The Semite woman is the peak of femininity

The Semite woman is the peak of femininity

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Attached: mtDNA and Y-DNA Frequencies.png (2690x1288, 447K)

Based r1bvll

Emma Watson looks like her face is a rubber mask. How anyone thinks she's hot is beyond me.

> The non-wh*te woman is the peak of femininity
Fixed you.

>fat plastic bimbo with lots of silicone injections and an unnatural figure

>natural attractive girl without any surgeries like the abomination on the left

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look at this hiplet

I want arab gf

Attached: thicc arab girl.jpg (564x651, 42K)

Go get portuguese, same thing, moor

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mixed hands typed this post

Attached: el Americano, el mutt.webm (222x400, 2.95M)

jesus that edit

>peak of femininity
That place is already reserved for russian women
(me on the right)

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getting incel vibes off this post

OP is the incel that 1. made the fucking thread 2. became a runner up for gold medal in cherry picking

getting bong vibes off this post

Attached: The Anglo Internet Defense Force.png (1006x720, 527K)

You're getting fatter fat greasy fuck. Stop stuffing your face

Lol, that schnoze
You could cherry-pick attractive Jewess with stolen genes at least

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Who's the girl on the left?

Sorry, but bigger foreheads are better.

Dios mio...

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Don't get the fascination with this girl, she looks average

Post bobs and vagana

ITT : people who have never heard of r/K selection theory

This better for you?

Attached: 1546290201398.jpg (700x942, 174K)



I'll take emma watson please my penis is too small for the other woman