"Yuroop has coulture. Amerimutts don't have it."

>"Yuroop has coulture. Amerimutts don't have it."

Fact: outside of rural areas Europe has not culture except for cringe Anglo-American behavior and they make up most of the population in Western Europe.

Thus most Western Europeans have no culture.

Pic related average Western European urbanite in 2041

Attached: image.jpg (1339x850, 323K)

Other urls found in this thread:


but muh old buildings and churches


but muh squares and restaurants and paid sparkling water

> outside of rural areas Europe has not culture except for cringe Anglo-American behavior
Exactly. You do not only turn your country into a huge soulless suburb. You also infect other countries. Remove Am*ricans (especially wh*te Am*ricans) and the whole world will be cured within generation.

What even is culture

i don't know

Ask Serb.

Hardcore projecting

nobody i asked knows
is it people dressing up funny for holidays or something?

Culture is to have some principles as a base.
But Croat wouldn't get it anyway.

what principles are there 'as a base', and why should i follow them?

culture is a cope for being poor

>OP, the 56% mutt

Attached: 1536217900209.png (1200x1200, 54K)

modern cucklture is fabricated anyway

Attached: serveimage.jpg (850x400, 65K)

rural areas in Europe

Attached: 56.jpg (538x482, 64K)

but seriously, your best cultural output (music, visual art, clothing styles ) came from blacks. how do you feel about this?

blacks are peak based honestly

Black people are just trendy billboards.

those are the worse Americana has to offer, wtf are you smoking?

ok i admit the best movies come from the italian american minority. But then, litterature is meh, american art in general are also not so special and american cousine well not good at all. the best america has to offer is music, cinema and fashion. 2/3rds of those sectors are dominated by blacks

>mutts making fun of western europe getting negrefied when they are not only more negrefied themselves but the cause for the negrification

Attached: C5FutDOUkAEoj92.jpg (780x1019, 329K)

Yellow and brighter = No culture

Attached: darksky02[1].jpg (793x742, 230K)


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