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FAQ U: >How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects? Read the wiki first and provide proof that you have done so >Will I learn a language by using Duolingo? Only if you use it five minutes a day while taking a shit >Should I learn X to get a qt wife/gf (male) etc? Definitely worth trying >Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X? Absolut, o idee strălucită >What is the most useful language? Bestaat niet >What language should I learn Dutch
>missionaries were able to learn feather languages to an advanced conversational level (or even to fluency) within a matter a mere WEEKS >I need years to reach such a level it's not fair
>learning consensual languages in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation not gonna lie, I would too
>dopamine fast your what now user? were you forcing yourself to be happy and now you're gonna stop for a bit? d-de unde faci rost de dopamina...? >tfw aici abia daca iti da niste paracetamol mai zdravan fara reteta daca mai asteptati un pic~~ dar da, pauza de la interwebs prinde bine gaseste o carte de citit
Brayden Cooper
QUICK LANGUAGE CHALLENGE >>The duck eats bread. >>The boy fed the duck. >The old lady sees the boy and duck at the park. >The park in which the old lady saw the boy and duck, it was near my apartment. >I used to live in an apartment, which was by another park, located near the city center, and that park didn't have many ducks to feed.
Levi Carter
So only the third person singular/plural pronouns are always required? i.e. Puhuuko hän? / Puhuvatko he? otherwise, pronouns are optional?
Ian Clark
Missionaries actually spent time with the people they were trying to convert so they learned languages naturally as time went on... and they were very motivated to reach their goals.
Chase Jones
reposting old challenge in case anyone hasn't done it yet:
Easy: >She broke the table >He hates going to school >I want to put milk in my coffee >Listening to music is healthy >She ordered a chicken salad >I am not very good with computers >I like taking care of my neighbor's plants >The walls are stained with coffee >I need some help booking a plane ticket >Veronika grew up in a small town with her brother >She is fluent in four languages and she loves French >I have never spoken to someone for so long ever before! >Most teachers work for the government, but some work in a company >Many foreigners find it remarkable that there are so many bikes (here) >He expressed himself with caution and said that since he cannot get by without a secretary it would be better to pay a salary to a relative than to a stranger, assuming that the relative proves competent (as if you could ever be incompetent!), but he immediately proceeded to express the concern that your university work may not leave time for work in his office.
>So only the third person singular/plural pronouns are always required?
Yes. "Puhuvatko" alone doesn't sound right in any sentence. "Puhuvatko suomea" is incorrect.
If we use the "lähtevätkö he" example the "he" could be dropped if you replace it with a group for example "lähtevätkö venäläiset" (will the Russians leave). But it will never work alone.
Wyatt Williams
>posts needing help/correcting: Good concept, I like it
>She broke the table Ona je razbila stol. >He hates going to school (On) Mrzi ići u školu. na=on, u=in >I want to put milk in my coffee Hoću staviti mlijeka/mlijeko u kavu. Mlijeka is more like "some milk", mlijeko is the nominative form of milk, both fit. Želim fits a bit better than hoću though, but both are understandable. >Listening to music is healthy Slušati muziku/glazbu je zdravo. >She ordered a chicken salad Ona je naručila pileću salatu. Pile (chick) is the offspring of a kokoš (chicken), you use pile to refer to chicken as food. "pileću" is just the adjective form of the word pile.
>I am not very good with computers Nisam tako dobar (male)/dobra (female) s kompjuterima/računalima. "dobro" is used if the entity refered to is non-living. e.g. Ovo je dobro. (This is good.) Računalo is the standard word for computer, but nobody cares. >I like taking care of my neighbor's plants Volim se brinuti za susjedove biljke. (you can also use "o susjedovim biljkama.") >The walls are stained with coffee Zidovi su zaprljani kavom. >I need some help booking a plane ticket Trebam pomoć s rezervacijom avionske karte. >Veronika grew up in a small town with her brother Veronika je odrasla u malom gradu s njezinim bratom. Rastala is wrong here. Rastati means to divorce. Rasti=to grow, rasla=grew (female), odrasti=to grow up, odrasla=grew up (female). Selo=village, city/town=grad. >She is fluent in four languages and she loves French Ona umije/zna govoriti četiri jezika i voli Francuski "umije" is not very common (in Croatia at least), but it's understandable. This translates to "She knows how to speak four languages...", fluent=tečno, therefore: Ona tečno govori četiri jezika, i voli francuski. Languages are not capitalized in Croatian.
idk if this helps, if you don't get something ask.
Samuel Bailey
Easton Morales
>Assuming you're learning Croatian >tfw you're so awful that natives doubt if it's their language
Well, I'm maybe he meant Croatian as opposed to Serbian. There are some (apparently) words that are more one side or the other, even if it's effectively the same lang. :^)
Christian Foster
It's not that bad, but if you're going for Serbian some things would be a bit different.
Joshua Rogers
>I'm maybe delet I'm, keep maybe wtf am I doing?
Ryan Reyes
aber wenn ik voel me zo... ganz...allein... ...dann mache ich...rare dingen....
>discount KORTING?!?!! ja doe maar (horrible shoop that pic btw)
fun fact: foolfuuka api and moesearch are such a bit of a pain to work with
y'all have a good night now maybe make another challenge, I think everyone's done the last one by now ...otherwise I'll make one and it won't be easy or worse, I'll record more nonsense like so
Good night, allochtoon I'll bump it gently through the night
James Cruz
I’m gonna start learning Chinese at school soon; any tips that will put me ahead of the curve?
Easton Powell
nigga go to sleep you'll die at this rate
Grayson Garcia
Im thinking about learning, or making an alternate script for English. I know its severely autistic. But I just kind of want to do it after studying historical linguistics a little bit. I just don't have much time to dedicate to learning a language. Has anyone else ever done this?, is this too autistic?
Evan Rodriguez
Funny how you're not even learning German and your accent is really good. That would annoy me to see if I were learning German. :^) youtube.com/watch?v=t8TXfuXGwqI
Several people have done it and most poeple just make a phonetic spelling system for English, which, admittingly, looks really stupid. I'd say it'd be great if there were one that's just more consistent than what we have now.
Are anyone's parents divorced and remarried? Do you like your stepmother and new half sibling?
Lincoln Bell
Some Chinese translation for your reference.
>He expressed himself with caution and said that since he cannot get by without a secretary it would be better to pay a salary to a relative than to a stranger, assuming that the relative proves competent (as if you could ever be incompetent!), but he immediately proceeded to express the concern that your university work may not leave time for work in his office.
>Natural translation 他小心翼翼地说出了自己的想法。 他说既然他没个秘书的话实在忙不过来,那么肥水不流外人田,请个能胜任的亲戚来总比来个陌生人强。(说得好像你不能胜任似的(?)) 但他又继续说他担心你在大学里的功课不会给你留很多时间去他那里打工。 >More direct translation 他谨慎地表达了他自已的想法,他说既然他没有个秘书的话工作忙不过来,花钱聘个亲戚比陌生人更好,只要能证明他能胜任这份工作(说得好像你不能胜任似的(?)),但他又继续说明了他的一点担心,你大学里的功课可能不会留下时间给他办公室里的工作。
I'm not sure "as if you could ever be incompetent!" actually means.
Jordan Perry
but I'm not tired ;_;
I was gonna stay up and do other things anyway, dw~
Charles Clark
should i learn latin?
Gabriel Green
do it user, post results
Ayden Thomas
>tfw no gf
Jaxson Parker
>be from south tyrol >grow up speaking german >learn italian in school but dont pay attention much or care >now i cant even get a job or go to uni in italy because i dont speak italian
please help, should i move to austria or something?
Daniel Bailey
The vocabulary is probably quite easy for an Italian speaker. The grammar can be a bit tricky, especially when it comes to things like the ablative case (it's not present in any other IE languages except Sanskrit IIRC), but it's doable.
yeah man, at least on the reserves alot of people still actively speak it whenever the chance. My grandparents to eachother, me, friends, family, and guests. Although I hear alot of Creenglish from them nowadays haha
Landon Cooper
what do people in your backwater village do? Surely you're not the only one who doesn't speak Italian?