Attached: 631dcdd2-b515-4168-8cf2-0e2b57d42dc6.jpg (780x520, 197K)
Hudson Sanders
Other urls found in this thread:
Justin Gomez
Carter Perez
if you don't see your flag on the left then close the tab
Landon Williams
Carson Flores
reckon its appropriate to begin drinking at 11:30 AM
Carson Watson
do shorter people actually have a smaller apatite
Liam Turner
Yea or nay?
Kayden Howard
Robert Campbell
Miss me with that gay shit
Isaiah Reed
get a job you vermin
Jeremiah Perry
Isaac Baker
Brayden Brown
post objectively attractive females
Gabriel Jenkins
The so called scran
Ryder Foster
did I mention that I have DUAL citizenship? dual as representative of the number TWO. and I could even get that up to THREE if I wanted to.
I’ve also had foreign gfs. girls from DIFFERENT countries. just let that sink in. I’ll be shoehorning this info into multiple Brit threads just to make sure you can all comprehend this. it’s fucking crazy out here.
Matthew Edwards
Whats your job?
Daniel Perry
She looks better with her mouth shut
Joseph Carter
Joshua Perez
>Wanting to miss gay shit
Take the proxy off rorke
Cooper Green
they require more calories for the ol' 'tabolism.
Jace Richardson
A real sweetie this one, too bad she is almost 40.
Tyler Ortiz
Beer is just not tasting good at the moment lads, wtf is wrong with me?
On NYE I took a large cocktail of drugs and have felt a bit iffy since :s
Bentley Wright
any chingman in ?
Jackson Gutierrez
hello my british brother :)
Brody Allen
new vlog
Michael Flores
lmao hahaha
Hudson Howard
>we need to protect ___ species of animal
>we don’t need to do this to population groups, race isn’t real
the leftoid mind
Ayden Nguyen
Got 4 myself
Brody Howard
would deck someone for even eating that near me
Austin Gomez
I'm undeniably a submissive beta with a lifelong affinity for femdom porn, but I keep getting this urge to bend over one of the girls at toil and fuck her hard whilst pulling her hair and calling her a slut. Wonder if I'm becoming more dominant in my old age desu
Adrian Adams
>wanting to visit sub saharan africa
well, geoff can get away with it because he's a literal nigger. and a straight out of africa nigger at that.
a white man ought not travel to such lands unless it is with a military convoy.
Luke Cook
It actually tastes great
Lucas James
did mdma on nye and remember fuck all really apart from feeling really, really good
Anthony Rogers
Would you sniff?
Austin Robinson
Lefties will abandon the climate to achieve the latter goal.
Jordan Richardson
>drugs and alcohol
>no, i don't do either
Kayden Lewis
Nathan Foster
going to liverpool tomorrow and really hope i witness purple aki in the flesh
Ethan Morris
quitted Jow Forums for 6 months and then slipped back into it lads. NEED to nip it in the bud but it's genuinely an addiction.
semi-regularly feel bad at myself for posting in /brit/. i think at first i will stop posting on /brit/ and then wean myself off Jow Forums from there lads.
Andrew Scott
England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland (+Isle of Wight)
Liam Baker
Race isn't real though
Gabriel Nelson
which one of you lads is this?
Mason Bell
*subscribes to T-Series*
Jaxson Adams
Justin Wilson
Lucas Ross
Simple as
Grayson Edwards
your taste buds are broken after 1000 years on a barren wasteland island with little access to good food
Liam Fisher
I know what you mean
I hate it but it’s just too convenient
Aaron Bailey
have to filter whatever flag schizo is using
Matthew Butler
This is what Adam from the Garden of Aden looked like
Brayden Cox
>his new years resolution isn't to have a massive heart attack in his mid 20s and die
Ryan Fisher
Do you believe in Climate Change?
Anthony Ramirez
Andrew Cooper
Jack Brown
Started talking to some tranny on Grindr but I reckon it's either a bot or someone wanting to crack my skull open and steal my phone
Benjamin Murphy
Noah Moore
i don't click on liks to the s*n website
David Perry
just embrace it
Gavin Harris
>Not wanting to travel to Paradise
Carter Carter
a literal chaiwala running our country. he's an embarrassment and a coward. ironic because he used to slag Manmohan off for being a cuck and he hasn't given a single press conference since being in the office. absolutely shat on our economy with the demonetisation disaster. claims to have gone to some of the best universities of our country (which he conveniently cannot prove) and can't spell the word "strength" (watch that video; absolute cringe). he's a fucking fraud. Indians are the greatest argument against democracy
wrong on both counts
everyone hates Pakistan. he's not special
Ian Fisher
Of course, the climate has been changing since earth formed.
Luke Hughes
nothing can replace Jow Forums
Colton Harris
yep she was a bot
Owen Sullivan
What is your end goal in pursuing this convo?
Ayden Watson
Even american blacks that travel there get shat on, no?
Imagine some wewuzkangz dindu going to fucking egypt or something. Bet they get absolutely demolished.
Isaiah Gomez
what does the sikh community think of modi? if they support him then i do
Christopher Morales
James Hernandez
mmm gnocchi
Matthew Martin
>india and pakistan both have access to nuclear weapons
scary to think
Matthew Cox
Tough call but 1, 2
Tyler Clark
why don't you ask your Sikh boyfriend what he thinks
Jordan Moore
it is though, sorry
William Stewart
you don't see enough niamh posting in 2019
Logan Edwards
Jeffrey m8, ever been to Jinja? By far the best place in East Africa.
John Campbell
Brayden Roberts
Business idea: Steal one
Hunter Brown
movies always show way too much coke use
that shit would have your head spinning so much you wouldn't be able to get up
Carter Brown
What's the difference between Pakistan and a pancake? I don't know any pancakes that have been nuked by India
Angel Rivera
Benjamin King
have never ordered this because I don't know how to pronounce it
Logan Fisher
need to stop posting on /brit/. the rest of Jow Forums is easier. /brit/ is a negative in my life and it constantly gives me anxiety.
Blake Rivera
>in 50-100 years, a mutt race of Afro-Mexican Americans will have access to 5,000 nuclear weapons
even scaried desu
Logan Sullivan
left would get fucked roughly and passionately
Aiden Harris
a shag
Lucas Powell
Imagined a cat blowing a raspberry and am now slightly obsessed with the idea.
Brayden Butler
Have made the switch from arguing rorke positions to leftypol ones, and desu, I feel like I've done the decent thing.
Carson Cruz
unless they use them against each other
then it's ideal
Jackson Hernandez
whoever the original poster was is gone
Julian Jenkins
James Bond is on his way m8
Josiah Howard
not bent but wouldn't mind a sikh gf, there's a youtuber i watch who's married and has children with a sikh girl and she's peng
Zachary Butler
fucking HELL
Levi Cooper
James Bond is on his way m8
Mason Price
thigh kino
Owen Allen
Jack White
ffs in a tourist pub in Westminster
Feel bad for this lot getting tricked into visiting these shite boozers
Cooper Rodriguez
I know you haven't you fucking incel VF larp act
Asher Garcia
can someone learn me how to filter all the general threasd?
Blake Martinez
>and can't spell the word "strength"
why would he be able to spell it if he can't even speak english?
Joshua Howard
proper slampig this one
Hudson Davis
No, never travelled around in East Africa.
Looks peng on google images though. When were you there?