Let's shit on that shit country
Finland hate thread
jag är en viking
I am in no position to shit on them right now.
Min broder :^)
Three of our royalty race aka Fennoswedes are missing in Norwegian mountains and you would mock us during a national tragedy like this?!
Hokkaido Kurill island is japanese
Karelia is finnish
Why are Finnish posters so obnoxious and/or gay?
Fuck you Russia, Finland is better than you
You're a bit Finnish too.
why would you hate something that doesn't even exist?
why are you black?
if you aren't obnoxious on imageboards, then you can't be finnish. it's part of our culture
>and/or gay
fennosw*Doid falseflaggers pretend to be gay under out glorious flag. real finns can't be gay
Are these from a finnish drawer? They are pretty cool? How do your disney stories look like nowadays? Post examples pls.
Bora / those other traps are definitely finns
bora is estonian workman
Is it true that Finns have x-ray vision?
I knwo this one too, but thanks
Finland under Russian rule would be so much better
Shut up, danish mongrel
I am Goth
you are my anal slave, ugly animal swedish drug addict smoking weed all day like a negro. 0 respect
I have never used drugs
I hate Finns so much I would import hundreds of thousands of Finnish men to Brazil and force them to impregnate Brazilian women en mass. They would get so much Brazilian pussy they would all die of pussy juice overdose.