Is this accurate?

is this accurate?

Attached: whiteness.png (1374x1245, 69K)


KYS whitetard. Your time is coming.

Attached: 1546635898766.png (1374x1245, 69K)

Make all the red brown

>not brown

i take great offence to my country being listed as wh*te
i'll have you know it's all real niggas here

greece should be red, ireland grey, and sicily brown

cringy faggot

Why do you remove Sardinia and Italia but bot Corsica you anglo saxon nigger ? I don't wannna be white if you're white pêh


Attached: file.png (1374x1245, 61K)

Why are Corsica and Malta white but not Sardinia kraut

The Greeks are Greek. The Italians are Italian. The Portuguese are Portuguese. "White" is a label for people without an identity that was created by Americans.

Woaw based American, wasn't expecting to ever say that

serbia is a proud BLACC nation
we have true SAHARAN blood coursing in our veins

True we was white

Dumb cracker

Andorra and Liechtenstein are white

"White" is a code word for Anglo shabbos goy.

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t. an actual white person

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only correct one, but make malmö non white

Attached: 1546635898766.png (1374x1245, 75K)

Basque not white



Attached: DvwmQ0pW0AEKi5x.jpg (424x1024, 104K)

Considering white is a new world term, and is not used by any one those countries as a way to identity oneself, no it's not.

Russian working in the US. Don't get your hopes up about Americans please.

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stop hacking our elections

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buttmad mongrel. You will never be white or european

Memes aside this one is real.

Only the black finn could make such a good post.

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>25% niggers


Who made you the arbiter of whiteness?



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Look at this duuude

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