Portugal=Italy>Eastern Euros probably


I want to know if Finland is closer to us than Denmark

The map shows DNA similarity and I think Denmark is genetically much more similar to Sweden than Finland is.

maybe but it would also depend on which region in Sweden we're talking about

what the fuck is happening in israel

You're just mad he's right.
And our chocolate is better anyways.

>being a sheltered virgin freak that's only exposure to brits is from Jow Forums memes
no, you're not relevant enough

euh israel is anglo nao?

>armenia is literally higher than the entirety of eastern europe
can someone please explain what's going on here? how is this possible?
i'm not aware of any historical links we have with armenia

anglo's are literly jewish y-dna

ashkenazi jews are germanic brainlet

So Belgians are charred corpses with nails sticking in them?

are chocolate used to be better than both of you but now yanks own cadbury and have ruined it
very sad indeed

well, tell us, are they or aren't?

other way round chief

Swiss chocolate
>higher amount milk
>less cocoa
>more sugar

Belgian chocolate
>much higher cocoa content

only obese americans like swiss chocolate desu

why have you virgin freaks started writing like this? you know damn well it's our, stop LARPing as a 1960's working class plumber please

shut up gypo
everyone else speaks english yet have their own secret language, we need to speak to like this to have our identity innit

The eternal anglo strikes again

How is Scandi way lower than Portugal?

bit weird m8

more interaction while you lot were sitting on your frozen mountains doing nothing

Guess how I know you're a middle class Londonite.

i'm a proud working class bloke from walsall
jog on


Attached: 1523132688108.jpg (400x400, 104K)

>England is more genetically similar to Turkey than eastern Europe

It's almost like Y-DNA on its own is completely meaningless...

No, that can't be.

I'm increasingly more surpirsed by these maps.
Czechia looks like a goddamn melting pot of eastern and western genes

but surely it must mean something
the map seems generally accurate

well you are, aren't you? i've always preferred czechs to other slavs but was unsure how much of a meme the 'germanic slavs' thing was

Lindt and other trash swiss brands are disgusting, can't even compete with a simple Côte d'or bar

verdomme, dan spreek ik maar mien eigen dialekt


Attached: ryan-gosling-blade-runner-2049.jpg (970x545, 50K)

Can you post more of these maps? Very interesting stuff here

Told you all western europoors are the same.

St*ckholmers definitely are.

hello brother :)
and that's a good thing because we are superior

>finland 23%
>iraq 26%
jesus christ finland, you really are non european mongoloids

Yes, and very proud of it.

Attached: mietintä mongooli.jpg (434x500, 44K)